

Chapter 20: Ghost Bustin

The doors to Ecruteak's Pokemon gym were wide open. The dimly lit interior gave way to a small stream of people leaving the old wooden building with slumped shoulders and darting eyes. Sudden and sharp sounds of thuds and powerful psychokinetic attacks came from within. A sinister, purple miasma had settled around the top of the roof like a smoke ring as if to ward off those foolhardy enough to venture into the lair of a Ghost-type master.

Thad was that foolhardy or simply didn't notice the signs as he strolled up to the front door. No shoes and no shirt for the jock, but someone was going to be served today.

"Well, Jazzy, the sun's out," Thad flexed his biceps and traps. He'd discarded his shirt earlier in the morning, letting his tanned skin soak in the sun. "Which means the guns are out. I've got eight hours of sleep in a warm bed at the Pokemon center, ate a large breakfast, and I'm ready to kick some ass."

Jasmine stood off to the side of the building, her arms crossed with a large sun hat on her head obscuring her face a bit. She'd opted for a steel-colored, sleeveless summer dress that cut off just above her kneecaps.

"Very well," Jasmine sighed. "I do want to remind you that Morty is my colleague, and not to be excessively...bro-ish."

Thad squinted his eyes at Jasmine, almost leering over her. "You ask the impossible of me, Jazz. A bro's gotta do what a bro's gotta do."

"It was worth a shot, I suppose," Jasmine said with a shrug. She gestured toward the foreboding entrance. "Shall we? Seems Morty is taking on a plethora of challenges today and has drawn a crowd." Her eyes followed a teenage boy dressed in yellow shorts and a red graphic t-shirt leaving the building; a dozing Rattata clutched in his arms. "And it seems Morty is improving his record against those unprepared."

Thad pointed triumphantly at the doorway. "Let's get it on!" He shouted, followed by charging off into the darkness.

The need for 'yeeting' himself across the abyss of the Ecruteak Gym's shadow trap maze was unneeded today, as the floorboards seemed to be restored. The gym trainers and onlookers were gathered at the far end of the gym, surrounding the battlefield. Thad's expression faltered a tad, groaning with mild disappointment over the lack of pre-game challenge and potential for an appropriately dramatic entrance.

And here I thought I could stretch my legs a bit, Thad pondered as he rolled his shoulders. His hands drifted to the Pokeballs on the belt of his biking shorts. Still, got the crew with me and a sick gameplan. Gonna dunk on these ghosts like I'm Bill Murray up in this place.

Jasmine trailed behind Thad at a leisurely pace as the towering jock joined the crowd of onlookers. He stood a full foot over most other patrons at the event, watching as Morty shook hands with his latest victim to the pernicious Ghost-types.

"It was well fought, and your mastery is coming along," Morty said to the young lass; no older than sixteen. He patted her on the shoulder and gave a slight nod. "Continue to train, and you'll be there in no time."

The brunette girl in overalls nodded solemnly and shook hands with the gym leader, and then pushed her way through the crowd, her eyes cheeks slightly flush and eyes watery. Thad watched the younger girl walk off in a hurry, before returning his attention to the sweater-clad gym leader.

"Quite the eventful morning," Morty remarked in a cool and relaxed voice. He looked around the crowd and gestured outward, extending his arms. "Are there any other challenges before we break for lunch?"

Thad looked over his shoulder, sending a wink Jasmine's way, and then pushed his way through the crowd. "Eyy, my dude, Thad here. Let's have a battle! I'm ready to clap them invisible booty cheeks."

Morty pushed up the sleeves on his grey sweater, and a faint groan emanated from the rear of the ground. Thad stepped onto the dirt field; a thick plastic sheet in one hand with scrawlings of writing and charts on both sides. Morty wrinkled his nose and sniffed lightly as Thad stepped up to him, and they exchanged a tense and firm handshake.

"You're quite confident, I must say," Morty drawled, yanking his hand back from Thad's iron grip. "I'm surprised you've come for a rematch so soon. I take it Jasmine has been tutoring you well?"

"Ole' Jazz-hands and me got the deets on a hot game plan." Thad waggled the plastic cheat sheet. "A good coach always comes prepared for his homies."

The crowd began to whisper amongst themselves. A collection of farmers with mud on their overalls and jeans from Route 39, a few locals dressed in flowery short-sleeved summer attire, and a few trainers off to the side dressed in more foreign attire, such as a young woman dressed in a black and white gothic-themed dress with a frown upon her pale face.

Morty nodded. "Very well. My channelers will serve as referees for the match. I shall be in a standard three on three format for the purposes of this challenge. Do you agree to these terms?"

"Fo' show, ghost boy," Thad said, flashing a thumbs up to the gym leader. He began to walk toward the challenger's side of the torn-up dirt field and cast a glance over his shoulder. "I'm here to bring the thunder. When that whistle blows, it's game time, baby."

Morty chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand. "Of course," he quietly replied. "You certainly are a bold one."

Both trainers squared up in their painted section on the edge of the tarnished field. Much like the freighting type of Pokemon, the old cracked flooring and cobwebs nestled near the ceiling gave the area an abandoned house feel. Even the lights occasionally flickered or dimmed at random, either intentionally or due to the tainted latent energies.

One of the robed channelers stepped forward, an older woman with wispy white hair that looked like soiled cotton candy sprouting from her head. Their voice was gravely and squeaked like a window shutter in a storm. "The match will commence once both Pokemon are released. Standard league rules. Three Pokemon are permitted for each contestant, and once they are unable to continue, they will be removed. Understood?"

"I feel ya," Thad said, pulling out a Pokeball from his waist. He lowered his voice to a whisper, holding the Pokeball close to his mouth. "I still don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, be sure to do the thing we talked about. Ole' one-two combo."

"Ready?" Morty shouted, holding up a Pokeball. He opened the ball, revealing a pool of purple smoke pouring out alongside the red beam of light, and a pair of large eyes and wide-mouthed materialized within the fog. "My Ghastly shall be first up. Go ahead and choose wisely, Thad."

Thad hurled the Pokeball high into the air, nearly hitting the vaulted ceiling as the red light poured downward, taking the form of a slightly shorter version of Thad's own physique. He held his plastic sheet in front of his face, just enough to cover his nose, and bent his knees into a semi-squat.

"Alright, Chad, the show is yours. Just like we practiced!"

"Begin!" The channeler shouted in a shrill tone, waving their arms in a grandiose manner. The crowd quieted down as the Pokemon engaged in a staredown.

The Machoke immediately held his hands up to his eyes, much like someone would pretend to have a pair of binoculars. He bent his knees and leaned forward a bit before belting out a hearty, "Macho!"

Morty pointed at the opposing Fighting-type Pokemon. "An interesting choice. Ghastly, use Mean Look. We shall not let this type advantage go to waste!"

Looks like he doesn't know! Thad's eyes widened. A wicked grin spread across his lips. Glad I got this sheet to hide my face. Ghost boy is about to feel the hurt.

"Go ahead and give 'em the bossman special!" Thad shouted.

A few people in the audience leaned forward as the Machoke broke out into a sprint toward the Ghastly. Morty rubbed his chin and hummed as the Pokemon approached his Ghastly. No signs of elemental effects coursed around the Machoke, and the gym leader sighed.

"It appears you've yet to learn about type relationships, Thad," Morty said in a tired tone. He held up a fist, signaling his Ghastly to hold position. "I'm afraid this match will be another learning—"

A resounding pop boomed out from the center of the field. Cobwebs in the rafters split apart from the shockwave of the quickly delivered punch from Chad, who stood over the fumes of Morty's Ghastly that bubbled on the ground before the Fighting-type powerhouse's feet. The crowd grew restless and began to mutter amongst themselves.

"D-did that Machoke just punch a Ghastly?"

"What did I miss?"

"How!? I swear that was a Dynamic Punch!"

Morty recalled his Ghastly, a pensive look upon his face. He waited a moment as the channeler raised an arm and shouted across the arena, stating what had just transpired. A Machoke had one-shot Morty's first Pokemon in spectacular fashion.

"Boomshakalaka!" Thad threw his head back, laughing. "Ah man, it actually worked!"

"It was a well played diversion," Morty pulled out his next Pokeball, holding in his palm for a moment. "No verbal cue for an immediate Foresight? I take back what I said. You are quite prepared. I shall not take you lightly from here on out, knowing who you train with." He shot a glance toward Jasmine in the crowd, who simply tipped her large sun hat forward to obscure her face. "Let us proceed, Thad."

Morty quickly recalled his defeated Ghastly and sent out his next Pokemon; another shadow that had taken physical form. Claw-like hands drifted away from its purple body, and a large tongue dangled from its jagged maw.

So, we'll have to be careful with this one since he knows the technique. Thad rubbed his chin, and raised the play sheet a bit higher, scanning the contents of type match-ups and move lists. Still, that doesn't mean we can't rumble a bit and see what his strats are.

"Chad, go ahead and size the blob up!"

"Haunter, use Curse!" Morty shouted. "After that, be prepared to dodge!"

Chad's hands once again formed little cylinders around his eyes, zeroing in and focusing on the Ghost-type. The Haunter let out a great screech and purple energy burst forth from its form and collided with Chad, causing him to skid back a bit. Thad narrowed his eyes, looking for any damage, but Chad appeared unharmed by the attack.

"Gotta do better than that, dude. My boy is thick!" Thad said with a smile. He raised his hand and pointed at the Haunter. "Charge on dude! Show 'em who's boss! Use the second maneuver!"

Chad rumbled across the dilapidated arena with the grace of a sprinter, pumping his arms and legs with exquisite form. The Haunter drifted upward, trying to evade the musclehead's range. Morty remained silent as he watched with rapt attention as Chad got underneath the Haunter and crouched down into a powerful squat.

"He's leaping at you," Morty warned. "Use Sucker Punch!"

Just as Chad lifted from the ground, fists balled up and raised over his head. He rocketed upward toward the Haunter, and just as he was nearly upon the creature, dark spectral hands materialized before Chad and clipped him across the chin. He let out a grunt, but powered through and delivered an overhead strike to the Haunter, sending the gaseous Pokemon careening toward the ground, skipping along the floorboards like a stone.

"Nice slap! Way to knock him off his game!" Thad cheered, pumping his fist. Chad landed on the ground in a superhero pose, but lingered there for a moment with a hand over his chest. Thad hummed lightly under his breath and whispered out, "that's not right. Must be that curse? Not really sure what the hell that move was. I saw him get decked on the chin, but he took it like a champ."

"Alright Haunter, get a hold of yourself and use—"

"Yo!" Thad's voice boomed over Morty's command. " Get in there and mess 'em up! The clock is against us bro!"

Morty grimaced and opted for a few hand signs to his Pokemon, and the Haunter once again floated upward. Chad was upon the ghost in an instant, throwing wild punches and low kicks with reckless abandon. Dark spectral hands appeared before every strike, landing a glancing blow on the advancing juggernaut before tanking one of Chad's thunderous attacks. Every third to fourth strike Chad would hesitate a bit and clench his chest before advancing once more, though the pained look on his face didn't escape Thad.

He's almost drained. He's trading blow after blow, but keeps getting beat to the punch. Ghost man is gonna win if we don't wreck 'em quick, Thad hastily thought.

"Alright, give 'em the boss man special once more! Out with a bang!" Thad shouted, pointing at the Haunter. "He's on the ropes!"

"Haunter, use one more Sucker Punch!" Morty commanded, and just as the words left his mouth the Pokemon collided in a large plume of smoke.

The crowd once again began to whisper as the channeler brought out a large fan to clear the dust. The Haunter and Chad both lay side by side, knocked out cold. Bruises dotted Chad's greyish skin and the Haunter's purple body flickered as it struggled to remain corporeal. Chad then pushed himself off the ground with wobbly legs and strained arms. He gave Thad a thumbs up.

"Machoooo!" Chad's war cry shook the walls of the gym.

"Knockout," the channeler mused. "Recall your Pokemon. The challenger is up by two."

"Bold of you to keep your Machoke in the fight," Morty remarked as he recalled his Haunter. "Most would have swapped."

"We had the momentum," Thad winked at the gym leader. "Plus, my bro can get a bit feisty if I don't let him finish a good scrap, ya feel me?"

"Very well. Here's my last Pokemon," Morty tossed out a Pokeball, and a large shadow appeared in the center of the arena. The shadow shot upward, taking an almost ovoid shape with pointed ears, dark red eyes, and a menacing grin flashing white teeth. "This is my prized Pokemon, Genger. You may be ahead, but overconfidence has taken down many before."

"Yeah, yeah, bro. It's not my first rodeo," Thad said, rolling his eyes. "Just get prepared to be dunked on."

The Gengar stuck its tongue out and blew a raspberry at Chad. A surge of pridefulness coursed through Chad as he immediately charged ahead, much to Thad's dismay. The powerful fighting type immediately chose to use Foresight like before on the previous types, but Thad's confidence wavered as he noticed Morty crack a slight grin.

"Hey bro, back off a bit and—"

"Gengar, use Hypnosis while they're focused on you!"

The Gengar's eyes went a dark shade of pink as telekinetic waves washed over the Machoke, slowing him with each successive hit. His arms fell to his sides and it became a herculean effort to even move his legs until he slumped forward and loud snoring echoed out across the battlefield. Thad facepalmed and groaned at the display, and the crowd began to mutter.

"Using the same strategy over and over may be effective, yet predictable," Morty intoned as he rubbed his chin. "Adaptability in a fight is key. Using the same move over and over no matter how effective will only yield diminishing returns. Now," he cleared his throat and pointed at the sleeping Machoke, "Gengar, use Dream Eater!"

"Gar!" The shadow Pokemon excitedly belted and more psychic waves poured forth from Chad's head this time, funneling their way into Gengar's inky body. "Gahaha!"

Chad moaned and twitched in his sleep as the nightmare incarnate sapped his willpower and mental fortitude. Thad fervently looked at his playsheet, comparing the type advantages of Pokemon moves.

It can't be a Ghost-type move, it's making Chad freak out tons. What kinda weird tech did this discount Ghostbuster bring?

"Get the hell up, bro! We ain't snoozing on the job!" Thad bellowed, cupping his hands over his mouth. "Get a move on and slap that shadowy hoe!"

Despite his cries, Chad continued to twitch, locked in a perpetual nightmare of psychic damage, until he let out one final long moan, and his body stopped moving. The channeler leaned forward, then raised their fans in the air.

"Chad is unable to continue and has fainted due to exhaustion. Next Pokemon from the challenger!"

Hardly a fight if ya ask me. Putting homies to sleep like some kinda sketchy dude on a bad date. Thad fumbled for his next Pokeball and clicked the front button, enlarging it. Well, let's hope Dwayne is gonna rock this dude's shit.

"Alright dude, looks like we resorting to them cheap tactics, eh? Well, I still got hands to throw if ya want some good ole fashioned slappin'." Thad tossed out his Pokeball, revealing Dwayne. The Graveler spread out his four rocky arms, beckoning the enemy Gengar with no restrained fear. "Alright Dwayne, just like we practiced! Give 'em the people's elbow and try not to look right at the shadowy jerk!"

"A Ground-type," Morty mused, nodding. "Definitely can pose a problem, but we'll see if you're fast enough."

Dwayne rumbled forth, carving out a path through the floorboards. His speed was nothing spectacular, but he moved faster than one would imagine a boulder with the legs the size of the average toddler, which is to say, a leisurely jog with lots of swaying. Morty's Gengar squared up against the encroaching boulder and zeroed in on their prey; their eyes lighting up once more.

"Look away from the light, bro!"

Despite the warning, rocky eyelids didn't move as fast as ethereal or fleshy ones. The hypnotic waves crashed into Dwayne much as they had with Chad before him, and he stumbled, rolling forward onto his face. Like a bowling ball dropped mid-swing, he rolled forward a bit and nestled himself into a sunken part of the uneven floor.

"Get your booty up, Dwayne! We need to take this guy to rock bottom!" Thad cheered, but the sound of gestating gravel was all that greeted him from Dwayne's open maw.

"Another straightforward attack," Morty chided, shaking his head. "I'll try to make this quick. Gengar, use Dream Eater again!"

Thad's knuckles turned white as he gripped his playsheet. His jaw set and eyes ablaze with anger as he stood by helplessly, watching his companion get sapped of their energy once more. He looked over to Jasmine in the crowd and saw her eyes were wide with a hand covering her mouth. The rest of the audience was captive to watch the one-sided affair, and Thad began to reach for his third and final Pokemon.

The Gengar fattened itself upon Dwayne's dreams, and despite the occasional buckle or twitch from the boulder, he too petered out of energy and let out a final 'Grav…' as he rolled onto his back and his arms splayed out. Thad Recalled his companion and pat the Pokeball, mustering up his most reassuring smile, if not for his fallen comrade, but to keep his own spirits high.

"The challenger's Pokemon is unable to battle," the channeler droned. "Final Pokemon for each trainer."

Thad looked down at the Pokeball and grimaced. "Well, you've always been trouble for me, so how about causing trouble for this dream stealing asshole?" The jock whispered as he tossed up the Pokeball. "Alright, let's clean house, Trouble!"

"A Sneasel?" Morty took a step back, raising an eyebrow. "My, I didn't expect such an ace from you. An excellent choice!"

"Oh, that's just the start," Thad replied. "My girl is hyperactive as hell. Good luck trying to get in a hit or put 'er to sleep."

Trouble let out a yawn and scratched the back of her head. She looked at the crowd and waved at Jasmine, who immediately pointed back toward the battlefield.

"Focus, Trouble!"

"Yeah, girl!" Thad shouted. "We here to get more of them badges, so look at the blob on the other side, and let 'em know you're here to play!"

"Gengar, use Hypnosis!" Morty quickly retorted. "We shall not allow an opening!"

"Snee!" Trouble screeched, and it blew a raspberry back at the Gengar just as its eyes began to flicker a shade of pink. The Gengar shook its head and let out a low growl; the psychic energy dissipating.

Trouble has always been one to use a good Taunt, Thad pondered. Morty's one to talk about repeat strategies. Going for sleep a third time. I may be done, but I came with them second-half adjustments as any good coach does.

"Taunt," Morty remarked in a bland tone. "Riling up my Pokemon to focus on offense against a type disadvantage?"

"Oh yeah, ghost boy," Thad chuckled. "Now, Trouble! Get in that dude's grill!"

"Gengar, use Sucker Punch and then retreat!"

Dark spectral hands materialized before Trouble as she broke into a zigzag sprint. Unlike the measured, straight-line athleticism of Chad or rumbling of Dwayne, Trouble kicked up a storm of dust as she zipped around, forcing the Gengar to take a back step as it tried to track the erratic movement. The dark hands collided with Trouble, but barely left a mark as the speedster materialized in front of the off-balance Gengar.

"Time for some Payback, baby!" Thad howled, and he began to pace on his side of the arena. He crossed his arms and felt his heartbeat wildly thrum as he watched what was once the Achilles heel of his team land a devastating blow on the ghost. "No quarter Trouble. Go ham!"

Trouble needed little encouragement as they let out a shrill battle cry. Bite attacks mixed in with their claws shrouded in Dark-type energy to land vicious Paybacks gave the Gengar no breathing room. The shadowy 'Mon tried to slip away, but Trouble remained oppressive in their assault. The Sneasel was too fast for the Gengar, as Thad's fervent cardio had paid off in splendid fashion.

It's like they say, Thad thought, everyone's got a plan until they get hit in the mouth. Rattle 'em up good and don't give 'em time to think other than survive. That's why cardio is king!

"Gengar," Morty's voice wavered a bit as he zeroed in on discolored splotches tattered his Gengar's body, "use Focus Blast! Create some space!"

"They're desperate! Here comes the haymaker!" Thad commanded. He was nearly on his tippy toes as he was pacing back and forth. "Slip underneath and slap 'em with the quick frosty hands!"

A frosty veneer shrouded over the Sneasel's dark purple fur. The Gengar's jolly smile twisted into a sadistic sneer as they brought their arms close, forming a bright orb of coiled energy. Light filled the room, causing the audience and trainers to shield their eyes.

The light then immediately retracted as the sound of glass shattering rang out. Icicle shards were embedded in Morty's Gengar; the Pokemon laying prone on their back with their eyes listlessly looking up into the rafters. They slowly sank into the floor, no more than a shadow of their former self.

"Match...Gengar is unable to continue," the channeler's voice warbled as they looked over to Thad with wide eyes. "The winner is the challenger."

"Good job! Yeah!" Jasmine hollered from the crowd, pumping a fist in the air. A few farmers in the crowd turned toward the Steel-specialist, and she immediately retracted back toward herself as the attention swiveled upon her. She gave a meek smile toward Thad, who flashed a great smile and thumbs up.

Even Jazzy is fired up. Gotta love a nail-biter! Thad held out Trouble's Pokeball and waved the wily Sneasel toward him. "Alright, Trouble. Job's done, so you can go back!"

"Snee!" Trouble stuck out their tongue.

Thad tried to recall Trouble, but they side-stepped the beam of red light. He groaned and shot out another attempt at a recall, but Trouble evaded it once more. Murmurs began to rise from the crowd, Morty crossed his arms and tilted his head, and Jasmine simply shook her head.

"Alright, guess we playing that game today," Thad stowed his Pokeball and jogged out toward Trouble. He squared up against the Pokemon and squinted his eyes. "Show's over dudette. Don't make me wrestle ya."

"Siiil." Trouble purred out, playfully beckoning Thad forward with their talons. "Sneease!"

Morty began walking toward the center of the arena; an amused expression upon his pale face. "Perhaps some more discipline is in order?"

"Oh, y'all about to see some discipline." Thad cracked his knuckles and bent down, his arms held out wide in preparation to corral his quarry. "I'll be with you in a moment, ghost man."

Thad lunged forward, but his fingers slipped over Trouble's glossy coat as they twisted away from him. He repositioned again and made another attempt to snatch them up, but Trouble jumped above the attempt and landed on Thad's head, and ran down his back. The crowd began to snicker a bit at the display.

"Bruh." Thad turned around to face Trouble. They were holding their sides, giggling. Thad facepalmed and massaged his brow. "Dude, we won. Let's not do this, eh?"

Morty stepped beside Thad, patting him on the shoulder. He leaned in and whispered, "have they always been so rambunctious?"

"Yup," Thad lamented, popping the 'p'. "Trouble is trouble for everyone. No exceptions."

A low pitch whistle came from the crowd, and a woman stepped forward with a poffin in her hand. Thad recognized her as the petite lady that stood away from the farmers near the back, dressed in a gothic white and black dress, heeled boots, and a white bow nestled on the side of her short-cropped black hair.

Trouble sniffed the air and bounded toward the woman, approaching with equal parts suspicion and curiosity. Thad watched with rapt curiosity as the woman held out the poffin and maintained eye contact with the mischievous Pokemon until she touched their red feather and fed them the treat by hand. Trouble began to purr softly and nestled against the woman, and she looked up to Thad and gave a slight nod.

Well, looks like a little unexpected help is dope. Thad returned his attention to Morty, who watched the woman and Sneasel with a curious glint in his eye. What's the dude seeing?

"So, good fight there, besides the sleeping moves and whatnot." Thad extended his hand out for a handshake. "Still, I know I'm getting into the swing of things. Figured I had a solid gameplan."

Morty shook Thad's hand, and the jock felt a bit of cold metal pressed into his palm. "You're certainly persistent and dedicated to your Pokemon, Thad. Do take care of your Pokemon and listen to Jasmine. With that, I have no doubt in my mind you'll go far." Morty retracted his hand and let out a small sigh. "Alas, it is time for lunch. I'll bid you farewell as it seems you have a Pokemon to retrieve…"

"Right," Thad slowly replied, looking over at Trouble receiving a belly rub from the other trainer. "See ya around, bro."

As the onlookers began to file out of the gym, Thad jogged over to Trouble and their impromptu friend. He exchanged a wary look with Jasmine, who walked with purpose toward the mystery trainer. Trouble playfully kicked at the women as she began to scratch behind their ear, drawing more confusion from the jock.

Nobody told me Trouble was a cat...though the way she acts does now kinda make sense. Thad shook his head and arrived before his unruly Pokemon. His form blotted out the rays of the dum overhead lights.

"You have a very free-spirited Pokemon." The woman's voice carried on like a faint breeze, soft and quiet on Thad's ears. "Apologies, but I couldn't help myself from interjecting."

"Well, it was helpful in a pinch, but, uh," Thad rubbed the back of his head, and then rolled his hand toward the woman, "who are you, exactly?"

The woman stood up, straightening out her blouse and matching skirt. "Apologies, you may call me Marley." she dipped her head forward in a slight bow, and then looked up at Thad with fearless, slightly dull eyes. "It's nice to meet you."

Jasmine cleared her throat and stepped beside Thad. "I take it you were a trainer that challenged the gym earlier?"

"Yes," Marley quietly replied. "I wanted to see some other matches, but it appears we are the only two that were victorious today. Congratulations, by the way."

"To you as well, girlie," Thad said with a wink, though Marley merely blinked nonchalantly at the gesture. Thad pursed his lips, pausing to consider his next words carefully. "So...seems like Trouble likes ya. That's neat."

Marley stood up to her full height, just a smidge shorter than Jasmine. She ignored Trouble's pleading look as they eyed the cream-colored poffin in her hand. "Forgive me for being potentially crass, but I'd like to propose a trade, if you are interested," Marley stated. Jasmine immediately frowned and flared her nostrils while Thad simply raised an eyebrow. "I...try to choose my words carefully to not hurt or offend others, but would you please consider my request?"

"Well, I-hey!"

Thad yelped as Jasmine hooked her arm around his. She dragged him away a few feet and flashed a plastic smile toward Marley. "One moment, please. We need to conference real quick."

Thad curiously wandered after Jasmine to the far side of the vacant field. He did a double-take over his shoulder toward Marley and Trouble, and then looked back down to Jasmine who fidgeted with the hem of her dress.

"Uh, Jazzy? What's the dealio?"

"You must know how uncouth poaching is," Jasmine scoffed. "Perhaps you don't know, but gym leaders are well aware of the practice from some trainers. People that loiter around gyms and try to trade their ill-mannered Pokemon for those who are successful. It's deceitful. You need to recall Trouble and leave."

Thad put his hands up defensively. "Alright, so you're fired up. I feel ya. But, does she really give off baddie vibes?" He nodded toward Marley and Trouble; the short woman crouched down and gave the Pokemon chin scratches. "Plus, she said she earned the badge here. Can't hurt to hear her out, eh?"

"Why even entertain the risk?"

"Because in sports, you want to at least hear the trade offer," Thad countered with finality. "I get that you lookin' out for me Jazzy, but I'm not here acting like Trouble hasn't been...well, ya know. It can't hurt to see what small and gloomy over there is wanting to trade."

"It still reeks of predatory practices. But," Jasmine sighed and swallowed hard, "I shall let you lead on. Perhaps I was a little too aggressive. I've just seen the worst some trainers have to offer, that's all."


Thad gave Jasmine a fist bump and then pulled her into a tight yet brief hug. She yelped a bit at the sudden gesture and turned away to hide the slight blush on her face. Thad pulled away, leaving Jasmine to collect her thoughts as he ran back up to Marley.

"So," Marley brushed a dark strand of hair behind her ear. Her monotone voice sounded slightly higher than before. "Have...you come to consider my request? I've wanted a Weavile since I was little...and I actually have a similar problem to you. One of my Pokemon has not quite meshed with my training style and energy."

Trouble hasn't jived well with the rest of the crew, Thad pondered. She's also the least fond of protein. Can't hurt to listen.

"This Pokemon you're struggling with, what's the dude like?" Thad asked.

Marley reached inside her pocket, pulling out a Pokeball. She clicked and enlarged it and then tossed it lightly in the air. From the container, a three-foot bird materialized with colorful green and red plumage, red arms, and green wings. Markings around their eyes made of oranges and blues made it look like a traditional luchador mask around their beak.

"Lucha!" The bird called out, immediately posing with their beak pointed in the air and their wings outstretched.

"Holy shit. It's a wrestle bird," Thad muttered. "That's sick!"

"My Hawlucha here has had a difficult time acclimating to the meditations and peace rituals that the rest of my Pokemon undertake together," Marley explained, gesturing to the peacocking Pokemon. "He craves the spotlight and is more...flashy than what I'm used to. We've tried for weeks, but there hasn't been much progress."

"So you saw Thad and noticed that he was nearly a spitting image of your Hawlucha," Jasmine deduced. She shrugged and looked at Thad. "It does seem like your kind of Pokemon, but remember, the choice is ultimately yours." She shot Marley a dirty look; a vein popping from her forehead. "And I'm still not sold that you're not just trying to offload some unruly Pokemon on Thad."

Marley's pale face blanched and her eyes became downcast. She took an increased interest in the broken floorboards, stumbling a bit over her next words. "W-well, yes. I know how it looks, but I'm being earnest. I've no malicious intent toward you or your Pokemon. I wish for them just to have a good home, and I can sense a kinship in Hawlucha and Thad's energies." She let out a shallow breath and struggled to make eye contact with Jasmine. "I could even accompany you a bit to help smooth the transition, if you so wish. I was intending on going toward Blackthorn City."

"Originally for Ice Path, right?" Jasmine asked, earning a nod from Marley. She adjusted her hat and looked at Thad and the Hawlucha flexing at each other. Her lips twitched in amusement. "Well, that would be more acceptable. Thad?"

"Yeah?" the jock replied distractedly as he shifted from various bodybuilder poses. The Hawlucha replied in kind with a few squeaks and poses of their own. "I mean, I'm down if Trouble is down. Me and birdman are gettin' to know each other in the way like our ancestors intended."

Trouble nestled up to Marley's thigh, brushing up against her black leggings. She placed a hand on Sneasel's head and gently caressed around her ear in a circular motion. Soft purring came quickly from Trouble as she wrapped her talons carefully around Marley's leg, hugging her like a koala with knives for hands.

"Suppose it's settled then." It took all of Jasmine's willpower to remain firm and not gush over the cute display. "Shall you be ready to meet us out on Route 42? It's perhaps only a day's travel to Mahogany Town."

Marley nodded and carefully peeled Trouble from her leg. "I can be there in an hour. I just need to collect my belongings." She looked over to Thad still 'communicating' with Hawlucha. "Shall I… take Trouble with me? Here's Hawlucha's Pokeball."

Marley dropped the smooth ball off into Jasmine's hand. The Steel-specialist whirled around, clearing her voice. "Hey, Thad!" Jasmine shouted, managing to get the two fighters to pause. "Marley needs Trouble's Pokeball to finalize the trade. She's going to go with us to Mahogany Town!"

"Sweet!" Thad tossed over Trouble's Pokeball, to which Jasmine caught it with both hands. She handed it over to Marley, shivering a bit at the woman's cold touch.

"See you in a bit, and...thank you both," Marley meekly turned her head, though Jasmine could see a slight smile on the woman's face. "I'll be on my way… for now."

"You're just lucky Thad has a certain taste. Mostly muscles and protein," Jasmine joked, earning a small snort from Marley.

Marley kept Trouble outside their Pokeball as they walked toward the exit of the gym. Jasmine approached her flexing travel companion and couldn't help but giggle. Thad's tanned muscles were rippling with exertion, from his ripped back to his toned thighs. If she'd seen the display months ago, she might've had to scoop her jaw from the floor, but now it was...surprisingly normal and expected.

"So, how are you and your new friend?"

Thad relaxed and tapped his left shoulder. The Hawlucha did a front flip and landed on Thad's shoulder, striking a menacing pose and cawing. "Oh, me and Nacho are practically brothers now."


"Yeah." Thad thumbed towards the Hawlucha. "That's his new name. I ran it by him, and he liked it a lot. We gonna dunk on a lot of fools."

"But you didn't even ask him? You were just flexing for the past few minutes!"

Thad chuckled and shook his head as if the answer were obvious. "Oh, Jazzy. To only the untrained eye, but I knew he was good when he was a fluent Flexologist." Thad clapped his hands together and then pointed toward the exit. "So, food and then off to some adventuring?"


Baffled, Jasmine found herself at a loss for words and simply nodded along. She trailed behind Thad and his new bird companion as they sprinted toward the door. Shouts of how he was gonna eat the town's supply of protein echoed throughout the gym before he reached the threshold, and Jasmine found herself idly palming over her own Pokeballs. Thankful that Steel-types were less rowdy and cool in their behavior, if a bit more obstinate and grumpy on occasion.

Though I do wonder if Thad's behavior will make Marley regret her decision. Jasmine stepped outside, inhaling the fragrant late summer breeze. I suppose we'll see if she can survive a day with Thad and resist being converted to a protein fanatic.

Chapter 21: Karate Mountain

Thad felt the thunderous booms of the storm in the distance rattle in his chest. The small checkpoint station for Route 42 was decorated in various little bell-like baubles, hanging from the ceiling by rungs of nails. Jasmine stood by, tapping her foot in rhythm to the hollow thudding of heavy rain on the shingled roof.

"Perhaps we should have stayed in," Jasmine said. "Mahogany Town is still a bit away, and we don't have great rain gear. Or a raft for the streams."

"But you said this Marley chick would be coming along, and I've never let a little rain stop me!"

"It's not a little rain, it's a downpour! As if Lugia themselves have been angered!"

The storm picked up with another whip-like crack, and a cold breeze flooded the waystation. Jasmine and Thad turned toward the door, noticing Marley wearing a completely drenched hooded black raincoat and a matching bag slung over her shoulder.

"I presume… you didn't wait too long?"

Jasmine shook her head. "Oh, it's no bother. Truly. We were just debating on whether or not we should actually traverse in these conditions."

"Conditioning is great for the lungs!" Thad said. He nudged Jasmine playfully in the side with his elbow. "You afraid to get a little wet?"

"Absolutely not! It's just—" Jasmine paused, taking a moment to compose herself. "It's just that there will be plenty of flooding along Route 42. It's not safe."

"What about Mt. Mortar?"

"Like...the bomb kind?"

"What?" Jasmine said in an irritated tone. "No. Not the bomb kind, Thad. It's the mountain the looms North of the route. It's home to many wild Pokemon. Which will be taking shelter, mind you. They may be defensive."

"Only if we overstep our bounds. We can peacefully make our way without disturbing them," Marley said. She shot a quick, skeptical glance toward Thad. "It would require us to be...subtle."

Thad rubbed his hands together quickly. "Oh, I can do—" he winced as Jasmine gave him a knowing look, "ah, you know what! Maybe I just go outside and meet ya ladies at the end of the route. I could go for a swim with Keto. Work on my backstroke a bit. But, you sure you'll be fine without me?"

"I'm sure, Thad." Jasmine smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Do remember I'm one of the most experienced trainers in the region. I can handle myself for a day."

"And you, goth girl?"

Marley's lips immediately flipped into a frown; her voice was cold as ice. "I'll be fine. Thanks."

Thad's head bobbed up and down. "Fo' show, ladies. I'll be getting a headstart and all. So…" Thad gave a brief salute and turned towards the exit to Route 42, "try not to get too soggy out there!"

With only three graceful, bounding strides Thad was out the door in all his shirtless glamour. Raindrops trickled down his sculpted chest; the warm late summer rain immediately drenching him. Only the travel sack slung over his shoulder was left dry as he made a b-line for the flooded river.

Jasmine and Marley walked up to the exit, staying just underneath the cover. Their eyes darted toward the cave entrance to Mt. Mortar: a sodden hole haphazardly carved into the craggy rocks. Despite being sheltered from the pelting rain, there would be at least a few feet of water to wade through.

"Are you certain your friend will be okay in the storm?" Marley said. "Most Pokemon that aren't Water-types seek shelter."

"He'll be fine," Jasmine said, fishing through her backpack for a grey handled umbrella. "If anything, he'll make better time than us, if he doesn't get distracted. Which… knowing him… he probably will."

"Then let's go." Marley pulled at the hood of her raincoat, making sure the brim came past her nose. "I'm eager to see what traveling with a gym leader is like."

The two women dashed through the muddy grass toward the cave entrance. Like the gaping maw of a Wailord, they trudged through the sloshing waters and the sound of rain slowly faded into the background. Jasmine and Marley both pulled out a flashlight as the natural light behind them faded. After a minute of delving deeper, the water that cloaked their shins and shoes gave way to raised, slightly uneven ground.

"Are there any dangerous Pokemon that lurk in these parts?" Marley asked, brushing a hand against the well-worn stone wall. "It reminds me vaguely of Mt. Coronet. The age of this place, that is."

"Nothing more than some Zubat and Geodude. Maybe a Machop or Graveler if we go deeper." Jasmine paused, biting the inside of her cheek. "You said Mt. Coronet? You're from Sinnoh?"

Marley nodded. "Yes. Floaroma Town specifically, though it's been a few years since I've returned. You familiar?"

"I was born in Canalave," Jasmine said. A faint screeching noise echoed out, and she pointed her flashlight toward the distant noise, expecting a Zubat. Her heart raced for a moment, and she took a deep breath to steady herself. "But, much like you, it's been a couple years."

The duo walked in silence until the mouth of the cave opened up. Stalactites and Stalagmites littered the open floor of the cave as the roar of a distant waterfall crashed. The ceiling rose from a head's height to nearly indecipherable with the glow from their flashlights faded before properly illuminating all that existed overhead. Not, that either let their lights linger due to not wanting to disturb the Golbats and Zubats that would sleep in the crenelations of the ceiling rocks.

"So," Marley set the pace at a comfortable walk, "how did you come to look after someone like Thad? He's clearly too old to be an apprentice."

"What do you mean?"

"A gym leader traveling the region with some unknown person that makes a Machoke look like a doughboy," Marley blandly stated. She raised an eyebrow toward Jasmine. "Imagine my surprise when I went to the Olivine gym to find it was closed for the season but to find you only a city away with someone like him."

"He's essentially my ward at the moment," Jasmine quickly rebutted. "I was tasked by Chuck, another gym leader, to show him the ropes of the region and take him to Indigo Plateau for further instruction."

"A ward? Curious. He's older than both of us, but it doesn't take much to see he's quite new to Pokemon battles." Marley's voice remained stoic and dry. "Where's he from?"

"I'm…not sure," Jasmine slowly replied. "I'd ask him. He told me once, but I can't remember."

Not that it's actually any of her business whatever 'California' is, Jasmine thought to herself. She's awfully nosy.

"Of course. Still doesn't answer his unfamiliarity with Pokemon."

"He's new to battling," Jasmine insisted. "Not everyone picks up training Pokemon when they become of legal age."

Marley shrugged. "True enough, but it's the way he sees them. The wonderment, and how the Pokemon respond to him. His battle with Morty was telling." Marley pulled off the hood to her rainjacket, fluffing her short-cropped hair a bit. "It's odd is all. I can't help but make the observation."

"Don't try to read into Thad too hard." Jasmine held a closed fist in front of her mouth, stifling a laugh. "He's helplessly addicted to protein, working out, and competition. Though… he does have a thoughtful side to him."

"Sounds like you really admire him."

"He's put more work into becoming a trainer in a month than most do in a year." Jasmine stood up a bit taller, unable to hide a smile. "If more people took the sport and lifestyle seriously like him, we'd have a lot more compassionate and dedicated trainers. And probably less of the likes of people like Team Rocket…"

"There will always be those wanting to abuse Poke—"

Marley held out her arm, forcing Jasmine to stop. The roar of the waterfall was louder than before, and the air was laden with a thin mist. Just as Jasmine opened up her mouth to protest, a large Golbat swooped down before them. Without missing a beat, Jasmine reached for a Pokemon, but Marley was a hair faster and threw something out into the darkness from inside her pocket.

The bat pokemon swerved mid-air and chittered as it chased after the small pinkish block Marley had hurled.

"Pokeblock. It's useful when traveling in these conditions, especially alone," Marley said. "Pokemon battles in here will attract more wildlife that's hungry or angry we're intruding in their territory."

"We could always use a repel," Jasmine suggested. "That food is quite valuable for our own Pokemon, no?"

"Perhaps, but repel is a temporary solution. Coexistence is preferable to being an intruder that's untouchable for a time."

"That's a good point," Jasmine said, though her voice betrayed a slight disappointment. "Pokemon battles are a great way to blow off steam though, not to mention it achieves the same effect to have a powerful ally nearby to give the wild Pokemon second thoughts about attacking."

"There's a time and place," Marley sighed. "But, I suppose to each their own."

"Do you not like battling?"

"I find it enjoyable, though—" Marley paused as they crossed a thin rocky bridge that went over a fast river. The waterfall to their north roared with Goldeen and Magikarp hopping out of the water. "Though," Marley cleared her scratchy throat, "I tend to find contests more expressive. Not that I'm saying battles are bad, but they aren't always necessary."

"I suppose that's why I became a gym leader," Jasmine let out a half-hearted laugh. "It lets a different side of me come out."

Not to mention my family would never let me do contests for a living. Jasmine felt her stomach tighten and a frown form upon her lips. Sometimes… I wish it was different.

"It's unhealthy to let things bottle up, you know." Marley let out a sigh. "You should try meditation. Might be beneficial to you and your Pokemon. Stress over time…well, nothing good comes of it."

"I'm not stressed!"

Marley turned her head and a soft exhale came from her nose. "Forgive me for prying."

As they crossed the bridge and left the waterfall behind, the sounds of crashing water gave way to the sound of distant grunts. The vastness of the cave system became more compressed with the ceiling shrinking down to a more tunnel-like system. The echoes of exertion and heavy breathing continued to pervade the air.

"You hear that?" Jasmine whispered. "Could it be…?"

"Impossible," Marley quickly replied. "It's not Thad."

I've learned doubting him isn't a winning combination, Jasmine mulled over as she raised her flashlight. Still, is someone or something here… exercising?

Both the women stopped in their tracks, holding their breath to listen. It was a rhythmic sound of grunts paired with a blunt sound, like someone hitting something with a sledgehammer. Jasmine lifted her chin and hummed.

"Doesn't sound quite like a Machop. Must be another trainer or person training." A slight smile formed on Jasmine's lips as she turned toward Marley. "Say, couldn't hurt to have a chat. Maybe even a battle. I'm a bit curious about your Pokemon team."

"If you say so," Marley said. "You don't expect this to be a long detour though? If we don't arrive before Thad, do you think he'll be fine?"

"Oh, he'll be fine!" Jasmine lazily waved off Marley's concern. "He just had to go East. Even he can't mess that up and get lost."

"Bro, I am totally lost. I need your guidance."


Thad nudged Keto, though the Quagsire merely gave a blank look as it peered down at the wild Wooper. The storm continued to rage around them with the rain falling, stray leaves buffeting them, and the ground beneath their feet slick as black ice.

He'd managed to swim into a small islet between the fast-moving rivers that seeped from Mt. Mortar; a place thick with brambles and looming trees. Berries were getting ripped off the trees by the raging winds and scattered through the landscape. Thad only decided to take a more cautious route after being poked in the leg by a pufferfish type of Pokemon, leaving a few purple notches in his left calf.

"He's like your cousin, right?" Thad asked, bumping his hip against Keto once more. "Ask him which way the town is or whatever. It's raining sideways and my nips are cold as hell, bro."


The Wooper tilted its head to the side; so much so that it fell into the mud as it maintained eye contact with Keto. The Quagsire mimicked its prevolution's behavior and plopped onto the ground as well. Both continued to make faint blooping sounds at each other, ignoring Thad's plea.

Damn, why do I gotta be the smart one? Thad massaged his temples and closed his eyes. Think…what would Jazzy do. Something clever for sure… like use the internet? Bingo!

Thad reached into his bag pulling out his PokeNav. He leaned his head over and cupped his free hand over the screen to prevent the rainwater from getting on the screen. The apps cycled between contest ratings, a regional map, a step counter, a radio, a clock, and even a coin toss simulator. Thad only paused his scrolling upon discovering something called Hidden Mechanics.

"Well, this looks promising," Thad drawled to himself. He looked down at Keto and the wild Wooper rolling around in the mud. "Yeah, no, you keep doing that guys. I've got this. Ole' Thad is gonna big brain us outta this storm."

The app opened up to reveal several different 'HM' techniques with little disc icons. There were descriptions too, but wetness from Thad's fingers blotted out most of the description text for each HM. His eyes quickly settled on a few select abilities; namely Fly, Surf, and Strength.

"Booyah, baby. Now we've got a game plan." A smile spread across the jock's face. "Alright Keto, you just gotta use Surf on all the flooded areas and we can cruise on outta here. I've got a map on the Nav which seems to track us with a little dot. "

Keto looked up and blinked at Thad.

"C'mon dude, let's go! Leave your cousin to his… mud rolling and let's bounce!"

"Quaaag," Keto moaned as it laboriously pushed itself onto its hind legs. The Water-type inched toward the bank of the river and looked back toward Thad. "Siire."

"Just hop in and use Surf, my dude," Thad said. "It's like the same stuff you vomit at opponents."

The Quagsire gave its hyped-up trainer a slight shoulder shrug and blinked. It leaned down the water's edge, but only to take a large gulp of water, complete with a satisfactory 'ahh' sound. Thad facepalmed and groaned.

"Alright, new plan. Let's see…" Thad rubbed his chin and began to pace about. "Little spiky dudes are in the water, so I don't wanna risk getting woozy again. Keto makes me look like I actually passed my classes, so Surf is outta the question." Thad looked over to the stringy trees that blocked the path toward the rest of the islet. "Could use an HM? Prolly has instructions online for Pokemon, so maybe I could just try that?"


"Shhh, I'm tryin' to strategize, bro."

Thad pulled out the PokeNav again and frantically scrolled through the HM apps. Let's see…there's something called Cut in here, but I don't gotta blade. Neither do any of my dudes. Fly seems bad in this storm, plus Nacho is a bit small. But…Strength…

"I'mma try something, one sec." Thad gestured for Keto to stay put as he walked over to the treeline. He wiped off the PokeNav screen and whispered to himself the description to Strength. "Alright…something about safe use….boulders…yeah, yeah, and alright. Apparently, the Pokemon simply needs to channel Normal-type energy?"

Thad took a step back and dug his heels into the soft earth. He rolled his neck and cracked his knuckles as he squared up against the thick layer of trees that blocked the path.

The professor dude in that cave a while back said something about energies and shit when I dunked on that jellyfish. Maybe it's like a pre-game mediation? Gotta get the right mindset and then power forward?

"Alright…" Thad looked back to Keto's blank face, who watched with rapt attention. "Don't you tell anyone I tried channel being a normal, basic hoe for this. Swear on your life, bro."


Thad shrugged. "Good enough for me, dude. Now," he spread his legs apart and tensed his muscles, "gotta get basic. So…think normal. I think. Give me Strength with the power of, uh, eating breakfast! Doing laundry! Pumpkin spice latte! Blue jeans!"

The wind whipping around Thad abated for a moment like he'd created a small sanctuary around himself. Small threads of translucent energy coiled around his abdomen and arms as he reeled himself back.

In a burst of dim light, Thad charged forth, and with a mighty clap of his hands, the trees before him uprooted themselves and flew backward. The path was cleared ahead with skid marks from the burst of power that came out like a shockwave. His hands shook, though he couldn't tell if it was from channeling the power or from the freezing rain.

"Alright, I've come to a conclusion Keto," Thad whispered, looking at his hands in awe. "I'm either hella dope, which I knew already, or I just became the world's lamest superhero. Gah! Why did it have to be basic shit!"


"Dude, I'm in shambles. Yeetin' trees with magic is cool and all, but," Thad pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm not doing this in front of the rest of the crew or Jazzy. Just follow me as I channel the spirit of a basic bitch. I've seen plenty from college, but still," He pointed menacingly at the Quagsire, "tell your homies and we gonna have issues. I can't have the word gettin' out I know what the hell a pumpkin spice latte is. It's…" a shiver went down Thad's spine as he lowered his voice. "Carbs."

"Woop?" The Wooper from earlier poked its head from the mud. "Wooper?"

"You too blue guy! To the grave, you take this secret!" Thad shouted, his voice getting caught up in the wind. "Ugh, alright Keto, let's go…never did I think I'd be so un-hype about a power called 'Strength'."

The duo continued onward through the storm, knocking down trees with the power of basic thoughts and Thad using his brute strength to create small bridges from the fallen trees, linking the islets. He'd worked up a sweat through the effort, and he would ask Keto to avert his beady eyes in hopes of masking his newfound talent.

It was hard work to clear a path without taking another dip, but Thad made steady progress. Only thing aching as he neared the end was his indomitable pride of being a gym bro.

"The echoes are getting louder," Marley muttered. "Interesting. We've been tailing the sound for quite a while, yet it hasn't gotten louder or quieter."

After traversing past the waterfall, more darkness and twisting caverns led the women through the bowels of Mt. Mortar. Jasmine held the flashlight firm, walking with a quickened step as she felt the air become staler with a hint of salt. Marley trailed slightly behind, her casual gait letting her take a closer look at the surrounding landscape.

"We shouldn't be too far from the Eastside exit," Jasmine said. "I'm starting to remember this cave. Should be maybe a few more turns and passageways before we get to an atrium-like area."

"The local Pokemon have cleared out. Tracks are muted and the Zubat have fled. We should be prepared."

"Some kind of alpha you think, or do you think it's the echoes of the grunting?" Jasmine tapped her lips and hummed. "Most local Pokemon wouldn't claim such a territory. We're too far north for it to be an Ursaring. Graveler wouldn't cause such an absence either. Has to be the alternative, right?"

"What about a Machamp?" Marley said. "Machop tend to frequent these caverns, after all."

"Could be…" Jasmine crouched down, aiming her flashlight at the rocky floor. She traced her fingers over some of the indentations. "Or it could be a trainer with some unruly Pokemon and a megaphone for a mouth."

"Footprints?" Marley hovered over Jasmine's shoulder, looking at the ground. "What do you see?"

Jasmine sighed and stood up. "Nothing helpful. The floor isn't soft here, so unless it's a Graveler using Rollout, no real evidence will be left behind. But let's stay on guard."

"On that, we can agree. Let us proceed."

Jasmine and Marley walked shoulder to shoulder, each with a hand hovering over their Pokeballs. The tunnel opened up into a large atrium much like Jasmine expected, though the additional sources of light were a surprise to both trainers. A few lanterns were set up around a large circle of corded rope, along with a generator, and a large tent.

In the center of the rope was a man dressed in a white gi with a black belt cinched around his waist. He had a red headband tied around his messy black hair that bounced as he did squats and practiced his punching.

Marley's lips twitched. "Huh. I didn't know people in Johto lived in caves. How droll."

"They don't normally," Jasmine retorted. She walked toward the man's makeshift dojo and cupped her hands around her mouth. "E-excuse me? Sir?"

The karate trainer immediately hopped into action, his arms held up and feet spread apart in a squat stance. His brow was furrowed as he locked eyes with the women, but his shoulders relaxed a bit.

"Quite the startle you gave me! Ha!" The man got out of his battle stance and gave a formal bow. "Pardon me, but training in such a place one must be on guard. A few months in the wild will do that to a man."

"Understandable," Marley crossed her arms and scanned the campsite, "although most would have configured some form of plumbing if they were out for such an extended period."

The karate man puffed his chest out and chuckled. "All part of living among the wilds! Honing my techniques! Living with my Pokemon."

"Though the invitation clearly doesn't extend to the locals," Marley sharply replied. She looked at Jasmine with a frown. "He's clearly disrupting the symbiosis of Mt. Mortar with his presence. No wonder the Zubat here were so agitated."

"What now? I've done this for years! It's a pilgrimage for me!" The man bellowed, thumping his chest. "Me and my Pokemon work hard, I'll let you know! I don't go around causing a ruckus!"

Clearly, he's either tone-deaf or oblivious, Jasmine thought. Still, Marley makes a point. He's driving out Pokemon from their normal areas by being here months at a time with all his equipment.

"Say, why don't we settle this?" Jasmine piped up. She cleared her voice and felt her throat bob as the attention centered on her. "W-well, you said you were here for training, so why not battle? If we win, pack up and leave for somewhere else, and if you win, then we'll just pass by and give you some food for your troubles."

"Really?" He leaned back on his left foot, looking up at the stalactite encrusted ceiling. "More food is always good…sure! You've got a deal. But, a few conditions." He raised a finger and smirked. "A simple one-on-one match. No items, no commands. And if I win, you give me the Mineral Badge."

"What." Marley's monotone voice spat out. "That's absur—"

"Deal, but Marley joins the battle. A double battle is my terms. You get two and each of us has one Pokemon." Jasmine stamped her foot on the ground and reached for a Pokeball. "Unless... all that training is just talk?"

"Nonsense! The great Kiyo doesn't back down from anything! I'll have you know I'm the master of the great Fighting Dojo of Saffron City."

"Must be pretty great if Sabrina is still the gym leader…" Marley dryly replied, earning a glare from the karate master. She pulled out a Pokeball from her travel bag and held it up. "But, I'm prepared. Whenever you're ready, Kiyo."

"It's Master Kiyo the Karate King. Kids…" He pulled out two Pokeball from underneath the band of his black belt and clicked the buttons on them. They enlarged in his hand, to which he immediately tossed them. "Fear the fighting prowess of my Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee!"

Marley simply tossed out her Pokeball, the red light revealing a quad-winged bat with yellow and red eyes. Jasmine threw out her own combatant, unable to hide a smile from her face as the red light of the Pokeball gave way to a mole with a drill on its head and sharp bladed talon-like arms.

"Looks like we've made our choices. Excadrill and Crobat for us against your two Fighting-types," Jasmine said. "We're ready when you are."

"Of course!" Kiyo hollered. "Chan, cover Lee with a Vacuum Wave as he uses Mind Reader!"

"Excadrill, use dig!"

"Crobat, quick use Hypnosis!"

The Pokemon flew into the fray from their trainer's commands. Excadrill spun into action, burrowing underneath the ground in the blink of an eye, cutting through the hardened stone ground like a hot knife through butter. Marley's Crobat unleashed a torrent of purple energy waves toward the Hitmonchan, but the nimble boxer deftly swung underneath the energy and slipped underneath the Crobat. It unleashed a jab into the air, and the gust buffeted the bat Pokemon, sending it colliding into the stalactites.

"And first blood has been drawn!" Kiyo planted his hands on his hips and laughed. "A Crobat is child's play for my Hitmonchan. Practice against Golbats has proven fruitful it seems!"

"It's just the start," Marley grumbled. "Now, Crobat use Air Cutter. Keep near the ceiling and out of reach!"

"Crow!" The Crobat screeched, avoiding the follow-up Vacuum Wave from the Hitmonchan.

A shadow blotted out the lanterns' light as the Hitmonchan leaped into the air. Jasmine set her jaw as she watched the powerful legged Pokemon soar through the air toward the Crobat. The High Jump Kick from the Hitmonlee landed without fail, the Crobat too distracted from the Hitmonchan's barrage. The circular foot landed firmly on the bat with a loud slap, sending the Crobat skidding across the floor of the cavern.

"A little help, Jasmine?" Marley's voice was lathered in irritation. "Get up, Crobat!"

"Use the moment for a Jump Kick and Thunder Punch! Let's get the advantage boys!"

The winged Pokemon struggled to get itself into the air, and Jasmine watched the encroaching Fighting-types zoom toward the struggling Pokemon with reckless abandon. She tugged Marley close to her and whispered in her ear. "Just have Crobat move back about three feet on my command with a U-Turn."

"But where is your-"

"Now!" Jasmine stomped on the ground twice as hard as she could.

"U-Turn towards me!" Marley's hoarse voice echoed out, and the Crobat pushed itself back a few feet.

Kiyo laughed. "A simple adjustment only delayed the inevitable! My boys will land and readjust!"

Exactly, Jasmine thought. One more move and it's over.

Jasmine tapped the ground again, and as the Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan landed where the Crobat had previously been, the craggy earth opened up like a hungry maw. With nothing to push off and redirect their trajectory, the two Pokemon fell into the hole that had appeared. Within a mere moment of the hole opening up, the earth rubber banded back, pinning both Fighting Pokemon up to their heads.

"What?!" Kiyo barked out, taking a step back. "Break out. Hack at the rocks!"

"And that's the match," Jasmine said. Her Excadrill popped out of the ground beside the Crobat and looked back at their trainer, hopping up and down triumphantly.

"What do you mean? We can still go!"

"No, they can't," Jasmine's firmness made the karate master wince. "Your Pokemon are trapped in the move known as Fissure. Unless you recall them, the ground will continue to tighten and hurt them. Concede."

"You didn't even use a callout! Or hand signals!" Kiyo cried out.

"This is the difference between a karate master and a gym leader." Jasmine sighed and recalled her Excadrill, before looking over to Marley who had scooped up her Crobat. "Are they okay?"

"Just some bruises. He'll be fine," Marley said, cradling her Pokemon like a baby. "Still, I would have liked to know the strategy earlier…"

"Sorry, I didn't have time for an explanation… and I get kinda caught up in the battle sometimes." Jasmine offered a weak smile. "Hope you'll forgive me."

Marley nodded and then refocused her attention on Kiyo. The man grumbled something under his breath and reluctantly recalled both his prized Pokemon to their Pokeballs. The ground snapped shut where they once were, shaking the ground a bit.

"I'm going to give Pryce a visit to have his gym trainer check tomorrow. Be gone by then," Jasmine said, pointing at Kiyo. "There are better ways without claiming up whole caverns, especially during a storm."

"Err, right," Kiyo nervously replied. "But I wanna know how you did that!"

"This guy has no shame," Marley breathed out.

Jasmine shrugged. "Excadrill are known for their digging ability. Some of the fastest, no matter how tough the ground. Plus," she tapped her foot on the ground for emphasis, "since they drill so much, they can be quite attuned to minor seismic activity if you train properly."

"So you can tap and send commands while they're submerged…" Marley's eyes widened slightly. "That's incredible."

"Something my cousin over in Oreburgh showed me, actually." Jasmine shied away, her cheeks reddening a bit. "I don't deserve all the credit."

Kiyo groaned and got into a squat position. "I'm going to work out this frustration before I pack up. I've much to reflect on it seems."

Marley and Jasmine walked around Kiyo's camp silently, ignoring the muffled grunts of the karate man. Marley pet her Crobat, whispering soothing words to her injured Pokemon as they traversed the last few tunnels in Mt. Mortar.

It had been several hours, but the smell of fresh air and light teemed from the exit of the cave system. Jasmine and Marley picked up their pace a bit, shielding their eyes a bit as the sun peeked its way through the clouds. The storm had abated and gave way to a sunny day with dark clouds far off in the West.

"''Bout time y'all got here."

Jasmine whirled toward the riverbank to her right, noticing Thad sitting on the bank with his compression shirt back on and his legs wading in the water. Beside him, Keto leaned up against him as he held his PokeNav in one hand.

"Thad! You're here and you look…a bit stressed," Jasmine walked up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "How was braving the storm?"

"Very masculine and not normal at all!" Thad nudged Keto with his elbow. "Had to use my boy as a boogie board with all the mad waves. Totally rad and not lame. Yup. That's it. Tell 'er Keto."

"Quaagsireee," Keto moaned.

"Very well," Jasmine said, stifling a giggle. "I won't pry. Marley and I had our own little adventure. Figure while the weather is nice we can get to Mahogany Town by nightfall?"

"I've got plenty in the tank, but we might wanna check out the lake above," Thad held up the PokeNav, "I figured out how to turn on the radio while I was waitin'. Apparently, some wild Pokemon is causing some havoc up there."

"We can tomorrow," Jasmine said. " We can make a quick detour to investigate, after talking with Pryce. He might be able to fill us in."

"Dope!" Thad hopped up to his feet and brushed the grass and dirt from his bum. "Let's get it on! Next stop, Lake of Rage, baby! Hope y'all brought your swimsuits!"