
Pokémon Insurgence: Tales of Torren

Pokémon Insurgence Novelization Without the memories of his past and himself, with only his name being a silver lining , Sho is thrust into the cult-infested region of Torren where cultists roam around as if they own the world while the strongest man of the region tries to hold them back.... ......Or does he not. What path is Sho going to take? Will he try to be a hero? Or will he ignore the pleas of the needy just because that ain't his problem? Will he ever find out who he really is? (I don't own Pokémon or Pokémon Insurgence, neither the characters of the game. All I own is the fanfiction and the OCs I will be using)

Duke_Aaron · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter One

Two robed people exited a cellar before locking it with a key in their possession.

Inside the cellar was a dark purple, bipedal Pokémon with a round body. Her eyes were red with her mouth curled into a sinister grin, and a pair of pointed ears rested on the side of her face. The Pokémon's back were littered with numerous spikes, with smaller ones resting on the top of her head.

"Leave it to Gengar to absorb of this prisoner's memories." One of the robed individuals hid a sinister smirk.

The sounds of someone's footsteps halted their discussions and the two robed guards kept their gaze on the pathway. When it was clearly visible who had arrived, the two guards bowed before them.

The newest arrival was a woman with medium length white hair and sparkling pink eyes. She wore a set of dark colored robes with the cloak being white in color and a red scarf-like extension around the neck. On the collar, a pair of cold, bright blue eyes were drawn.

"How is the prisoner doing?" She asked, her voice signifying the authority she held over them.

"We have instructed Gengar with the complete wipeout of his memories. With her Dream Eater it will be over soon." One of the guards replied, the two of them still bowing in front of her.

"Good. Make sure nothing is left of his memories." She further instructed.

"We will see to it Lady Persephone." The two guards replied in chorus.

"And I want you two up in two minutes." She further added after turning around. "The ritual is going to begin."

With that she started walking away but stopped midway as one of the guards dared to call out to her.

"Lady Persephone, what should we do after his memory is wiped out?" The guard's voice sounded curious. They were considerably brave to question her like that.

"Simple. Just kill him." A twisted smile had curled up on her visage as she spoke out her thoughts. Feeling that the two won't pester her with anymore questions, she walked off from there.

The guards sighed in relief once they were sure that she wasn't in hearing range anymore.

"What's the point of doing all this if we are going to dispose off this guy in the end?"

"I am just glad that you didn't ask that when she was here. Or else we would have been turned to crisps. Remember the last brave person to try that?"

"You think I don't remember. I was there too." The robed guard then glanced inside the cell again where Gengar had already started executing the task given to her. "I don't understand why we were ordered to capture this guy but it better be worth it."

"Let's just go. I don't want to miss the ritual, nor invoker her anger."


'Wha--!? Where am I? Why is it so dark?'

To the person it felt like he was falling in an endless abyss of darkness with nothing to grasp or hold on to. He could feel nothing with his skin. It would seem all his five senses had ceased to function.

'Am I dead? Is this the way to afterlife?'

Irrelevant thoughts started to surface through the individual's mind. If afterlife is going to be this peaceful then he will make sure to embrace and accept it without any qualms and regrets. Yet he feels like he has to do something before his end comes for him.

Something needs to be done to ease him of his regretful feeling. Just what is this 'something' which urges him to resist death?

"Can you hear me?"

Now he definitely feels alive. He is hearing voices inside his head after all so what more signs does one need to confirm whether he is dead or alive. For now he simply nodded his head to the question. He felt his senses returning to him little by little.

"Oh thank Arceus you are alive! Listen you need to hurry! Your life is in jeopardy right now and if you don't wake up then you will die!'

So he is near to death but not dead yet. A reassuring feeling ran across his chest and soon he could all five of his senses. Right about now he felt that he was lying on some hard ground or something similar to that.

"Can you hear me? If yes then please answer."

A low, inaudible mumble escaped his lips. Yet it was enough to make sure that he still hasn't reached the other side. He was trying to open his eyes to see where he is.

"Perfect! Now I need you to focus. If you do we can stop this whole thing. Right now your memories are being taken away from you and once that is done, you will die."

Just what thing after the other seemed to get at him. He hasn't even confirmed where and in what condition he is. And there is a voice which is telling him that his memories are being sucked and he will die shortly. Just moments ago he was internally debating on whether he was alive or not.

Who is this voice anyway? His inner consciousness? That doesn't seem the case to him. This voice is way too talkative for his inner consciousness.

"I've sent someone to help you so don't worry. Do you remember your name?"

"Sho." The name just came out at instinct. Yes! This is his real name. 'I-it's Sho. I am sure of it.'

"Good. Now I need you to WAKE UP!"

That was the last push Sho needed to wake up. His crimson shaded eyes snapped open and the first thing he did was to throw a punch in the air before rolling off from the folding bed he had been laying unconscious on.

Even the Gengar who had been tasked to devour his memories was shocked at his sudden awakening and her concentration broke along with the Dream Eater attack. Now she will have to put him back into sleep again in order to fully devour his memories.

Sho shook his head and slapped the back of his head to get things straight. His mind was all foggy and he couldn't even remember how he got here or what even his surname is. Did he even have one?

His thoughts were cut short when he felt an ominous presence behind him, prompting him to turn around and meet the sinister eyes of Gengar who was hell-bent on finishing the task given to her.

She went on to use Hypnosis which would put her target off to deep sleep so that her work is done without any complications and interruptions. But before she could even execute her attack, a powerful telekinetic force lifted her off the ground before hurling her to the other end of the prison cell.

Materializing right before Sho's very eyes was a Pokémon only to be heard in legends and folklore but hardly seen in real life. It was a pink bipedal Pokémon with mammalian features. It had a rounded, wide snout, triangular ears and large blue eyes. It had a long and thin tail with an ovoid tip.

Sho knew what this Pokémon even with his memories foggy and blurry. This is Mew, the DNA Pokémon mentioned only in legends and folktales. Right now Mew is in front of him, physically and it is not an illusion at all. Legends did say that Mew appears in front of one with a pure heart.

Does he really possess that pure of a heart which brought out Mew? Or maybe because of his lost memories, his heart is empty, neither filled with malice nor purity.

Gengar was furious at being interrupted but being Pokémon she knew who she is up against. This won't bode well with her if she tries to provoke the DNA Pokémon. Consequences of going against Persephone's orders be damned, she can't loose her life in a meaningless way. Knowing what is best for her, she disappeared through the ground. She won't even be telling anyone the events that transpired moments ago. No Pokémon in their right mind would provoke Mew unless they are under the possession of an oblivious human.

"Alright! With that taken care of, escape from here. I have sent Mew here to help you get out of here."

"Just who are--"

"Shhh! It's not the right time for questions. Also someone might hear you."

With that Sho didn't hear the voice anymore. From their hurried one-sided conversation he figured that trying to get answers from this voice is not a plausible option at this moment. First he needs to escape from wherever he is trapped in.

Mew pointed it's tail towards the lock of cell which soon opened with the help of psychic powers and Sho stepped out of it. In this situation he is totally helpless since he knows next to nothing about the place he is trapped so he has to depend on Mew, in order to escape from here.

For his arsenal all he had was a sharp knife hidden in the sleeves of his black sweatshirt which made him wonder how did his captors forgot to take it away from him. He thanked the heavens for this lucky mistake made by them. Sho took out the knife from there and gripped it tightly. It was a precaution if things went south.

Mew floated right in front of Sho's eyes, guiding him through the prison halls. Sho considered himself lucky that there was no one left to guard him or things could have gone messy for either side. Walking a bit more, he was welcomed with the sight of a staircase which led to the upper floors of wherever he was trapped in.

He ascended through the stairs, trying to make any kind of noise. He soon reached the upper floor and found it to be empty as well. This gave rise to a bad feeling in his chest. Why are the hallways so empty?

Mew snapped him out of his thoughts by smacking it's tail on his shoulder. There isn't any time to waste on baseless thoughts which would give rise to more uneasiness.

Shaking his head to get rid of unwanted thoughts, Sho tiptoed towards what seemed to be like doors which he hoped would led him to an exit of sorts. There weren't any other doors or windows here except this one in the entire hallway.

All his hopes dampened when he reached the doorway only to find a hand scanner attached to it.

"Now what?" He muttered to himself. He needs to find another exit or something else that will open this door or simply break it down.

"Hey! Who are you?!" A harsh voice broke him out his thoughts.

Sho snapped his head behind to see an intimidating male standing before him. He wore a dark cloak all over his body with his head being covered with a white hood. A red scarf-like stitching was done around the neck and a pair of cold, bright blue eyes drawn on the cloak.

He turned to his side to see that Mew wasn't there at all. As if it never existed here. It would seem the DNA Pokémon had turned itself invisible for the time-being. Sho's hands gripped the hilt of his knife tighter than before as he noticed the man walking towards him.

"I asked who are you and what are you doing here?" The man stepped forward. He was sure this boy here who looks at the very least of 17 isn't a member of the cult. Then how did he get here. 'Is he the prisoner those two were talking--'

His thoughts were cut short when he felt a sharp piece of cold metal pierce his torso. The cult member hadn't seen it coming at all. The boy drove his knife straight through his torso, making the latter fall on his back and Sho over him.

He pulled out the knife which was now decorated with blood only to to slice his neck in one swing. His opponent fell limp, unable to do anything at all.

'I killed a human being...'

Was the only voice he heard in his head as he sat there motionles, contemplating his actions.