
Pokémon indigo league x male reader

Abdullah_Waris · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 17: The ghost of maiden's peak

The clip begins with Mewtwo and a shining Mew floating in space, as the camera focuses on Earth, while the sun starts to rise. (I wanna be the very best) The next scene shows Abdullah (Like no one ever was) alone in a stadium. After that, a Squirtle, Cubone and Pidgeotto are shown quickly, before changing (To catch them is my real test) to a Bulbasaur being caught, to which Abdullah snaps excitedly. Shortly afterwards, (To train them is my cause)the camera shows a Haunter using Lick on Charmander, paralyzing him.

Abdullah then flips his hat backwards and throws a Poké Ball to the camera. In the following scene, (I will travel across the land) Abdullah can be seen running along with his Pikachu and Sylveon, an Arcanine and a Rapidash, who then jumps to the skies, (Searching far and wide) disappearing between the legendary birds, who are flying around. Then, a short clip of a Sandshrew unrolling itself, a Kadabra and Charmander is shown, (Teach Pokémon to understand) followed by Abdullah, Sylveon and Pikachu sitting on a Lapras, as they watch a Gyarados jumping out of the water, and a Dragonair jumping in. After that, (The power that's inside) a Poké Ball is seen trapping a Pokémon who has turned into red energy.

(Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), it's you and me) A battle between Pikachu and Raichu is seen, with the former dodging a Body Slam of the latter; and (I know it's my destiny (Pokémon!)) then, a Caterpie training. In the next scene, Abdullah is seen hugging his Pikachu, followed by a giant Tentacruel, Abdullah, Eevee, Gyarados and Horsea attacking a Resort. Abdullah then is seen holding a Poké Ball; followed by an Onix. Later, (Oh, you're my best friend) Abdullah appears to be looking at the screen, when Misty and Brock appear on either side of him, (n a world we must defend) followed by Jessie, James, Cassidy and James with rising up in front of them in their agenda suits. And their Pokémon's jump up next, followed by Gary holding a Poké Ball.

(Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), a heart so true) The camera then runs across Charizard while using Flamethrower, Blastoise while using Hydro Pump and Venusaur; before Pikachu runs between Abdullah and a Lass and jumps. The next scene introduces Professor Oak, Lorenzo, Agatha, Red, Delia Ketchum, Blue, Green, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, as they nod, (Our courage will pull us through) the camera then shows a giant Charizard using Flamethrower, and Abdullah and his friends hide behind a boulder, later, (You teach me, and I'll teach you) a Squirtle is seen running towards Abdullah, followed by a hug.

(Po-ké-mon)The camera does a close-up on Pikachu, and subsequently zooms out, showing Pikachu standing on a Pidgeotto, a Zubat holding a Squirtle, and a Butterfree holding Bulbasaur. The last scene then shows up, on which Abdullah raises his feet and throws the Poké Ball to the screen, much like a Baseball pitcher, ((Gotta catch 'em all!) Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon!) followed by a spinning Poké Ball and the Pokémon logo.

Has are heroes arrived at maiden's peak were Abdullah will go to Saffron city to get his forth gym badge.

Abdullah: We finally hear at the maiden's peak.

Misty: Your right, their is going to be summer festival and I pick a perfect kimono (So I can show it to Abdullah).

Molly: I can mean new people hear, eat nice food and see lot of cute Pokemon.

Misty: Yep Isn't right Brock.

Brock didn't listened to Misty the gang turn to Brock look at some where.

Abdullah: Hey Brock, what are you looking?

Brock: Their.

"Brock point at the Clift peak has are heroes shock to next to it a statue of a woman at Clift a woman in white skin with purple hair, a pale blue dress with a red ribbon, and a red flower in her hair".

Abdullah say: So this the Maiden you want reunited with?

His Eevee, His little sister and his friends turn to him in confuse.

Eevee: Vee (Who to reunited master).

Abdullah: O right you didn't know "he also turn to Molly" and you didn't know because you baby back.

Misty: What we didn't know.

Abdullah: I'll you but first "has he Haunter Poke-ball" bring Haunter out, Come on haunter.

Haunter Metalized: Hear I Am.

Abdullah: And let me my my family I it time for me to tell them.

Misty: How are going to do that.

Abdullah: From my Poke-Dex Professor Oak just up dated my so I'll call anyone, Message everyone and send Picture and Video.

Has the gang gasp: Since when.

Abdullah: Professor call update my Poke-Dex when were about to leave Vermillion city.

His Pokemon/His sister/friends.

Then Poke-Dex Phone call: You got phone call from your family, friends and your lovers.

Abdullah, his Pokemon, his friend heard phone Pick up from the Poke-Dex, Abdullah: Hello Professor, Mom, Dad, Big sis Bianca, Grandmother, Grandpa, godparents and godsibling, Leaf, Green leaf's mother, Giselle, Joe, Rosie, A.J can you hear me.

Professor Oak at call: Yes my boy I can hear you.

Delia at call: Hello my babies.

Abdullah/Molly: Mom/Mommy.

Delia at call: Abdullah and Molly I'm your mother and your my babies including you Bianca.

Bianca embarrass at call: Really mom, "their mother giggle at other call" any way hey little brother and sister.

Abdullah/Molly: Hey/Hello big sister.

Red at call: Honey who many times you have embarrass are kids.

Delia: Well I'm a mother with my cute little babies.

Both Ketchum sibling got embarrass even more, Red sign: Any way, hello my children.

Abdullah/Bianca at other call/Molly: Hey Dad/Daddy.

Brock: No way that voice.

Misty gasp: Then mean you two are.

Leaf on other call: That right their father is The Red the champion Kanto.

Giselle/Misty: Eep so that means your three.

Giselle/Joe/A.j/Misty/Brock: Are son and daughter of the Kanto Champion region Red also, hey Abdullah/ Are son and daughter of the Kanto Champion region Red also.

Blue: That right kids this Red the champion of Kanto and loving father to three kids and also hey kid long time no see.

Abdullah: Hello Mr. Blue.

Green: Finally my daughter and Delia's Son finally with his childhood friends plus we don't if Abdullah can two or more girlfriend.

Giselle/Joe/A.j/Misty/Brock: No way is the former champion blue and the Pokemon doctor Green, The legendary Kanto Pokemon trainer.

Blue: That right, kids that us.

Red/Green: And still have ego.

Blue: Hey theirs's nothing wrong with being styles.

Green on call: Like your son.

Blue on call: Hey let some ego but I didn't Gary to be a jerk and I don't know were he got those cheerleaders.

Red on call: At least your old child Daisy is not like him.

Misty: Wait Gary have a sister.

Blue: Yes He dose.

Agatha: Can we get on why Abdullah call us.

Everyone at call: Of course.

Delia on call: But first Abdullah were are you.

Abdullah: Were at the maiden's Peak.

Bill on call: Oh the Maiden's Peak so many sad story and memories.

 Nurse joy at bill lighthouse on call: Indeed my darling.

Professor Oak on call: O I heard about to old friend, So Abdullah how is Eevee.

Abdullah: She doing fine is that right girl.

Eevee: Vee.

Professor Oak on call: Well good.

Misty: Wait Abdullah if you and your sister are children Red you have a bigger house.

Red on call: Yes, we have bigger house know with biggest area, storage area and big open field place for all Pokémon's at a in Kanto.

Delia on call: We have to into are know new house.

Agatha: Indeed my dear me and Red's Father went also.

Lorenzo: I must say that is really big.

Red: And worry honey are old house to new people who are moving at pallet town.

Delia: Then I should start packing.

Red: Yes, honey.

 Molly exactly: Yay we have a bigger house.

Professor Oak on call: I'll send Abdullah's Pokémon to your new place.

Bianca: So little brother how are you calling us.

The family, friends and his lover also got curious.

Professor Oak: Oh did it work.

Abdullah: Yes Professor It's seems the new Updated is working.

Agatha: What did Add this time.

Professor Oak on call: Will I add know update to Poke-Dex I want Abdullah to test it I'm impress it work.

Bill: So new the trainer can call us or any family their member.

Professor Oak on call: Indeed it old friend, you also message, take picture, video and Video call to me or anyone has it a friend, a family and lover Phone numbers.

Red smile on call: That great professor Oak.

Abdullah: So how Other Pokémon are doing.

Professor Oak on call: Their doing great.

Jessie: We were all surprise when we saw Mew is also your Pokémon.

Everyone on call: Yeah.

Meowth: So boss why did you call.

Abdullah: Oh right but first "he turn to Haunter" Haunter do you remember a ring that you and encounter at the beach 8 years ago.

Haunter think the remember: Oh we did encounter a ring then a spirit of man in armor come.

Abdullah: He ask me to take him hear the Maiden's peak.

Professor Oak on call: Can you show us the ring.

Abdullah: Of course "then Abdullah take of his glove a ring was on his index finger, then he take the Picture and send to Professor and everyone on call with Professor Oak and Bill shock.

Bill on call: Abdullah his ring belong to Maiden's lover.

Professor Oak on call: And it the some ring he put it on his finger.

Blue: So dad Maiden's lover is real and she is real that means the maiden is also real.

Abdullah: Me, Misty, Brock, Eevee and Molly saw at peak I don't is a Pokémon has the maiden.

Red: It could a Pokémon in disguise.

Delia: Abdullah, what did he said.

They did know that some one is watching.

Abdullah: He said he knows me and he will tell me everything my powers once we get hear.

Professor Oak on call: Then you need to take a ring to are at once will put us on a speaker and voice on a Poke-Dex so we can listened too.

Abdullah: Ok.

Then he turn on a speaker and camera so they can see.

Professor Oak on call: Great now we can hear and see you.

Abdullah: Ok, let go see the Maiden then.

Everyone in call or with Abdullah nod.

At the set at the maiden peak has are heroes arrived at the peak to see the maiden on other side with everyone at the call has Abdullah step forward.

Abdullah breath in and out: Ok hear it goes "has he extant his hand were the ring is" alright Maidem's lover I brought you hear just like I promise.

Then ring glow has the ghostly calm voice spook: Thank you, but is my name Antonio (author: I name him ok) "his ghost come out from his ring has he look at the mountain of his lover" my love I have return.

Then Abdullah and other with him or on call saw a ghost maiden come out which was shock to see Maidem is real the look gasp has she cry's to see her lover, then a Gastly appears beside her.

Maiden: Oh Antonio you have return isn't it wonderful Gastly.

Gastly: Glad I can help.

Abdullah: So I was right in the disguise has the Maiden.

Gastly: Will Prevent her history it is my job.

Antonio: Lily my love I have return.

Has both ghost couple hug each others in passing love has everyone was smiling Will the girls have tear in their eyes.

Antonio: My love "his lover look at him, had point at Abdullah" that boy with a Eevee is descendent of our and our son.

The maiden name Lily turn to boy with an Eevee has she sense his powers.

Lily with tear: Your right the boy with Eevee is one of our and our son's descendants.

That Abdullah, his Pokémon's, his sisters, his family, his friends and lovers were shock has they scream: *shout* WHAT.

Abdullah: I one of yours and son's descendants.

Antonio: Indeed my boy you one the aura guardians.

Abdullah: Oh is your son and what on a aura guardians.

Lily: The first you have to go to different regions and second aura guardians you just wait until you meet you ancestor our son.

Abdullah: Me and my sister have cousins " he turn his adult" he I have cousins.

Agatha: I thought this could happen yes my child you two cousin living in different regions.

Molly: I have cousins yay.

Bianca on call: Grandpa you know about.

Lorenzo: Yes I do me, your grandmother and your parents know about it, but Abdullah has to find them.

Abdullah: That explain why I keep sense enemies and bad guys.

Antonio: Yes, but you also need to focus and meditate in order for your Aura grow and bond between you will grow with you.

Lily: And now my child It time to say fair well you are me and my lover Antonio back we will be remain in mountains statue .

Antonio: And descendant if you fine our son in different regions.

Blue on call: What are going to now Gastly.

Gastly: Actually my job hear I keep Maiden Lily's history and look this has come to an end, now I need help another lost spirit keep their history so all farewell.

Then Gastly vanished away.

Maiden Lily: Thank you Gastly.

Antonio: See you later "then both ghost couple turn to the heroes" now is our to farewell.

Misty: Are you two also going.

Maiden Lily: No my dear, me and Antonio are going to inside the statue.

Antonio: Were we will continue our history with people.

Maiden Lily: My boy, find my son your ancestor and your female cousin then you'll fine your answer.

Abdullah: Ok.

Antonio: My dear is time to go.

Maiden Lily: Of course my darling.

Then both ghostly couple went inside the statue, has the screen fade with are heroes festival we Abdullah, Eevee and Haunter.

Abdullah: I can believe this the maiden Lily, her lover Antonio and their son is our ancestor and I have two cousin that our parents didn't told me about this.

Haunter: I know buddy it's of shocking to hear.

Eevee: Vee (And know will your cousin's and your ancestor in different region master).

Haunter: But he has to finish Kanto region go on a new journey plus it big world out their.

Abdullah nod then he heard his little sister Molly's voice: Big brother "Abdullah and his Pokemon turn to Molly voice has they shock to see Molly in her blue Kimono with flower print and a blue sash has Molly jump to hug her brother" hey big brother how do I look.

Abdullah: Oh my baby sister look so cute in her Kimono.

Abdullah took a Molly picture from his Poke-Dex.

Abdullah: Is the right brock. Brock?

Brock with a sad sign.

Abdullah put his hand on Brock's shoulder: Hey you'll fine a another girl someday.

Brock smile: Your right I will.

Then Misty voice is heard: Sorry I'm late.

Then Boys, Molly and Pokemon turn see Misty has Abdullah shock and blush in her pink yukata, her hair down with blue bubble and red Goldeen print on Yukata and fan on her hand with Yukata sandals.

Misty: Hey Guys.

Brock give Misty a thumbs up: Hey Misty you look great.

Haunter and Eevee nod.

Molly excited: Misty you look pretty.

Misty: *giggle* Thanks guys "she approach Abdullah has he still blush at Misty's Yukata" hey Abdullah, how do I look.

Abdullah blush: Oh y-you cute and pretty in that Yukata it like a beautiful sea goddess has appear.

Misty hear has she went deep red blush.

Brock elbow Abdullah in fun away: Wow really love to make your girls blush brightly.

Molly giggle Abdullah realized: Oh I'm sorry I did know what-.

Then Misty kiss him the cheek which he stand: It ok Abdullah *In her mind blush will giggle with smile (he call me a Sea goddess)" "Then she hold Abdullah" And let go have fun.

Abdullah: Yeah "has they ran to the festival"

Molly: Oh wait for me "Molly follow Misty and her brother".

Haunter/Eevee: Hey save some fun us/ Vee (Wait for me master) "his Pokémon's also follow them".

Leaving Brock alone: I'm impress the is having Abdullah he two girlfriends and Misty going his third but I'll see and maybe next time I'll girls for me.

Narrator: Has Are heroes found out the Abdullah is the Maidem Lily and Antonio's Descendent And he will go to different region to fine his answers someday, has are heroes enjoying the festival someday Brock will girl of his dream someday has their Journey Continues ...

Abdullah's Pokemon:

. Eevee (F)

. Pidgeotto (F)

. Gloom (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Poliwhirl (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Gyarados (Mega) (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Butterfree (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Venonat (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Rattata (M) (Professor's Lab)

, Machop (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Bellsprout (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Meowzie (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Beedrill (Mega) (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Zubat (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Sandslash (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Paras (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Geodude (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Clefairy (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Spearow (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Meowth (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Bulbasaur (M)

. Charmander (M)

. Squirtle (M)

. Haunter (M) 

. Nidoran (F) (Professor's Lab)

. (Shiny) Nidoran (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Tangela (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Eevee (three Male and four Female) (Professor's Lab)

. Goldeen (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Seel (F) (Professor's Lab)

. Dratini (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Ekan (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Koffing (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Mew (M) (Professor's Lab)

. Horsea (F) (professor's lab)

. Tentacool (Professor's Lab)