
Poképolice: Tale of the Bad Cop

Our MC gets reincarnated in the pokemon universe with all the items she collected in the games. She had thought of going on a journey, defeating gym leaders, becoming a champion then running her cafe. She will come to know eventually, oh boy it is not that easy as it seems to get your pokemon and run around like in the games. In this AU, everyone has to go through an exam in the nearby city after officially turning 10 to see if they are ready for their trainers' license, qualifiers were given the choice of going to either the trainers' academy, police academy, or nurse academy before leaving for their pokemon journey. Due to the sassy little Ralts of our MC, instead of the trainers' academy, she will join the police academy. It will be a hell of a ride as our MC tries to go undercover in criminal organizations, burning down these organizations to the ground left and right only in hope of early retirement. MC will interact with Ash, Misty, and Brock as in this timeline Ash has to go through the trainer's Academy. MC, Ash, and Misty will be 15 as they come out of the academy and Brock will be 18, the big brother for the trio. MC will be on her journey(burning HQs) and occasionally will travel with the anime trios. ‐-------------------------------------‐---------------------------------- Note: { Warning from the beautiful profanities my characters are going to sing in the chapters, Readers discretion is advised. } I do not own Pokémon except OCs introduced in the story. Also, I don't own the cover for this fan-fiction, all credit to google-sama and his generous image library. I will try to avoid making grammatical mistakes as much as I can, if found pls comment. let's see, MC x Misty so Yuri is happening, if you don't like it just skip the part but don't go on being toxic to other people. Romance will be slow since MC having her journey. Also, I will more focus on the interaction between MC and other characters and Pokémon. The pace will be slow. MC will challenge the gyms but as a mission from team rocket HQ. R18 scenes later down after the characters turn 18 according to the progression of romance in the story. So it is very far away. I am a newbie trying to write my first fanfiction so you know. I will try to keep updating periodically. Hope you enjoy my story.

Alanwalker4 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Meeting everyone

After the family group hug, they all had their breakfast.

Haden "Today we will celebrate your birthday party in the village square. Everyone in the village has decided to throw a party for you. You will cut your birthday cake with the whole village."

Haden told Adya how all villagers had made a birthday plan for her. She was very happy as this will be a grand birthday that will get imprinted eternally in her memories. She decided to look in her absolute best for her party today.

Julia "Ok, dear the party is in the afternoon. Let us take go and meet my and your father's pokemon."

Julia and Haden went to the backyard with Adya in tow.

Haden "Come out guys, say hello to my daughter."

Haden throws three Pokeball and his Slowbro, Crawdaunt and Roserade came out.

Adya 'I have seen and met Slowbro but I didn't know Dad had a Crawdaunt and Roserade.'

Julia "You guys also come out!"

Julia also throws three Pokeball and a Flabebe, Roselia and Bellossom came out.

Adya 'So, it seems Mom's Pokemon basically are grass types for helping in maintaining her boutique. Except for Flabebe, both Roselia and Bellossom are grass types. Flabebe is also related to flowers and can also learn many grass type moves. Dad seems to like water pokemon a lot.'

Adya "So cool. But Mom and Dad, you have only 3 pokemon and I thought you had more."

Adya asks while trying to pat her father's Crawdaunt. But Crawdaunt hid behind Haden.

Adya 'So cute, he seems shy.'

Julia "My other pokemon are in the Sinnoh region, dear. After I quit my job as an Archeologist I released them. They had grown and reached the adult stage and were ready to have their own little family."

Haden "I was never a good trainer myself and was more inclined to research. These guys just followed me after I took care of them once in the Research Center. As for Roserade, you see both your mother and me saved a pair of Budew and then they became our pokemon."

Julia "Like your father said after I settled with him here, a Flabebe followed me after I took care of the flower garden her small tribe lived in and she let me be her trainer. Bellossom was also similar, we met when I went in search of flowers in the forest for my boutique."

Haden "Now, go and say hi to them. Don't be scared of them, they are also as much eager to meet you as you are to meet them."

Julia "Play with them in the backyard, my dear. But don't go outside of our compound."

Julia "Flabebe!! look after her and make sure she doesn't hurt herself."

Flabebe replies with 'bebe' reassuring Julia to leave it to her.

Adya with Flabebe on her shoulders leaves for the backyard with the pokemon in tow.

As Adya and pokemons have their first interaction, Haden and Julia leave to help with the birthday celebrations.


Adya "Slowbro, you are so cute."

Slowbro "slow~~~bro~~~"

Slowbro looks in Adya's dark blue coloured eyes with a goofy smiling expression making it hard for Adya to understand. She rubs the head of Slowbro and smiles at him. Near her, Roserade and Roselia are dancing together. Adya claps for Roserade and Roselia . Bellossom also joins the pokemon duo in their dance.

Adya "You all were awesome, Roserade, Roselia and Bellossom."

Bellossom "belossom~~"

Roserade "rosee~"

Roselia "rooseeaa~~"

Crawdaunt saw Adya looking at him and hid behind the tree in the backyard. Haden's Crawdaunt is shy by nature, so it avoids people other than him. Julia also had taken months befriending Crawdaunt.

Adya "Crawdaunt, come and play with us."

Crawdaunt "Craww~~"

Crawdaunt refuses to come out of hiding, so Adya slowly approaches Crawdaunt.

Adya "I know you are not comfortable with me, Crawdaunt but I will wait until you accept me."

Crawdaunt "Crw~~~"

Crawdaunt was hesitating but slowly by slowly let Adya pet him as he saw his friends playing with her.

Adya spends the whole morning befriending and playing with the pokemons.


Afternoon around 1.00 pm


Julia "Adya! Are you ready sweety?"

Adya "Ready mom."

Julia "Hurry up, sweety."

Julia had dressed Adya in a cute light pink dress with a single ponytail. Adya looked absolutely adorable in her dress. Adya was in the washroom to freshen up her face adding finishing touch to her looks.

Julia with Adya left for the village square. Haden was already in the village square waiting for the pair of mother and daughter with other villagers.

The family of three spent the entire afternoon with the villagers merrily. Adya cut her birthday cake and gave the first bite to her father and mother. Adya was enjoying her time talking with the villagers. Some village elders also teased her and giggled and laughed at her witty remarks.

Everyone had dinner together and the occasion ended with gifts being given to Adya. The Gamans returned home after giving good nights to everyone.


Author note: Extremely sorry. After my uni opened after covid break and I had exams and a lot of projects to submit. Also sorry for this extremely short chapter.