
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 96


Riding Latina roared, the smoke on his body instantly dispersed, and he suddenly became furious.

As the top existence of this continent, his strength is second only to Arceus, when did he suffer such a big loss?

The two ants dared to be presumptuous in front of themselves!!

Riding Latina suddenly launched a counterattack, roared, and dark purple shadow balls flew towards Darkrai and Jemi!

"Darkrai, trick! Jemi, protect! "

Jemi obeyed Chenhui's order and blocked in front of Darkrai, and a transparent film appeared in front of him to block the attack of the shadow ball. Darkrai, who was behind it, burst into bruises on his head at this time, and the cerebral cortex was instantly engorged, using trickery to increase his attack power.

The attack of riding Latina did not end, after using the shadow ball, its figure suddenly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, it came behind Jemi, and its huge body rushed out like a cannonball.


With Chenhui's shout, Darkrai's figure also disappeared, and instantly appeared below the riding Latina, and a surprise directly hit 480 and flew Latina!

"Chenhui… That's awesome! "

Xiaoguang didn't expect that the two pets who were still being pressed and beaten by Riding Latina just now, at this time, after Chenhui's joining, they actually turned the situation around, attacking and defending, and cooperating tacitly.

"That's what a trainer does!"

Qin Yin was impressed.

The battle between Jemi, Darkrai and Riding Latina has improved little by little because of the addition of Chenhui, and the two Pokémon cooperate quite tacitly with one attack and one defense.

But even so, accidents happen.

"Mimi, what's wrong with that?"

Jiemi's body, which was fighting in the air, suddenly emitted a ray of light, quickly fell from the air, and actually retreated directly from the sky form.

"Fast dragon!"

The fast dragon quickly moved in the direction where Jemi fell.

At this moment, a group of small magnetic monsters, three-in-one magnetic monsters and self-detonating magnetic monsters flew in, and the direction they were going was Jemi!

"Flame monkey, fossil pterosaur block it!"

Chenhui quickly threw out the treasure, the flame monkey used jet flame, and the fossil (CJCJ) pterosaur directly shot the destruction death light, blocking the path of the self-detonating magnetic monsters, and he also caught the rapidly landing Jemi at this time.

"Who is it?"

Xiaoguang looked in the direction of the self-detonating magnetic monster and saw a young man with white hair and golden eyes standing on a flying machine, and this group of small magnetic monsters guarded it in the core.

"Jello, stop quickly!"

At the same time, in front of a yellow-haired middle-aged man, there was also a shield armored dragon beside him.

"Teacher Mu Xuan, you can't stop me!"

Jello smiled playfully as he did. Then a fighter appeared, and he jumped off the aircraft and fell into the fighter.

"My goal is only to ride Latina, and no one can stop me!"

Jello's voice came out with the megaphone, and a cage with an electric glow glowing crimson gold appeared under the fighter.

When Mu Xuan saw this scene, his eyes immediately widened: "This machine, impossible!" I've deleted all the data, why can you still make it? "

"Teacher, don't you naively think that I don't have a backup!"

Jello sneered, looking at the eyes of riding Latina full of fanatical flames, "Riding Latina, your power will belong to me!" "

The fighter immediately rushed to ride Ladina, riding Ladina originally wanted to attack the cage, but when a red light flashed, riding Ladina suddenly felt a feeling of exhaustion welling up in his heart.

"The strength has been consumed a lot, right?" With a confident smile, Jello looked down at Chenhui on Kuailong through the monitor and said, "It seems that I still want to thank you!" "

"Darkrai! Stop him! "

The figure of Darkrai rose up into the sky and went straight to the aircraft, and the self-detonating magnetic monsters on the side wanted to block it, but they were immediately blocked by the flame monkey and the fossil pterosaur!

Darkrai came to the bottom of the fighter, and a series of vicious fluctuations bombarded the body of the fighter and exploded, and the fighter was impacted, and the flight was unstable immediately.

However, it didn't seem to be much damaged, and after shaking for a while, he continued to reproduce riding Latina, and seeing this situation, Chenhui secretly gritted his teeth.

Although the number of appearances in riding Latina is very small, humans still have some information, the fighter designed by Mu Xuan is specially prepared for riding Latina, and Darkrai's strength is still a certain gap from riding Latina, and the attack is naturally useless.

"Ride Latina, catch this!"

At this moment, Chenhui suddenly thought of something, took out something from his arms, and threw it hard to ride Latina.

"This is … Platinum Jade Soul! "

Mu Xuan's gaze suddenly froze when he saw what Chenhui threw out, and Qin Yin didn't know what the platinum jade soul was, and immediately asked: "What is the platinum jade soul?" "

Mu Xuan explained: "The legend of the platinum jade soul is a prop that appears with riding Latina, the strength of riding Latina with the platinum jade soul will be stronger than the original, it is said that if you have a platinum jade soul, you can summon riding Latina, how many people are looking for it, but I didn't expect it to be on this young man!" "

Riding Latina is controlled by the reverse world, if it is caught or loses its power, it will inevitably affect the real world, and Chenhui does not want to live in this reverse world forever.

Moreover, the battle with Riding Ladina just now was completely forced by the situation, and he originally had no idea of being hostile to Riding Latina.

Just use the power of riding Latina to take out that nasty guy!

At this time, riding Latina had already caught the platinum jade soul and swallowed it in one bite, and immediately felt that the exhaustion just now was swept away.


Riding Latina roared, and directly fired a dragon fluctuation towards the fighter.

"It's useless! Ride Latina and you don't have to do it in vain! "

Jello sneered, pressed a button, and the cage under the fighter glowed red again…..


The Dragon Wave exploded directly below the fighter!

"How is it possible!"

Jello, who was violently jolted, immediately widened his eyes, why did the device of the hundred test and order fail at this moment!


Riding Latina has obtained a platinum jade soul, the strength has long been improved, and this device is useless at all!

Chenhui looked at the fighter who had already emitted black smoke and showed a slight sneer. _