
Pokémon: The Ultimate Sign In System

Galen had an accident and was transmigrated over to the Pokémon world. He was now in the body of a Fourteen-year-old boy, who had gone through the same accident, and they even had the same name. Galen had to accept this shocking reality that he perceived as impossible. He was also given something special—a system that allows him to Sign In anywhere for items, goods, Pokémon, etc!

GrottoHeaven · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


On this rainy stormy night, lightning streaked through the sky. Suddenly, rumbles of thunder seemed to have shaken the sky with a boom.

An old man looked toward the sky and saw a bird that seemed to be absorbing the lightning as it passed through the clouds.

It had a sharp beak and eyes with black and yellow feathers. The old man's eyes widened at the sight of this Pokemon, as he mumbled under his breath.

There was a house close to the edge of Pallet Town. This house was well-kept, but it started showing signs of degradation due to neglect.

In a bedroom, there was a boy lying on a bed with a bandage wrapped around his head. The rumbling thunder seemed to have caused him to become aware. 

"Arg! Where am I?" Suddenly, the boy's eyes shot open and he was assaulted by a severe headache. 

"This is impossible! No way!" He found that he had transmigrated somehow to another world.

He had transmigrated into the body of the boy named Galen. They both shared the same name, which would make things simpler.

Galen was at an amusement park with his friends when he suddenly tripped on a needlessly large rock. From what he could understand, Galen's head had hit a rock on the fall and that was all she wrote.

"I actually died from that random slip and was transferred over." Galen was beyond speechless.

He had heard about transmigration in novels, but something like this was unbelievable to the point of impossible. But whether he accepted it or not, this was currently the reality.

"I have no choice but to be a believer, it's happening now." Galen muttered and contiuned. "This is the Pokémon world and not some martial arts world." Galen was still in shock about his transfer, it was Pokémon of all things.

Afterward, he was once again assaulted by another line of memories. Galen had a total of 4 other siblings, while his parents died in an accident. He was the middle child of the siblings, and he had two brothers and two sisters.

Both of his older siblings were ready to start their adventure since they were already Fifteen. His elder sibling's names were Garen and Grace, and they were currently in Viridian City. As for his younger siblings, their names were Gavin and Gwen.

"Wow, this guy is the same as me. He tripped on a rock and hit his head before passing out, or dying." 

Galen speculated to himself. What if he changed places with this guy after they both fell? This gave him the chills when he thought about it and he quickly pushed the thought aside.

Staring out the window, Galen could see that there was a heavy downpour. It was that time of the year, which was early spring.

It was March.

As soon as Galen sat up, the door was pushed open.

"Oh, my gosh, you're up. If you hadn't got up by the morning I was going to call the doctor over."

Galen gazed over and saw a girl who was around Fourteen or Fifteenish. Right away, he knew that this was his youngest sibling, his sister Gwen.

She had long black curly hair with purple eyes and fair skin. Just from her facial features alone, one could tell that she was going to be a beauty when she turned into an adult.

Galen came from a set of triplets, while his elder siblings were twins. 

"I'm so glad you're alright!" Tears could be seen forming in the corner of Gwen's eyes.

"I'm okay, I must have slipped or something but I feel fine." Galen was touched. He was the only child that his parents had ever had.

"That's good. I'm going to change your bandages and check your wound." Gwen wiped her tears and proceeded to change his bandages.

"What? Your injury is gone? What happened?" Gwen was stunned. Galen had a head injury on the side of his head, but it disappeared in Eight hours!

Gwen couldn't take him to the doctor because of the weather and their isolated location. Even with Gavin's help, they would have trouble getting through the storm. 

Galen had tripped on a rock because it had dampened from the storm. They were trying to rush back home when it happened. 

Gwen looked at Galen trying to figure out what was going on.

"Don't ask me, maybe I was healed by some Pokémon." Galen shrugged and continued. "It doesn't matter, right? After all, I'm all better now."

Galen couldn't explain it either, perhaps this was because of his new lease on life. 

"I-I guess it doesn't matter, as long as you're fine." Though it was strange that he could heal so fast, this was a good thing not worth questioning so much. 

"Where's Gavin? Is he asleep or something?" Galen stood up and stretched, it was around 6 a.m., in the morning.

"Yes, he's still asleep, so you don't have to worry about him talking you to death." Gwen smiled before her expression turned serious. "I scraped together some money, but we're starting to run out." 

It was clear that their financial situation wasn't good. Gwen even stated that Gavin was about to get a job. Though, as of now, he was volenarilt helping an old man move his stuff out.

"Everything should be okay, didn't Garen and Grace succeed in joining the Regulation Guild?" There were only three Guilds in Kanto, and the Regulation guild was one of them.

Gwen, Gavin, and the past Galen had failed to join this guild. Their test scores were bad and so was their combat test. This guild was strict in the amount of people they wanted to recruit and who they recruited.

On the other hand, their elder siblings had excellent scores and were able to join the guild. 

"We won't see them for a while, they'll have to finish the training camp," Gwen stated that this camp would take a month before they were both discharged. 

"Until then, we'll have to make it on our own which looks grim." Gwen's tone sounded disheartening as she sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll figure something out. It's not like we are disabled, we're still young and vigorous." 

Galen wasn't worried for some reason as if he had it all figured out.

"Really?" Gwen could feel a change in Galen as he seemed to become more confident. 

"I'm serious. After all, we'll all be turning Fifteen on the 5th of June. That's when our Pokemon journey begins. These things shouldn't demoralize you if you want to be a trainer."

Galen believed he'd figure out something. He could use a few skills from his previous world to succeed.

"You're right, I believe you. I'll go make preparations for breakfast and call you and Gavin when it's finished." Gwen didn't know where his confidence came from, but if he failed they'd simply get jobs.

Gwen smiled and nodded before turning to leave the room. The room was silent for a while, all he could hear was the sound of rain hitting the glass-paned windows.

"It seems the lightning and thunder have stopped." This was the last thing anyone wanted to hear after a transmigration, though he wasn't sure if that was how they thought. 

"I transferred here, but I don't get any type of cheat or anything? Hmm, this is a little unfair but I guess it's better than outright dying. Besides, this is the Pokémon world." 

The number of people that would kill to come here would be off the charts! How could Galen complain? 

"The rain is slowing down. I need to make money somehow and eventually prepare for my adventure around the world."

Indeed, though Galen was shocked that he had come here, he was already devising a plan.

"The Pokémon world, this is really too crazy. Since I'm in Pallet then people like ash should exist, right?"

When he searched his memories, there was no such child in Pallet. However, Galen was struck with a revelation. 

"Oh, my gosh! So people like Red, Blue, and Green are in this world. Not to mention that these people have yet to leave on their journeys."

However, Galen and all of his siblings were a month older than them. So if things went right, they should all have a head start. 

Professor Oak has a special list of kids he'd hand Pokémon out to. Unfortunately, me and my siblings weren't on said list."

This was why his eldest siblings opted to join a guild instead. Catching Pokémon seemed easy, but if your Pokéball failed, you'd be attacked and possibly killed!

It was too risky.

"A few people have been ganged up on and killed by Pokémon. Especially the aggressive and extremely common Rattata."

From his memories, these things were everywhere. They were in your trash, running through your backyard, and could even sneak into your house.

Galen got a good look around the room and noticed the state of the room. The furniture was old but was still in good shape.

Galen slept on a single bed, while his older and younger brother opted for the bunk bed within the room. The former Galen wasn't fond of bunk beds because he was afraid that the top bunk would fall. 

Galen shook his head and left his room where he passed by the kitchen. It was a small kitchen, but just enough to accommodate the whole family.

Gwen was cracking eggs and preparing breakfast. He was heading outside to sit on the porch, but he had the pass by the living room first. That's where he saw his brother Gavin sleeping on the couch comfortably.

Galen opened the door and stepped outside before taking a breath of fresh air. It wasn't raining as hard anymore and was sprinkling instead. 

[Ding! Ultimate Sign-in System binding with Host!]

[1%..... 6%..... 15%..... 28%..... 37%.....]

"What? It's a system!" Galen jumped in excitement.

He had seen many system types before, including the rarely used Sign-in system. With a wide smile, Galen stood there and waited.

[68%..... 76%..... 86% ..... 95%..... 100%]

[Ding! Welcome Host to the Ultimate Sign-in System!]

[Would you like to use your one-time Sign-in, into the Kanto Region? y/n?]

"Yes! Of course! Sign in to the Kanto Region!" Galen said excitedly.