
Calvin's Rage!

Lombre and Masquerain continued sparring. They were evenly strong Pokémon. Lombre had never battled an opponent as strong as Masquerain, When Calvin had told it that he didn't stand a chance against his Pokémon. He wasn't lying.

Suddenly, right in the middle of the battle. A Fireball closed in on the two Pokémon. They nodded at each other and each blasted a Water gun which together brought out the power of a Hydro Pump. They were able to overcome the Fireball and it headed for the Pokémon that fired it, A Torkoal.

"Torkoal! Fire up Protect!" Someone ordered and Torkoal responded. It cast a light green protective barrier that protected it from the Hydro Pump.

Torkoal was returned to its Pokéball.

"Sorry for the trouble." Someone said and emerged from the bushes. A Green haired girl with long hair reaching to her shoulders. She was extremely pretty and had equally big breasts with a nice ass.

"Hey, Who are you?" Silver asked.

"Oh, I am Mathilda." The Green haired girl said. She had a slight smile on her face when she looked at Calvin.

"Mathilda, Why did you stop my sparring session?" Calvin asked with a frown.

"Sorry but I didn't want to attract any Team Constellation goons here. They and their Admin are in a clearing that is near here." Mathilda said, fidgetting her fingers.

Calvin's frown was instantly replaced with a smile, He returned his two Pokémon to their Pokéballs.

"Don't worry, We'll get a decent sparring session soon." Calvin promised as they got sucked into their respective Pokéballs. Then he approached Mathilda and hung his arm around her shoulder as they walked forward. Mathilda's face was red but she couldn't stop him, She felt embarassed but she enjoyed his touch.

"If that is all you worry about then I will gladly deal with them for you." Calvin said as he gripped harder on her shoulder and gave her a sweet smile. She smiled back and they walked together to the location of the Team Constellation goons.

"That guy is really so good with the ladies." Kyoko said.

"Honestly, I don't know if it was the fact that he got dumped by One lady but he's just killing it." Silver said with a shrug.

They followed the duo to the clearing.

The Clearing had just the right amount of trimmed grass, Trees at a distance, A stream filled with pure water and some Water Pokémon. It was the perfect place to camp.

The Team constellation goons were a number of five while the Admin was the same one that Calvin was defeated by but that as if that didn't make Calvin angry, They had tied and gagged Tanya and one of those Low class goons was touching her Breasts. Something a man had to work hard to touch, These people just kidnapped an innocent Pokémon trainer and started touching her. The Admin was reaching his hands to her ass. Calvin couldn't take any more of it. If he watched any more, he was going to explode.

He turned to Mathilda and gave her a wide pretend smile which in reply, Her face became red.

"I'll be back. I have to save that girl." Calvin said. He gave her a peck on the cheek enough to make her fall over. Calvin ran into the clearing with his fists clenched.

"Don't touch Tanya again or I'll make sure you never see the sun rise ever again." Calvin said with a devilish smirk.

The Goons and the Admin laughed their hearts out.

"Seriously, That Kid from the Pokémon center thinks he can beat us. Goons, Knock some sense into him. This girl has nice curves all around and alongside her tits, She has a nice ass. She will be the perfect sex toy for the leader." The Admin said.

All at once, Calvin's rage exploded.

He brought out a Pokéball and pressed the button in the center. Charmeleon burst out of its Pokéball.

"Get Tanya here." Calvin ordered and Charmeleon nodded. It disappeared and Tanya suddenly disappeared. Charmeleon and Tanya appeared and Calvin heaved Tanya over his shoulders. She was still suffering from Trauma after what happened to her.

Tanya was so afraid that she wrapped her legs around him and clinged to him with all her might.

"See what you've done to the poor girl." Calvin said.

"We don't care about the girl, We just want our Boss to favor us." One Goon said, already bringing out his Pokémon. A Grimer.

"Yes. That's right, Lord Cyprus's will is followed." The other goon said.

They each had a Grimer and that meant five grimers in total. Calvin didn't even bother bringing out his Pokédex. He had decent data on Grimer, It was the Sludge Pokémon capable of taking shape of its container. It's almost like living water.

Calvin was so angry that he gripped Gyrados's Pokéball and threw it to the field and out erupted the large Pokémon. It was the Blood red colored Gyrados.

"Gyrados! Wipe these wimps out! Hydro Pump!" Calvin ordered. Gyrados gathered obscene amounts of water in its mouth and fired it at once. It came in contact with the Grimers causing them to faint instantly. The Goons were soaked in water but the water cleared.

They had no source of protection and Calvin smiled devilishly. He ordered Charmeleon to break their legs so that they could not escape. Charmeleon looked at its trainers malicious look and then obeyed its orders.

It broke the joint between their legs so it would be impossible to move but Charmeleon did it gladly. These Guys had been perving on his Master's friend, This was kindness compared to what Charmeleon had in mind.

They faced the Admin which used Shiftry.

"I'll beat you like last time." The Admin said.

"Sorry but I don't plan on losing." Calvin said with a wicked smile. He returned Gyrados, He and Charmeleon had to beat this Pokémon to preserve their reputation.

"Shiftry! Night slash!" The Admin ordered. Shiftry ran forward and it's right hand glowed in black color producing some kind of Scythe. This was their upgraded version of the move he used on Calvin back in the Pokémon center.

"Charmeleon! Counter attack with Mega kick!" Calvin ordered. Charmeleon waited till Shiftry was right in front of it then jumped out of harm's way and its foot began glowing in an orange aura. He slammed his right foot on Shiftry causing a crater.

"Don't let out! Continue attacking with Mega punch Continuously!" The Admin ordered. Shiftry jumped out of that crater, intensely damaged but it ran to Charmeleon and began hitting it with a barrage of punches.

"Block all attacks with one finger!" Calvin ordered. Charmeleon grinned and blocked each and every of those Mega punches with a finger like a professional Kakashi.

"Finish this shit! Quick Attack Combo!" Calvin ordered. Charmeleon grinned even harder and suddenly vanished from sight, Shiftry was suddenly hit and barrelled around by Charmeleon continuously. It lost consciousness.

"Shiftry!" The Admin shouted, "You weak Pathetic Pokémon!"

"It was its trainer that was weak. Now, Charmeleon end this! I don't want to see his face again." Calvin said.

The Girls widened their eyes in shock. They thought Calvin was going to kill him. Charmeleon nodded and fired a minimally charged Ember attack at the Admin sending him flying. He threw a Pokéball and caught Shiftry

He laid Tanya on the ground. She still shivered and was quite unable to open her eyes.

"Milotic! Come on out!" Calvin ordered and Milotic's Pokéball opened. The Pokémon looked at Tanya and then used Heal Pulse on her.

Revenge match winner: Calvin! Something spicy is happening in the Next chapter! Sorry for not releasing Yesterday, I didn't get any free time.

Tyler_Xcreators' thoughts