
Kyoko's Pokemon!

Calvin was walking through Petalburg city to Route 3. He didn't look forward and kept his eyes glued to the ground. Suddenly, He bumped into someone causing both of them to fall back and hit the ground.

"Sorry. I didn't look." Calvin said and saw that the girl he had bumped into was more prettier than Sylvia. He didn't know but he felt that getting hit down by one girl was an excuse for him to bounce back.

Calvin bounced up to his feet and helped her up. Our Protagonist is really Efficient and never gives up.

"Thanks." The Girl said. She had Bobbed dark purple hair and she wore an Incredible Pink shirt which showed her lower regions and by lower regions, I mean her stomach and then she also wore brown jean shorts reaching down to her knee at most. She looked like a deity in her own sexy way.

Oh, Have I forgot to mention that well, There is going to be many Interesting scenes in this book and also that Sylvia matter was all that was needed to unleash Calvin's real attitude, full of courage.

The Girl paused and she stared at him.

"Don't you know me?" The Girl asked.

"I don't. Am I supposed to?" Calvin asked.

"Hehe. You're funny...Wait, you're not joking. You don't know me." The Girl said.

"Could I start by knowing your name, Milady?" Calvin said, grinning like a madman.

"Okay, I am Kyoko Lightrain from the Sinnoh region. You know, The Sinnoh league contender who finished off with 5 gym badges because of the Team Galactic problem." The girl said.

"Your story didn't reach the Hoenn region, unfortunately. I could have made some research on you preparing myself for this arrival." Calvin said.

"You think your witty sentences are going to win me over, You are sadly mistaken. If I didn't know better, You are trying to make me become your Girlfriend so you can enjoy my hot body, right?" Kyoko asked.

And Our MC with the Humility of Arceus answered sincerely.

"Yes." Calvin said, "It was fun while it lasted."

Calvin began walking away, He was heading to Route 3, He couldn't miss an awesome chance to train Feebas. Maybe in the deep ocean, He could find a Prism scale or that Coral leaf he had been researching about that had the absolute possibility of evolving a Feebas into Milotic after feeding. His battle with that Admin had taught him that he had to be ready for anything and his Elites needed to grow..Fast!

"Umm...Are you from Hoenn?" Kyoko asked.

"Yes although I'm partly Kanto since I am related to Prof. Oak and not to mention that my grandfather is Prof. Birch." Calvin replied trying to stun her.

"Seriously, How can you be related to two famous Professors?" Kyoko said in disbelief.

"I don't know. Ask my parents." Calvin said, shrugging his shoulders. He didn't even know much about the history of how his Parents but all he knew that Gary loved May and that was all he needed to know for now. He didn't want them to divorce, They were a perfect couple.

'The clever quips,His confident style of talking and not to mention the muscles that this guy has. He is definently an able bodied Pokémon trainer.' Kyoko thought.

"Well it's been nice talking to you, Miss Kyoko but I got places to go and things to do so I'll savor you more when I see you next time." Calvin said and began walking away.

Kyoko felt like she was missing her only chance. She stopped him again.

"Can I accompany you on your Pokémon journey?" Kyoko asked.

Calvin thought his luck was exceptional. Of course, He agreed. Only a fucking retard would miss out an Opportunity like this.

"You can." Calvin said, keeping his cool despite the fact that when the girl stopped him, She held his shoulder.

"Great." Kyoko said, releasing her grip on Calvin's shoulder.

"Did you know that the Petalburg city Gym is actually the Fifth Gym." Calvin said.

"Wait...What?" Kyoko exclaimed. She hadn't known that.

"The Petalburg city Gym was once a Normal type gym owned by a Guy called Norman, The father of the current Hoenn league Champion, Brendan. Petalburg city Gym is the fifth gym and is only a chance for Pokémon trainers like me and you intending to train ourselves but currently My Uncle got the position and began beating up trainers forcing them to take this as the Fifth Gym challenge." Calvin explained.

"Wow..That means I won against the Fifth gym leader." Kyoko said.

"Alright, Don't get ahead of yourself. Let's see your Pokémon team." Calvin said.

Kyoko reluctantly reached into her bag and brought out a Pokéball.

"This was the only Pokémon I brought with me from the Sinnoh region." Kyoko said. She put the Pokéball down and it released a Bright blue light, The Pokéball opened up and out burst a Pokémon.

"Luxio. Take a look at our new companion." Kyoko said with a giggle.

"Hey, aren't we friends?" Calvin asked.

"I don't see you as a friend but as a guy who is after bedding me so don't expect much from me." Kyoko said with a shrug.

Calvin looked a bit hurt but nevertheless regained his composure, Something that shocked Kyoko who expected Calvin to at least retaliate with another one of his Clever returns.

"Shinx, huh? It's a powerful electric type Pokémon from what I can see." Calvin said, stroking his chin.

Calvin took out his Pokédex and began a scan.



But what shocked Calvin the most is the Move set.

It knew:

Thundershock- Electric type attack (All Electric type Pokémon must know this move)

Thunderwave- Electric type attack (Not practically a good move as it is easily dodgeable by Pokémon with agility like Pidgeotto or Mankey)

Quick attack- Normal type attack (Honestly, I like this move but I don't think she knows about performing 2 moves simultaneously)

Focus Energy- Normal type attack (Well, It is good to focus all your energy to increase your critical hit ratio but the major fact while Trainers don't use this move much is because of the time it takes to focus all that energy)

Spark- Electric type attack (A close range attack but Volt attack is a more preferrable attack because of the speeed the Pokémon is moving at, Well it's a good attack for close combat battles)

Agility- Normal type stat booster technique (Agility, huh...It's a move that can be used to make the Pokémon more agile. It can be used to dodge attacks and hey, I think I know how she defeated Uncle Max. She probably took advantage of this attack, She was constantly using Agility to boost her speed stat then she would just strike Swellow down with Spark which is a perfect combination. It made it more like Volt tackle and thus increasing the strength of the attack a little bit. I doubt she realized that though, No offense but this is a Shitty move list which is only capable of taking care of Flying and water type Pokémon which are the First and second Gym BUT the third gym which is a Fighting type and the fourth, Well an Electric type user)

The Ability of this Pokémon: Electricity absorption- The ability to absorb Electricity to temporarily increase the attack and speed stat of the Pokémon although the assimilation rate of Electricity is slow.

Calvin had to admit it though, This ability technically made it able to dominate a stronger electric Pokémon than it but he saw that last part and shook his head gravely. This Pokémon was utterly weak, He wasn't sure if it would manage to hurt Feebas.

'She could have brought a better Pokémon, I mean there is Starly, although it's not very strong at first, It has the Staravia and Staraptor evolution that completely dominated the air battles. Bidoof would be simple, It would still be more powerful after tapping into evolution. Kricketot evolved into Kricketune, I think. That's a very average bug Pokémon with the fucking ability to put Pokémon to sleep with a single song, Sinnoh region Pokémon are really cool and I haven't even begun to talk about Chimchar, Monferno and Infernape and other Sinnoh rare starters so how in the hell did she end up with a fucking Shinx?' Calvin thought.

Calvin has matured a bit and is about to learn more about the world which he stays in.

Tyler_Xcreators' thoughts