
Pokémon: New Beginning's

Who hasn't at least once imagined what life would be life in the world of Pokemon? Our protagonist was exactly the same but luckily for him, it became reality. // I do not own Pokemon and the only thing I own is the MC//

Lance_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

New Beginning's

In an inconspicuous house in the quaint Twinleaf Town, an anomaly to this world has woken up on the day many people in this world see as the most important date of their lives.

Our protagonist, after the tedious, standard transmigrator shock of passing, has come to terms with the loss of his past life.

In a way he is relieved at the loss of the monotone life he led up to this point. He was an office worker. *as all protagonists seem to be*

No family, minimal friends, if you can consider co-workers passing conversations and occasional recreational drinking friends.

His favorite pass time was diving into whatever fantasy world he could find. Naruto, HxH, Black Clover etc.

But his favorite was Pokémon.

He was an avid fan of both the anime and game versions. How he wished he could one day awaken into this seemingly childish world to find meaning and color in his oh so somber life. However he never actually expected what was to come…


"Get up Grayson, breakfast is ready!" Shouted the middle aged woman downstairs.

"Phew, at least it only took a few minutes to recover from the shock, unlike some Webnovel protagonists I read in the past" Grayson said.

Now that the shock has subsides all that remains is uncontrollable joy which is apparent from the disturbing grin slapped on his face right now. From gathering his thoughts and memories from this body he has gained some enlightenment to his situation.

His name is Grayson as already established. He has just turned 10 today and has a younger sister by 36 months. (Years as we all know in Pokémon are a grey area by the fact Ash is the eternal 10 Year old so pretend years don't exist for me pls thx)

His sister's name is Dawn, yes you guessed it that Dawn, the one who always insists that there is no need to worry.

Although not mentioned in the series it seems that the great author god has graciously bestowed the surname...


'Tch, corny ass author'

As Grayson was committing blasphemy he here the sound that got his blood pumping.


*System successfully merged*

'I love you author god' Grayson thought.


Suddenly a screen showed in front of the face of Grayson.


[Host]: Grayson Aqua


[Stamina]: 13 (10)

[Strength]: 11 (10)

[Intelligence]: 15 (10)

[Wisdom]: 20 (10)

[Skills]: Paradise


"Seems my predecessor kept active over the years, i'm taking credit for the intelligence and the wisdom though, can't be too humble hehe"

"I wonder what else this skill is though, it better be OP"



When Host's Pokémon are in their Poké Ball, they are instead placed within a literal Pokémon paradise, perfect habitats for every type and species. Also automatically hands out the perfect Pokémon food to help both growth and prefference.

Note: Pokémon caught by the user when training within Paradise will grow a certain amount of times faster than normal


"...How lucky am I!?!?!" Grayson exclaimed. He really was lucky, this was meant he was guaranteed to be ahead of everyone in terms of training.

Somewhere in a different universe

"*Achoo* Oh Yeah! Seems like someone mentioned training! This is the meaning of YOUTH! Come Lee let us do 500 more laps of the village before sunrise!"

"Hai Guy-Sensei!"

Back with our protagonist

"Grayson I said come down, you'll be late on your first day of your journey!" Shouted Johanna

"Yes Mom!"

'I already know who I am gonna pick as my starter, the Pokemon with the fewest weaknesses when in final form of the 3 starters in Sinnoh'

Grayson makes his way downstairs and saw 2 people at the dining table. As well there is a cat like Pokemon lazing by the window.

"Happy Birthday bro" Dawn happily exclaims

"Happy Birthday son, are you excited for your adventure?" Johanna asks

"Thanks Dawn, and yeah Mom you wouldn't even know just how excited I am right now" Grayson says, whispering the last part

"Have you decided if you are going to be a battler or take after your dear Mother and be a coordinator?" His Mother asks jokingly already knowing the answer

"Of course I'll become the strongest Pokemon trainer so obviously I will be battling, I won't rule out trying a few contests here and there but definitely not my go to" He says

"Well at least you don't look down on my previous passion too much" She says wiping the fake tears from her cheek

'At least Dawn wants to follow in my footsteps' she sighs internally

After an enjoyable breakfast with his new family Grayson heads towards where he will get his new partner. Somewhere into the journey he thinks to himself about how the breakfast went.

"I thought originally I would feel awkward joining a new family but it seems totally natural, System why is this?"

[Because your soul was always the one inhabiting the body, it;s just that it took until your 10th Birthday to configure the System and thus gained your previous memories. So don't feel as if you walked in on someone else's family because it was always yours to begin with] The System mechanically says

A great burden lifts off of Grayson's shoulders that he has kept to himself since he woke up here, in the back of his mind it was tearing him apart that he may have indirectly took someones life but now he was thrilled that wasn't in fact the case.

Breathing out a loud sigh he realizes that he has arrived outside of Professor Rowan's Laboratory. He firmly knocks and moments later a stern looking old man walks out wearing a lab coat.

"Ah here you are Grayson, I was expecting you a little later but seems you're very eager to get your first partner" Professor Rowan says

'He is not as stiff as he looks eh'

"Yes Professor, also I have something I want to ask a favor of you afterwards as well about my journey"

"Of course I will hear you out but that can wait for now, come to the back I have laid out the choice Poke Balls for you to choose from, have you got an idea about who your new friend will be?"

"I have already got an idea Professor but it'd be good to see to make sure since we are going to be going through a lot together, can't be too hasty to decide I guess"

"Too right you are lad, let us go then"

They both approach 3 laid out Poke Balls, then Professor Rowan releases the three from their Poke Balls and lets a Pokedex he pulled out of seemingly nowhere introduce the three Pokemon.

"Chimchar the Chimp Pokemon. Fire type, Its fiery rear end is fueled by gas made in its belly. Even rain can't extinguish the fire."


Piplup the Penguin Pokemon. Water type, It doesn't like to be taken care of. It's difficult to bond with since it won't listen to its Trainer."


"Turtwig the Tiny Leaf Pokemon. Grass type, Photosynthesis occurs across its body under the sun. The shell on its back is actually hardened soil."


"So Grayson, who do you choose to be your first Pokemon to fight side by side with on your journey to the unknown" Professor Rowan announces

"I choose..."