
POKÉMON: Journey Towards Greatness(EDIT of JTG)

I am in the process of editing this novel solely to enhance its grammar and readability, with no intention of personal gain from this endeavor. Author: Evil_God_ZARAKH

JunStark · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Chapter 72 - Back To The Unknown Forest

The early morning tranquility was disrupted as Julian lay peacefully asleep. However, his slumber was abruptly interrupted when Mew, being its mischievous self, used its tail to tickle his nose. The unexpected tickle caused Julian to jolt awake, sneezing as a result.

Confused and disoriented, Julian looked around, trying to make sense of the situation. His confusion was short-lived as he spotted Mew nearby, giggling mischievously. Understanding that Mew had playfully awakened him, Julian couldn't help but smile, appreciating the whimsical nature of the legendary Pokémon.

Julian, still inquisitive about Mew's intentions, asked, "What is it, Mew?"

In response, Mew floated closer to Julian and tugged at his sleeve, clearly indicating that it wanted him to follow.

Julian considered Mew's request and then asked again, "Do you want me to follow you?"

Mew responded with an enthusiastic nod, its bright eyes sparkling with anticipation. It seemed that Mew had something in mind, and Julian was willing to indulge its curiosity and playful nature.

Julian agreed to follow Mew's lead and requested a moment to get ready. He swiftly cleaned himself up, preparing for whatever adventure Mew had in store.

Following Mew deeper into the forest, Julian couldn't help but wonder about the purpose of this excursion. As they continued, the dense canopy of leaves above them grew thicker, blocking out even the sunlight. Julian's curiosity deepened.

Suddenly, as they ventured further into the forest, Julian felt a peculiar sensation, as if he had passed through some kind of energy barrier. In the next moment, his surroundings transformed dramatically. Towering trees reached up into the sky, allowing warm sunlight to filter through, and the air was charged with a potent spiritual energy. Julian was left awestruck by the breathtaking and mysterious new environment he had entered.

Julian couldn't believe his eyes as he recognized the surroundings. This was the same forest where he had captured Elekid, and it was also where he had first sensed the presence of Mew. The unexpected return to this familiar place left him both surprised and intrigued.

He couldn't help but ask, "Mew, is this your home?"

Mew nodded in affirmation, its eyes shining with happiness. It seemed that this mystical forest was indeed Mew's dwelling place.

Julian took a moment to appreciate the fresh air and the abundant spiritual energy that filled the forest. He took a deep breath, allowing the energy to flow through him. Feeling connected to the environment, he decided to release all of his Pokémon to explore and enjoy this magical place together.

Julian's Pokémon emerged from their Poké Balls, each of them taking in the enchanting surroundings of the mystical forest. They found the place to be both pleasant and appealing. Even Snorlax, typically known for its love of sleep, was wide awake and busy exploring. It discovered a bush laden with ripe fruits and began to munch on them voraciously. Julian chuckled at Snorlax's enthusiasm for this newfound food source.

The other Pokémon also began to explore, their excitement palpable. However, it was Electivire who appeared to be the most exhilarated of them all. Realizing that this forest was his home, Electivire was filled with a sense of belonging and familiarity. The Pokémon couldn't contain their enthusiasm as they roamed freely in the lush forest, taking in the beauty and magic of the place.

Julian watched with a fond smile as his Pokémon, filled with excitement, scattered in different directions to explore the forest. He issued a gentle reminder, "Okay, you guys can play around, but make sure to come back here before evening."

The Pokémon wasted no time and swiftly ventured off into their chosen groups and activities. Infernape, Heatran, and Electivire formed a trio as they embarked on their adventure. Meanwhile, Kabutops, Gengar, and Venusaur set off together as another group. Pidgeot took to the skies, enjoying the freedom of the open air, while Gyarados discovered a vast lake and plunged into its depths.

Amidst all the exploration, Snorlax remained content in one spot, engrossed in its ongoing feast of fruits. It wasn't long before several smaller Pokémon approached the massive Snorlax, eager to engage in playful activities around their newfound friend. The forest was alive with the joyous energy of Pokémon at play.

Mew, being as whimsical as ever, floated up and once more tugged at Julian's sleeve, indicating that it wanted him to continue following. Julian, confident in his Pokémon's strength and their strong bond, didn't have any concerns about leaving them to their explorations. He trusted that they could defend themselves if necessary, and his Omniforce abilities would make it easy for him to locate them.

Turning to take a last glance at Snorlax, who was still engrossed in its feast of fruits, Julian smiled and then obediently followed Mew, curious about where the playful Pokémon would lead him next in this mystical forest.

Julian turned to Snorlax, extending an invitation, "Snorlax, do you want to come?"

Snorlax lifted its head and regarded Julian with a thoughtful expression. It then glanced between Julian and the berries in Julian's hand, seemingly torn between the two options. The decision appeared to be a challenging one for Snorlax, as it clearly cherished both its trainer and its love for eating.

Julian couldn't help but laugh at Snorlax's adorable dilemma. It was a testament to the strong bond they shared. While Snorlax pondered the choice before it, Julian patiently waited for its decision, knowing that either way, they would continue to enjoy their time together.

Julian understood Snorlax's dilemma and decided to make the choice easier for his Pokémon. He assured Snorlax, "Okay, okay, you don't have to think too much. Just sit here and enjoy your time. I'll be going with Mew. If the others come back, tell them to wait."

Snorlax responded with a resounding thump on its chest, as if to convey, "Don't worry about it." Julian couldn't help but smile at Snorlax's nonchalant attitude.

With that settled, Julian began to follow Mew, who had once again settled on his shoulder, as they ventured deeper into the mystical forest, eager to uncover the secrets and wonders that lay ahead.

Infernape, Heatran, and Electivire continued to explore the depths of the mystical forest, their curiosity piqued by the unfamiliar surroundings. However, a moment of confusion and realization dawned upon them.

Infernape turned to Electivire and asked, "Hey Electivire, I thought you knew the way around here." It was evident that Electivire had previously indicated that he was familiar with this place and had encouraged them to follow him. However, it seemed that this claim might not have been entirely accurate, as their current situation indicated otherwise.

Electivire chuckled awkwardly, admitting, "Ha... ha, I was so young when I was here. I must have forgotten a few things about this place." He rubbed the back of his head, acknowledging his forgetfulness. Heatran chimed in, agreeing with Infernape, and added a comment about Gengar's penchant for causing trouble.

Heatran remarked, "Let him be, Infernape. You know he's always causing trouble with Gengar. Thank goodness that idiot isn't here." Unbeknownst to them, Gengar, elsewhere in the forest, sneezed and thought that he might have caught a cold.

Infernape nodded in agreement with Heatran's sentiment, saying, "Yes, you're right. Electivire, let's not cause unnecessary trouble." The trio continued their exploration of the forest, determined to make the most of their time in this mysterious place.

The banter continued among Infernape, Heatran, and Electivire as they made their way through the forest.

Electivire protested, "What are you saying? I haven't caused trouble from the day I was born."

Heatran responded, teasingly, "Yeah, yeah, you're a saint. We all know what you do if left alone with Gengar. Did you forget how you both got your butts kicked when you tried to steal Gyarados's Mega Stone? You guys were lucky that he went easy on you that day."

Electivire chuckled, attempting to downplay the incident, "Haha, that was just some harmless prank we did. Brother Gyarados simply got angry at us for no reason."

Infernape chimed in, offering a word of caution, "You should know that he treasures that stone very much. Just touching it will make him furious."

Electivire reassured them, "Don't worry, Brother Infernape, I won't do anything like that again. I promise." It seemed that Electivire had learned his lesson from their past misadventures with Gyarados.

Infernape gave Electivire a final piece of advice, urging, "Just don't cause trouble today."

Electivire, with an air of confidence, replied, "Don't worry about it, chill."

With those words, Electivire continued walking ahead, leaving Infernape and Heatran behind. The two Pokémon exchanged knowing glances, sensing that Electivire's proclamation might indeed lead to some mischief. Deciding it was best to keep an eye on their adventurous companion, they followed him, ready for whatever antics might ensue during their exploration of the mystical forest.

Electivire strutted forward, his aura radiating an unmistakable air of arrogance. The smaller Pokémon nearby took notice and quickly scattered, alarmed by his imposing presence. Infernape and Heatran exchanged exasperated glances, growing increasingly concerned about the trouble that Electivire's behavior might bring. They had specifically warned him not to cause any issues, but now it seemed that their earlier conversation was about to come to fruition.

As they pondered this, an incident unfolded right before their eyes, confirming their fears.

A Seviper suddenly emerged, positioning itself in their path, effectively blocking their way. It hissed angrily, addressing Electivire with a sharp tone, "Stop right there! How dare you show off in my territory? Are you tired of leaving?" The Seviper then shifted its attention to Infernape and Heatran, adding insult to injury, "And take your lackeys and run away to your home."

Infernape and Heatran exchanged glances once more, but this time their frustration had transformed into anger. They considered simply leaving the confrontation to Electivire, who had brought this upon himself with his arrogance and reckless behavior. Perhaps, they thought, he needed to learn a valuable lesson from the encounter with the territorial Seviper.

Electivire turned to look at Infernape and Heatran, wearing a puzzled expression. He questioned them, "Brothers, do you know what this worm is saying?"

Infernape and Heatran, not wanting to be part of this confrontation, remained silent and closed their eyes.

Electivire, seemingly coming to his own conclusion, scoffed, "Oh, I get it. This worm doesn't even deserve to talk to us."

With that, Electivire closed his eyes and sat down, completely ignoring Seviper. The Seviper, witnessing this dismissive behavior, was consumed by anger, feeling deeply insulted by Electivire's actions.

Seviper seethed with rage, unable to tolerate being mocked in its own territory. With fury in its eyes, it lunged forward, striking out with a Poison Tail attack aimed at Electivire. However, Electivire sensed the impending danger and swiftly opened his eyes. He intercepted Seviper's tail just below its blade with his hand, his grip demonstrating incredible strength.

Electivire taunted, "You tiny worm, how dare you try to attack the magnificent me?"

Seviper found itself in a dire situation, its tail trapped and under immense pressure from Electivire's grip. Then, to add insult to injury, Electivire released a Thundershock attack, sending a surge of electricity coursing through Seviper's body. Seviper's eyes bulged, smoke emanated from its mouth, and it collapsed to the ground, incapacitated and defeated.

Electivire, satisfied with the outcome of the confrontation, turned to Heatran and Infernape, asking, "Is it dead?"

Heatran replied, "No, it just fainted, but it will need some time to recover after that."

Infernape chimed in, "Well, let's go. He deserved that for calling me Electivire's lackey."

Heatran agreed, saying, "Yeah, let's continue exploring."

They both walked away, leaving Electivire behind as he continued to poke Seviper with his finger, seemingly curious about the fainted Pokémon.

Electivire called out to them, "Hey, wait for me!"

He quickly followed Heatran and Infernape as they ventured further into the mysterious forest.