
Pokémon: Noblesse(Currently rethinking this concept)

After experiencing an unfortunate demise, Tristan, a Minister of State, finds himself reborn into a mysterious and unfamiliar realm. To his astonishment, this new world he now inhabits is filled with extraordinary creatures known as Pokémon! With the realization that the creatures from the realm of fiction also exist in this unfamiliar land, read as an idealistic and ambitious man takes his own initiative in this world, navigating this new world much like a skilled chess player strategizing at a grand table.

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9 Chs

The Low-Born Maid II

Weeks passed, and with each passing day, Diane's father's health showed remarkable improvement. Diane couldn't help but connect this positive change to the eggs laid by her evolved Pokémon, Chansey.

These eggs seemed to contain extraordinary nutrients that accelerated her father's recovery and overall well-being. It was a heartwarming sight for Diane, witnessing the healing power of Chansey's eggs firsthand.

And in due course, Diane's household rose to become the wealthiest in the village, surpassing all others.

What's more, her father assumed the position of the village leader, showcasing his newfound popularity and met all the necessary qualifications.

It was a well-right recognition, and quickly, such position began to display his innate wisdom and leadership skills. As for Diane, having an evolved Pokémon by her side only added to the prestige and admiration she garnered from the villagers.

Diane's life had taken a remarkable turn, but her father couldn't help but feel that remaining in a remote village limited her potential. He believed that with her Pokémon, she had the ability to achieve greater things and rise above the constraints of a common life.

He saw her talents and ambition and wanted her to pursue opportunities that would provide greater rewards and recognition, allowing her to transcend the ordinary and earn a more substantial income.

Nobles would surely recognize her value and seek her out for her possession of a Pokémon. She also had the potential to establish herself as an official Tamer.

While becoming a Court Tamer or joining a order of knights might be beyond her reach, her Pokémon had opened doors to numerous other opportunities that were previously unavailable to her. With her new companion, she could navigate the paths of success and carve out a prominent place for herself in the world.

Diane found it difficult to part ways with her father, but he insisted that she leave the village. He believed that she had outgrown her current circumstances and had so much more to offer beyond their humble village.

With her father's restored health and newfound prosperity, she no longer needed to worry about his well-being.

While it pained her to leave him, she understood that it was time for her to embark on her own journey and pursue better. She knew that her father's love and blessings would always be with her, even from a distance.

Furthermore, her father realized that he had inadvertently held her back within the confines of the village for far too long. He regretted not allowing her to explore the world and carve her own path earlier.

He acknowledged that Diane was a strong and independent individual who deserved to live her own life and pursue her own dreams. With a heavy heart, he admitted that he had been selfish in trying to keep her close to him.

He now understood that she needed the freedom to spread her wings and make her mark on the world.

After considering his reasoning, Diane finally acquiesced. With a heavy heart, she bid farewell to Vale Village, closing that chapter of her life there. As she left, a sense of determination and ambition swelled within her.

She understood the importance of seeking a better position, not just for herself, but also for the sake of her family.

After a long and eventful journey on stagecoaches pulled by diverse and magnificent Pokémon, most of which Diane had never encountered before, she finally arrived in Valeria, the bustling capital city.

The grandeur of the cityscape filled her with a mix of excitement and trepidation as she ventured into its busy streets.

Determined to improve her circumstances, Diane set out to find employment that would make use of her newfound Pokémon companion and grant her access to higher-paying opportunities beyond the reach of ordinary commoners.

She could conceivably work as a entrepreneur healer or become an official Tamer, but Diane decided that working as an attendant would be more suitable for her. Not only did it offer a higher salary, but it also provided a safer environment compared to the other options.

Diane planned to routinely send coin to her village for her father.

Here in the capital, Diane realized that there were many skilled Tamers who would likely surpass her in battles. Despite having Chansey as a reliable partner, Diane acknowledged that her own battle prowess was mediocre at best.

Furthermore, she didn't have a strong inclination towards Pokémon battles, and even Chansey shared a similar sentiment, preferring peaceful interactions over combat.


After a month of exploring the city, Diane stumbled upon an intriguing job posting. It was a notice from House Maliketh, a noble Baron family, seeking individuals to join their household as attendants.

The position of maidservant seemed to align with Diane's skills and experience, and the prospect of working in a noble household intrigued her. She decided to apply, hoping that her dedication and hard work would land her the job.

The posting detailed the specific requirements for the maidservant position at House Maliketh. Along with proficiency in thorough cleaning and child-rearing, they were particularly interested in candidates who could also serve as guardians. Apparently, this was due to a particular circumstance they found themselves in.

It appeared that the noble Baron family of House Maliketh would have limited time to spend with their child until the unspecified event was resolved.

The maidservants were expected to provide dedicated care and attention to the child in the absence of the parents. This further emphasized the importance of finding a candidate who could not only maintain a clean and organized household but also act as a nurturing figure for the child during this period.

Diane recognized the significance of her role in supporting the family and ensuring the child's well-being.

The job opportunity entailed working in the scenic Highlands Region, located in the northern part of the kingdom. Although it was a remote location, Diane found the prospect exciting.

The fact that her potential employer was a noble, albeit a low-ranking one, added another unexpected benefit to the job. Working for a noble family could open doors to new connections and opportunities, potentially elevating her status and providing a stable and prosperous future.

Diane eagerly considered the prospect of embarking on this journey to the Highlands and serving the noble Baron family of House Maliketh.

Although she didn't have extensive experience in child care, aside from occasional babysitting for the mothers in Vale Village, Diane was confident in her abilities. She was sure this wouldn't stop her.

Having a Pokémon, especially a nurturing one like Chansey, would certainly make Diane a highly valued candidate for the role of guardian for the child. Her ability to provide medical assistance and support would be seen as a significant asset by the noble family.

It would give them peace of mind knowing that their child would have immediate access to healing and care in case of any illness or injury. Diane was confident that her partnership with Chansey would greatly enhance her suitability for the position and increase her chances of being selected for the job.

And if it wasn't enough…well, she'd just have to show them the power that Chansey's eggs had. She had seen firsthand how these eggs had accelerated her father's recovery and improved his overall health. Having done that bit of negotiation calculus in her mind, Diane headed for the Highlands.

It took nearly a week before Diane was accepted as a maidservant. The head of House Maliketh was an extremely diligent man. Despite Diane's introduction of Chansey and her description of the Pokémon's abilities, Lord Richard remained reserved in his judgment, simply responding, "I will see. For now, my guards will escort you to the inn in Ars."

He was most likely carefully considering her qualifications, being such a meticulous individual.

Diane always knew that nobles differed greatly from the people in her village, but the members of House Maliketh exceeded all her expectations. Their grandeur and opulence were on a level she had never witnessed before. The mansion stood tall and imposing, surrounded by meticulously manicured gardens and adorned with intricate architectural details.

As she stepped through the ornate entrance, Diane couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and apprehension. She knew that her life was about to change in ways she could hardly fathom.

Lord Richard, the head of House Maliketh, proved to be an elusive and imposing figure, even more so than Diane's own father. His strictness and high standards made it challenging to approach him. On the other hand, Lady Atheris, the baroness of House Maliketh, though still commanding in her own right, exuded a more approachable aura, providing Diane with some relief amidst the formidable atmosphere of the household.

She had a hard time adjusting to such a stern household. There were unspoken rules within a noble's home. She had to move with a certain elegance, and study etiquette. This was in order to not embarrass the House of Maliketh.

Moreover, their manor was a sight to behold. Diane was taken aback by the grandeur and opulence that surpassed her expectations for a barony. She didn't have extensive knowledge about the aristocratic side of the country, nevertheless, was a barony, the second to last title in noble-ranking, supposed to have such a grand manor?

In any event, the lavishness of their home seemed fitting considering the commanding nature of Lord Richard and the elegance and sophistication of Lady Atheris.

Even with the weight of carrying a child, Lady Atheris maintained her unwavering composure. However, the signs of her impending delivery were evident through her heavy breathing and perspiration. Diane, drawing from her experience assisting with childbirth in Vale Village, possessed the necessary technical knowledge.

Additionally, with the healing abilities of Chansey by her side, she hoped to provide a more comfortable and less painful birthing experience for Lady Atheris.

Also, the compensation exceeded Diane's expectations. The generous remuneration made it feel like a dream come true for her.


And then the child was born.

The birth itself proceeded without any issues, unfolding exactly as Diane had anticipated based on her past experiences. Even at the points where complications often arise, everything progressed smoothly and without any hitches. And with the help of Chansey, Lady Atheris's recovery was speedy.

This took even Lord Richard's attention. It paid off that the specific species of Pokémon that Diane had was of Chansey's.

But once he was born, the child did not cry. Diane's heart skipped a beat as she noticed the lack of sound. Cold sweat started forming on her forehead as she grew concerned.

The infant's face appeared devoid of any emotion, and with amniotic fluid expelled from his nose and mouth, he seemed still and unresponsive. It was a terrifying moment, as if he might have been stillborn.

By the grace of the saints, when Diane reached out, she could feel the baby's pulse and the gentle rise and fall of his breath. Relief washed over her, knowing that he was alive. However, the absence of his cries weighed heavily on her mind.

She recalled a piece of advice from one of the experienced women in the village, who had shared her wisdom with Diane: Babies who didn't cry at birth often had a range of abnormalities.

At that very moment, however, her thoughts were interrupted by the gentle touch of the infant's hand wrapping around her finger. The tiny fingers squeezed ever so slightly, as if seeking reassurance and connection. It was a small but significant gesture that seemed to make her feel better.

The baby's gaze wandered around the room, briefly taking in his surroundings, his parents, and finally resting on Diane. His face showed a mix of curiosity and innocence, accompanied by babbling sounds that were filled with a sense of wonder.

But it was his eyes that captured Diane's attention the most. There was a depth to them, an awareness that seemed beyond his tender age. It was as if the baby possessed a wisdom and understanding that surpassed the usual consciousness of an infant.

The baby's eyes, a captivating shade of silver-gray, mirrored the exact hue of his father's gaze. As Diane observed this striking resemblance, a wave of relief washed over her.

It was a comforting sight, assuring her that the child indeed belonged to his parents. In that moment, the connection between father and son was undeniable.

She didn't quite know why, but it seemed like things were going to be okay.


The child was bestowed with the name Sariel, a tribute to one of the predecessors of House Maliketh, and what an interesting child he was.

Diane had become his permanent caretaker, due to the presence of Chansey. This also increased her pay.

Lord Sariel never cried, nor did he cause any commotion. One might have thought his lack of fussiness was due to physical frailty, but such assumptions were quickly dispelled. As soon as Lord Sariel discovered how to crawl, he began to skillfully climb out of his bed.

And if that weren't enough, the baby possessed the cleverness to unlock and open his own bedroom door. How he could reach the door handle, was a mystery all in itself.

He would venture to every nook and cranny of the house, exploring the chapel, the bathrooms, and even sneaking into Lord Richard's office on one occasion, catching the man off guard as he was engrossed in stacks of paperwork. That was quite embarrassing for Diane.

As soon as anyone turned their attention away, he would vanish without a trace. Despite Diane and Chansey's best efforts to keep a watchful eye on him, he always managed to find loopholes and slip away, displaying a remarkable agility and cunning that was in stark contrast to his previous passiveness as an infant.

Regardless, he would inevitably be discovered somewhere within the manor. Curiously, Lord Sariel never ventured down to the first level of the house.

He would peer down the stairs, as if contemplating the challenge, but perhaps even he, with all his cleverness, recognized that it was a feat beyond his capabilities.

This brought some reassurance, as it indicated that he could still be seen as normal for his age. It was understandable for a young child to feel intimidated by the prospect of going downstairs. It was also an add-on since she wouldn't have wanted to lose her job, or worse, her head, due to the curiosity of a child.

Diane couldn't pinpoint exactly when she began to feel a sense of self-consciousness around the child. Perhaps it started even before he learned to crawl, when he was still too small to move around independently.

Lord Sariel always seemed to have his eyes fixed on her, and everything else around him. Whether he was in his bed, supposedly asleep, or playing with his wooden carved toys, it was as if he was meticulously observing every person and object in his vicinity.

It didn't help that the boy seemed almost indifferent to everything. However, Diane couldn't help but wonder if this attitude was influenced by the overall disposition of the Maliketh household, as all the members exhibited a similar sense of impassiveness.

Still, Diane found it unsettling to experience such a sense of watchfulness coming from Lord Sariel, especially considering his young age. She couldn't shake the eerie feeling that he could possibly be staring at her while she slept in the middle of the night.

Diane would unconsciously attempt to divert Lord Sariel's gaze by entertaining him with stories and jokes. One of her recurring tactics involved playfully poking him in the nose, hoping to distract his attention. However, to her disappointment, it seemed that her attempts were always in vain.

What occurred when Diane lifted Lord Sariel into her arms during his early days was particularly concerning. She had brought Chansey along to introduce them, but the gaze the child directed at Chansey was unsettling, to say the least.

It was enough to make Diane's blood run cold, almost to the point where she had an instinctive urge to drop the boy to the floor.

The child showed no signs of affection. His expression was chilling, reminiscent of a heartless local lord who would have no qualms about disposing of those he deemed no longer useful.

Meanwhile, this had little effect on Chansey. She seemed to relish being in the presence of the child, as it aligned with her nurturing nature. Diane often caught them engaged in staring contests, their eyes locked in a gentle exchange.


And so, Diane lived in fear for the first year or so.

She had started teaching him the fundamentals of aristocratic etiquette and courtesy.

At some point, however, Lord Sariel's ever-watchful behavior shifted. Instead of disappearing and reappearing at random, he started spending most of his time secluded in the manor's study, tucked away in a corner of the library.

Lord Sariel would lock himself in there and remain secluded for hours on end. One day, out of curiosity, Diane decided to take a quick peek into the study.

To her surprise, she found Lord Sariel lying on Chansey's round torso like a makeshift pillow, engrossed in a book. However, the words he was muttering sounded unfamiliar, unlike any language spoken in the countries of the Continent of Luminae.

Diane was always amazed by the child's intelligence, but the sight of him reading books at not even two years of age left her in shock. It was beyond what she had expected or imagined.

Besides, he was too young to be talking in coherent sentences, and certainly nobody had taught him to read yet. Which meant the boy was simply looking at the books, fascinated by the pictures and making random sounds as he pointed at different pages.

For it to be anything other than that was simply too baffling.

Even so, Lord Sariel sounded like he was speaking with an actual, meaningful rhythm for some reason, and it appeared as though he grasped the content of the book he was examining.

'That's incredibly peculiar,' Diane thought as she observed covertly through the slight opening in the door.

And yet, she strangely felt none of her usual unease around him. Ever since the boy had started retreating to the study, his difficult-to-explain, disquieting peculiarity had diminished to a great extent.

Oh, he'd still occasionally hold her gaze for a prolonged moment, sure, but Diane no longer felt an eerie chill whenever she held him. His scrutinizing eyes had ceased their apparent evaluations of her.

In recent days, she had noticed a genuine sense of earnestness and diligence in him that she didn't want to disrupt. Diane decided to have a conversation with Lady Atheris about it, and to her surprise, Lady Atheris had told her to allow the boy to continue entering the study.

She assured Diane that she would discuss the matter with Lord Richard. Lady Atheris also showed a rare moment of sorrowfulness, acknowledging that their busy schedules had prevented them from spending much time with their son so far.

Diane and Lady Atheris then had both agreed that, from that point on, it was best to allow the boy to pursue his own interests. With Chansey always by his side, Diane believed he would be well taken care of.

It was an unconventional decision, leaving an infant alone in his pursuits. Diane couldn't help but feel a mix of uncertainty and curiosity about Lord Sariel's unusual demeanor.

His intelligence and respectful demeanor set him apart from other children, making him appear surprisingly mature for his age. While it went against conventional wisdom, there was a part of Diane that believed the child could be trusted to navigate his own path.

What should she do? Diane found herself at a crossroads, unsure of the best course of action. Her limited experience offered no clear answers to guide her in this unique situation. "There's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting," she had been told before.

At least there was nothing too off or unsettling about the boy now, nothing to fear.

Diane's background is finally set. Tell me, are you guys enjoying this story? This chapter was particularly long, compared to the previous ones, but I'm sure fanfic readers enjoy such things.

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