
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 99

Ennoichi, which is known as the "place of spiritual communication", Tatsuki came to this place again after turning around.

"Huihui, which Pokémon are you going to send to battle this time?"

Since Xiaoguang completed his transformation last time, he gave Chenhui such a loving title, and Chenhui was happy to accept it.

"The Ennodo Hall is a ghost-type dojo, and I don't have a suitable Pokémon on my hand yet, so I can only decide on the spot."

Chenhui doesn't like a fixed lineup very much, after all, the situation changes rapidly, and on-the-spot response is also a very important ability.

The three of them said and came to the Ennodo Hall, this time not as tightly closed as before.

Chenhui pushed open the door of the Taoist Hall and shouted inside, "Is anyone there?" I'm here to challenge Ennodokan. "

"Hey, hey, hey…"

As soon as Chenhui's words fell, he heard an eerie laughter coming from inside, and the two women were immediately scared.

"Chenhui, there won't be ghosts here, right?"

Qin Yin hugged Chenhui's arm tightly, as if he was frightened, and Chenhui suddenly had a black line in his head.


Sister, can you pretend to be serious?

Your play is so fake!

Qin Yin also saw Chenhui's helpless expression, but did not converge at all, and hugged Chenhui's arm tightly in his arms.

At this time, a middle-aged woman dressed in fashionable clothes came out of the hall, and said with a faint accent: "I'm sorry… This kid just likes to mess around, doesn't scare you, right? "

After speaking, a grinning Geng ghost also appeared beside her, and the yin laughter just now was emitted.

"You're Melissa, the owner of the Endo Hall, right? I'm here to challenge the dojo. Chenhui took a step forward, and Qin Yin also released his hand in cooperation.

"Of course, come with me!"

Melissa smiled and took the three of Chenhui to the opposite battlefield.

The challenge rules are no different from other gyms, it is still a 3v3 battle, and because the owner is good at ghost systems and there is no special venue, it is a normal venue.

"Then go, my first Pokémon, I'll leave it to you!"

Melissa's first Pokémon is the Geng Ghost she just saw, a level 35 strength, strong or not, weak or weak.

"Over to you, Yukira!"

Although Yukira is still participating in the battle for the first time, Tatsuki has not relaxed his training on it, and it is time to come out and try it.

"Chenhui, you are a challenger, so let's attack first!"

"Okay, Yukira, use Sandstorm!"

Tatsuki was not polite, and first used Sandstorm's special ability to prevent Geng Ghosts: disappearing into the air, and also set off from Kira's hidden property: Sand Yin.

"Ready for a protracted war?"

Melissa thought she had seen through Chenhui's thoughts, and said with a dance move: "Geng Ghost, use the shadow ball." "

Geng Ghost's hands condensed a black orb and launched it directly, which was easily avoided by Kira because of the sand concealment effect, the dodge rate was greatly improved

"Move after polishing the rock!"

A layer of white light flashed through Kira's body, and Lisa was even more sure of Tatsuki's intention to prepare for a protracted battle.

"Geng Ghost, another shadow ball!"

This time, Geng Ghost condensed a shadow ball, but Yukira, who had increased his speed, was like a fish in the sandstorm, and he couldn't lock its position at all, and Geng Ghost immediately hesitated.

"It's now, use Avalanche!"

As soon as Chenhui's voice fell, Yukira just came behind Geng Ghost, and a huge rock appeared in his hands that did not match his size, and smashed towards Geng Ghost.

Geng Ghost didn't have time to react at all, and was directly smashed by the rock.

"Geng Ghost, strange light!"

"A tooth for a tooth!"

Geng Ghost controlled his figure in the air, and his eyes emitted a strange light that hit Yukira's body and exploded.

In the next second, Kira rushed out of the smoke, and his small body emitted light, directly hitting Geng Ghost's body.

This move is very harmful to Geng Ghost, and if you counterattack with a tooth for a tooth just received an attack, the power will be doubled, not to mention that because of the attribute, it has doubled, which is equivalent to causing four times the damage!

"Yukira, give him the final blow, Rockfall!"

Raised by Kira with both hands, a huge rock appeared, and it was thrown out hard, and Geng Ghost was pressed down below before he could get up from the ground.

The rock fell on the ground and immediately fell apart, and the Geng Ghost below had already fainted…

"Geng Ghost loses the ability to fight, and Kira wins!"

With the referee's voice, Melissa took back Geng Ghost, looked at Chenhui and said approvingly: "Such a shrewd tactic, everything is for the service of a tooth for a tooth, right!" "

Chenhui smiled and nodded.

Sandstorms, polishing rocks are all false moves, mainly to disturb the opponent's thoughts, the real killing move is to return a tooth for a tooth, after all, Geng Ghost's Pokémon is a crispy skin with extremely low defense.

"Chenhui, you are really good! But what do you do next? "

The second Pokémon sent by Melissa was the Dream Demon.

"Yukira, please come next."

Tatsuki does not intend to replace the Pokémon, so he uses Yukira to continue fighting.


Yukira nodded, full of fighting intent.

"Okay, polish the rock again!"

Tatsuki gave the same order, and Kira's speed increased again.

"Still planning to disturb the sight? I don't fall twice in one place! Melissa shouted, "Use the magic leaf!" "

The dream demon's eyes 480 eyes glowed blue, and a leaf wrapped in light instantly appeared in front of it, and with the launch of the dream demon, it rushed towards Yukira's direction in unison.

"By Kira, hover and avoid!"

Yukira's small body flew out, jumped high and spun quickly, rubbing the magic leaf to avoid the attack, this move officially learned the experience of the Little Light Gorgeous Competition.

However, the magic leaf has the property of tracking, and under the control of the dream demon, he turns his head and continues to chase Yukira, who runs with his life.

"What does Chenhui want to do? Sooner or later, you will catch up. "

The piano sound in the stands didn't understand what Chenhui wanted to do, it stands to reason that he should use his skill to offset the magic leaf now, right?


In the face of the skill of magic leaf, escaping can only be in vain!

Melissa shook her head slightly when she saw this situation, and a confident smile suddenly appeared on her face.

At this moment, Kira jumped high and suddenly came to the Dream Demon, and then fell without doing anything.

"Not good, the dream demon gives up pursuit!" Melissa instantly understood Chenhui's thoughts.

But what she reminded was already late, the magic leaf didn't have time to turn at all, and directly hit the dream demon's body!

Seeing this, Chenhui excitedly shouted: "Good job!" By Kira, use Rockfall! "_