
Pokémon Ranger: The Loudest Goth on an Adventure

(Moved from my account on Wattpad) Lucy Loud the one who stood by Lincoln when he was kicked out of the house. She knew her other sisters walked all over their parents. They had convinced them to send Lincoln far away. She had tried to convince her parents to not send him far away. Sadly she failed, he was sent to a ranger school. It was in a place she never heard of before. Two weeks later their was a letter in the mail. It was not from Lincoln. It was a form for a different ranger school. She managed to trick her parents to send her there saying it was a two year long camp for goths. What they didn't know was that she was going away for many years and not coming back. She manages to contact Lincoln and tells him what she did. They promised to become a unstoppable Pokémon Ranger team. Along with their non-Pokémon teammates that they were assigned to partner up with. Lucy and her future Pokémon will help in anyway they can. But... What happens when the past comes to haunt Lucy and Lincoln?

YuriNeko · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2

Welcome to chapter 2!


To say Lucy was shocked was an understatement. If there are Pokémon why aren't they in the U.S? Then again Amber said that Pokémon are only in certain regions. "So you say there are Pokémon where we are going? Also should I worry about wild Pokémon?" Lucy asks wanting to know a bit more about Pokémon and wanting to know if they are dangerous for people without Pokémon.

Amber:" Well, Yes there is Pokémon where we are going. Though... You will only be in Sinnoh for two years, then we will be sent to other regions for the rest of the year. So two years in Sinnoh for you and the other two years you will spend one year in other regions. Then after you are done with all four years you will be done with Pokémon ranger school and will be assigned a certain Ranger post with three other people in a region chosen by the professors of Random regions. Yes there are dangerous Pokémon, but don't worry the ranger school is completely safe and after we finish the first year of Pokémon ranger school we get our starter Pokémon which is randomized, so we are never sure what kind of Pokémon we will get." Amber says as she takes out a small red and white ball thing that Rengoku had on his waist.

"This is a Pokeball, it allows us to capture Pokémon, you get your first Pokémon after you finish your first year of the ranger school. Inside this poke ball is my Pokémon, Cinderace, I would show you but we are on a plane." Amber says as she hands Lucy the pokeball. "Here, take a look at it, but please don't drop it." Lucy nods and takes the pokeball from Amber's hand. 

Lucy:" Huh, it feels warm. I expected the pokeball to be cold, it seems to be made from a type of metal." Lucy says as she looks over the pokeball in her hand. "Wait, you already have your Pokémon, so what year are you and your green haired friend in?" She asks as she hands Amber back her pokeball.

"I am in my third year of ranger school but Collei is in her first year of ranger school, like you. So I wanna ask if you could stick by her, you know be friends with her. Collei had a rough because her family wasn't the greatest, she has a minor fear of people touching her so be careful with that as well." Amber is clearly concerned about how her friend would be in school.

Lucy nodded her head and looked out the window, fear slowly crept into her body as she now noticed that they were flying above water, she looked away quickly as she closed the window blind. Amber seemed to notice that Lucy did not want to look out the window and it looked as if Lucy's breathing picked up, she decided to take Lucy's mind off of the window immediately. 

"Hey Lucy..." Lucy's attention was now on Amber. "Wanna watch a movie? It is a long flight from the United States to the Sinnoh region. We have enough time to watch at least 10 movies." Amber says as she presses a button on the two seats in front of both of them and a medium size screen appears at the back of the two seats.

Lucy:'' Sure but one last question about the Sinnoh region. Is it warm or cold there?" Lucy didn't enjoy heat much, in fact because her father forced her to wear dark colors she almost had a stroke many times. So yeah, she can handle fire but not heat from the sun.

Amber:" It is pretty cold in Sinnoh." Lucy smiled a little, happy that she doesn't have to deal with hot temperatures that much. Amber smiled as Lucy was now calm, since she seemed to forget about the plane flying over water. Lucy looked through the movies and saw a few that caught her eyes.

"What is 'Disney'?" Amber looked offended that Lucy didn't know Disney. She knew Disney was in America too. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Lucy genuinely didn't know what she said wrong, did she say the word 'Disney' wrong?

"Have you never watched a Disney movie? Did you live with cable or something?" Amber says as she presses in the logo that says Disney, making it go to a list of all the Disney movies. There were a lot of Disney movies.

"I never watched a Disney movie. Yes I lived on cable." Lucy says looking through the movies for Disney, before putting on a movie called 'The Aritsocats'. It looked nice and Lucy was glad that she could watch something that wasn't about vampires that her 'Father' forced her to watch.


Lucy had fallen asleep during the 4th movie, she didn't mean she was just tired. Amber didn't mind, as she had also fallen asleep. Due to this the time passed by, much to their luck. 

They both had woken up when there was an announcement from the captain that the plane was landing. Lucy put the seatbelt on while Amber was doing the same, they could hear Rengoku a few seats in front of both of them, he was telling Collei to put her seatbelt on.

Opening the window, Lucy saw the region of Sinnoh, she definitely loved the Pokémon regions more than America. " Wow, I have to admit, this place is beautiful." 

Amber: "You have not seen anything yet." Amber said with a grin, though she is a little concerned that Lucy might be scared of some of the Pokémon. Though, she couldn't tell how Lucy is with Pokémon.

The plane soon landed at the airport, with little to no difficulties, though Lucy did feel slightly sick. She was never on a plane for that long before. They exited the plane and Lucy watched as Amber, Collei and Rengoku picked up their suitcases. She was glad that she had a backpack, she didn't want to deal with a suitcase. Though she gave her backpack to Amber due her telling Lucy that she will carry it.

Though, she did get separated when she decided to wait outside for them. Which made the three panic about where Lucy went. Lucy didn't mean to make them worry, she just hates being in the airport longer then she has to be. 

Now Lucy didn't know that they were looking for her, so she was just on Amber's rotom phone that she let Lucy use while she waited for them to get their luggage. Apparently Amber forgot that she gave Lucy her rotom phone. 

Anyways Lucy was just scanning random Pokémon that she saw, wild and non-wild, someone had a cool fire horse Pokémon called 'rapidash'. Though Lucy was now a bit worried that she may have lost Amber, Rengoku and Collei. 

Sighing, Lucy went to the contacts in Amber's rotom phone only to realize that Amber gave names to all of her contacts making Lucy unable to call Rengoku to tell the three where she was. Lucy was lost in a region, where she didn't know her way around, with no way to contact the others.

Lucy sits down, knowing that staying where she was would be one of the best options. She either had to wait for th em to call Amber's rotom phone or just wait until they found her. To be honest, Lucy looked like a lost child who was waiting for their family. 

 After a little while Lucy still hadn't been found and the temperature was dropping. She told them she would wait at the entrance of the airport, how have they not found her yet? Unknown to Lucy, people around her noticed that she was waiting for at least an hour and got worried, reporting it to the police. 

A little girl by herself, without an adult near her, is very concerning. Yes, little kids do go off on their own but they have Pokémon and warm clothing, but this girl has no Pokémon on her and is not wearing clothes suited for the Sinnoh region. It would be dark in an hour or so, and they still haven't found her.

Lucy soon heard someone walking up to her, looking up she saw a woman with teal colored hair and amber eyes wearing a blue outfit with a hat a similar color. The women stopped in front of Lucy and kneeled down to Lucy's height, the women had kind eyes that held worry. 

"Hey, my name is officer Jenny. Is everything okay?" The woman, now named Officer Jenny, said as she moved Lucy's hair out of her face, not even bothered by the color of Lucy's eyes. Lucy had to admit she was surprised that officer Jenny was not creeped out by her eyes.

Lucy: "I lost the Pokémon ranger I was with, along with two others. I have a rotom phone that belongs to one of the Pokémon rangers in training. I stayed where I was, hoping that they would find me. Though, you can see it didn't work out." Lucy said as she shivered a little, she was only wearing a gray t-shirt and black shorts, she also couldn't change since Amber had her backpack. 

She was not prepared as it had started snowing, at this rate Lucy might get sick. Officer Jenny noticed this and stood up, holding her hand out for Lucy to take, "Come on, let's get you to a police station and warm you up, you aren't dressed right for this type of weather. I'll make sure you get back to them." Lucy grabbed Officer Jenny's hand, with Officer Jenny pulling her up so she could stand. She leads Lucy to a car, before opening the passenger side door allowing Lucy to get in. The car was much warmer than it was outside, much to Lucy's relief, quickly warming Lucy up. Lucy liked the cold but only when she was dressed appropriately, she wished she had her backpack so she could have gotten her hoodie.


Lucy was now inside the police station wearing a black jersey with white sleeves that had a symbol at the back of it, a sideways light gray crescent moon, Lucy liked it for some reason, and light gray sweatpants with pockets. Lucy was also warm for another reason, and that being the tiger-like dog Pokémon, which Lucy found out it was called Arcanine from Amber's rotom phone, she didn't mind though because they were very warm, as they were a fire type Pokémon. Arcanine was ordered by Officer Jenny to help keep Lucy warm while asking Lucy some questions about her friends that she went to Shinnoh with, Lucy had told Officer Jenny a little bit about herself, like her name.

"Alright Lucy, I need to ask you some more information about the three people you were traveling with. Is that Okay?" Officer Jenny asks as she sits in a chair across from Lucy. Lucy was also in her seat with Officer Jenny's Arcanine sitting next to her, their head on her lap, keeping Lucy warm.

Lucy:" Yeah, that is fine. They are probably worried, though, I am surprised that they haven't tried calling Amber's rotom phone." Lucy sighs while petting Arcanine's head, gently scratching behind their ear a little. 

"They are probably too busy looking for you to think about calling your friend's rotom phone. Anyways, did you happen to get the name of the Pokémon ranger you were with?" Lucy was glad that Rengoku told her his name.

Though, she wasn't sure if Rengoku was his first or last name. Mostly because she can't remember if he told her his full name. It is not Lucy's fault though! She was sleepy, you don't tell a person your name if they are sleepy. They will just end up not remembering it.

"All I remember is that his name is Rengoku, but I don't know if that is his first or last name. He has yellow hair with red highlights." Lucy tells Officer Jenny as Arcanine falls asleep. 

Officer Jenny:"... Kyojuro Rengoku? He is pretty well known around here as one of the very strong fire type Pokémon rangers. I'll give him a call then and get you back to them. Are you a relative of any of them? Or, are you going to join the Ranger School?" Officer Jenny asks as she gets up from her chair.

"I am joining the Pokémon Ranger school." Lucy at first only joined the Ranger school to find her brother but now she also wants to try her hand at being a Pokémon Ranger.

Officer Jenny leaves the room to contact Rengoku while Lucy looks around the room. There wasn't anything that looked interesting to look at so Lucy looked at the Arcanine resting their head on her lap, staring at her. 

The warmth of the Arcanine was probably why Lucy had not moved yet. Lucy pulled out Amber's rotom phone and scanned Arcanine once more to see if she missed anything.

Looking through the information she stopped when seeing that Arcanine title was 'The Legendary Pokémon'. Lucy shook her head, Arcanine only had the title legendary, Arcanine wasn't actually legendary as there were multiple Arcanines.

Lucy kept reading through Arcanine's information, as she was curious, Lucy also found out that there was another type of Arcanine, a rock and fire type, also known as 'Hisuian Arcanine'. 

" So some pokemon have different types and looks in different regions. That is wicked." Lucy mumbles before seeing Officer Jenny enter the room again. Lucy was glad as she didn't really have anything to do.

Officer Jenny:" Okay, they are on their way here, you should've heard the relief in Rengoku's voice when I told him that you are here with me at the police station." Officer Jenny said before she noticed something that she forgot to ask Lucy. "By the way, why does your hair cover your eyes? They are a beautiful color." Lucy is shocked, her father said that her eyes were creepy because of the color.

" Well, my father said that it was creepy because the color was unnatural. So he forced me to grow out my bangs to cover my eyes." Lucy slightly fidgets with her bangs as she says this. She knows that her eye color is not normal.

Officer Jenny frowns, not liking Lucy's father. Just what else did Lucy's father do? Officer Jenny approaches Lucy and pats her head. "Your silver eyes are just gray eyes, you are not the only person in the world with this eye color but it is rare. You shouldn't be insecure of your eye color just because someone doesn't like it." Lucy saw the truth in Officer Jenny's words. 

Lucy slightly moved her hair to show one of her eyes, which was a silver color. She could now see clearly, now that her hair was somewhat out of her eyes. Lucy slightly smiles as she was glad that she no longer had her bangs over both her eyes.

"Do you have a book I could read while I wait?" The black haired teen asks as she wanted something to pass the time. Officer Jenny nodded and went to grab a book from one of the other rooms. 

Officer Jenny soon enters the room with a book in hand. "This is the only book we have right now, the other was ruined by a new recruit's Pokémon. It is about what type of food a type of pokemon likes. You can keep it if you want, we are ordering new books and don't really need this one." Officer Jenny hands the book over to Lucy, who looks at it in interest.

Lucy opens the book and starts to read it, curious about what pokemon eat what.

The three arrived at the police station quickly, the driver was Rengoku with his passenger being Amber, with Collei being in the backseat. They exit the Jeep and enter the police station. Rengoku was happy that Lucy was okay, being that it was getting cold out, Amber was concerned about how Lucy is feeling, was she scared? Collie was feeling happy that Lucy was okay, but she was worried because she wasn't wearing the right clothes for the weather when she last saw Lucy. 

They see Officer Jenny walking out of a room and Rengoku calls out to her. "Officer Jenny, we are here to pick up Lucy!" Officer Jenny jumped at Rengoku's loud voice, not seeing the three enter the police station. 

"Geez, can you be quiet? Some of us are trying to work. *sigh* She is in the room down the hall, please try to be quiet, she is reading a book and will not like it if you enter the room loudly." Officer Jenny says pointing down the hall where Lucy is. 

Amber, Rengoku and Collei walk quietly to the room. They were slightly tired as they searched inside of the airport for hours, looking for Lucy. They find the room where Officer Jenny said Lucy was in. Amber quietly opens the door and their eyes slightly widen in shock at what they saw. 

Lucy's hair was slightly moved away showing Lucy's left eye, it was a beautiful silver. Lucy was also wearing more suitable clothes, (The ones I described earlier.)Lucy hadn't noticed that people entered the room and continued petting Arcanine while reading a book, that was about what type of food certain pokemon eat. 

Collei clears her throat causing Lucy to look up, not surprised to see them. Lucy closed the book before crossing her arms. "Did you even think about calling Amber's rotom phone that I had with me?" Lucy was not mad at them; she just wants to see how they would react to her saying that. 

The three of them froze, Rengoku and Collei turned to Amber who looked sheepish. "I ,uh, I forgot you had my rotom phone. I'm sorry Lucy." Lucy chuckles before smiling at Amber.

"I know, I was just messing with you." Amber looked relieved, letting out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. She was happy that Lucy wasn't mad at her. "Though…" Amber froze, slightly nervous about what Lucy might say next while Rengoku and Collei looked amused. "...I realized that I need a haircut, my bangs are too long. I would rather not have to deal with my hair getting in my face." Amber fell to the ground in relief, while Lucy was a bit concerned as to why Amber fell to the ground, "Is Amber Okay? Also, Arcanine won't get his head off my lap, can someone call Officer Jenny?" Rengoku agrees and goes to find Officer Jenny. 

Amber is still on the ground, trying to calm her heart from the slight scare Lucy gave her just now. Collei shakes her head and approaches Lucy, "You okay? No injuries?" Collei questions as she puts her hands on her hip, Lucy looks at Collei. 

"I have no injuries, Officer Jenny found me before anything could happen to me, also sorry for, you know, disappearing on you guys. I was waiting for you guys outside of the airport, I don't like crowded places too much." Lucy scratches the back of her neck. 

Collei smiles, " I don't like crowded places much either, I would rather be with a small group of people." Seems that two introverted people are getting along with each other.

Soon Amber gets up off of the floor, groaning slightly in pain as she had hit the ground hard. She sees how Collei and Lucy are finally talking, they haven't talked at all since they met at the airport. 

Suddenly, Rengoku enters the room with Officer Jenny. Officer Jenny returns Arcanine to their pokeball, letting Lucy get up. 

Rengoku:" Now let's head to the Ranger School!" Rengoku Yells as the four of them exit the police station.