
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
129 Chs

S1E24:Heart Filled Chat

"You and your vulpix are pretty strong." sighed Jessie after sometime without Foxx saying a word. "Not only did you beat a pokemon that had a type advantage over her it was a fully evolved pokemon."

"Yah but I was foolish and almost killed his pokemon." sighed Foxx.

"Is that why you went easy on your next opponent?" asked Jessie placing a hand on his. "You were afraid to over due it again."

"What's it to you. I'm dropping out of the tournament anyways." sighed Foxx finally turning to face Jessie when she placed her hand on his.

"Why you're a skilled trainer and in truth the only Kanto trainer with a chance at winning this thing." confessed Jessie.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Foxx

"Sure what?" replied Jessie.

"Why do you and James wear white uniforms when the rest of Team Rocket wear black?" asked Foxx.

"Oh. Well to be completely honest it's a fashion thing." replied Jessie.


Brock and Jenny had found a booth of their own in one of the other cars and sat scilently before Brock finally broke the silence.

"So when Foxx introduces himself you called him 'Little Foxx' how is it you know him?" asked Brock.

"Well he was raised by Professor Oak and the three of them would travel on the train often to meet up with Professor Elm. That is until a few years back when things picked up for Oak and they didn't travel as much." explained Jenny.

"In fact it's nice seeing him and Joy have only grown closer together. From what I've learned over our talks they both were abandoned and unwanted thus they chose to care for each other. Thus there unbreakable bound was formed." added Jenny.

~Back With Foxx~

"Jessie about ten years ago, was there any members of Team Rocket who died?" asked Foxx after a long pause of them not talking.

"Not that I know of why?" asked a confused Jessie.

"Professor Oak said that my parents died shortly after I was born which would be about ten years ago." replied Foxx, "And though I know he hide it for a reason and I'd never tell him I found it, but I found hidden in the back of some old boxes a tattered and abandoned Team Rocket's uniform."

"And you're sure it's not his?" nervously asked Jessie.

"It was a female's blouse." replied Foxx, "I believe my parents might have been part of Team Rocket when they died."

To Be Continued...