
the professor

I'm dead man this sucks ass why is it so freaking dark AHH so comes out of no fucking where Im so aahhh fuck [hello host I'm transferring you to your lab/ranch where you will be responsible to breed and research Pokémon while sharing the joy of Pokémon for a price you will give out eggs as a starter gift you have been given all the research and breeding equipment alongside 20 eggs that's all done now in 2 hours the store will open to the Jujutsu Kaisen verse ] why couldn't I talk pa aow now I'm in a forest with walls and a door ok how do people get here it's just a door there is nothing here [notice you cannot leave till you serve your first costumer time until costumer arrivel 2 hours please prepare] time skip 3 hours later

I'll update the chapter I'm having. a writers block

hvsrcreators' thoughts