
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 87

A week later, in the air near Lake Lizhi.

"Fossil pterosaur, move faster! If it is too late, you will not be able to catch up with the registration of the Micheli Cup! Chenhui, you are also faster! Xiaoguang rode on the body of the fossil pterosaur and kept urging.

"Xiaoguang, don't worry, the speed of the fossil pterosaur is already very fast." Chenhui rode on Kuailong's body and shouted at Xiaoguang.

And the piano voice behind Xiaoguang also spoke: "Xiaoguang, time is time, if the fossil pterosaur is fast, the air flow will sweep us away." "


Xiaoguang knew that what the two said was reasonable, but he was still very anxious in his heart and wanted to see Lord Mikkoli as soon as possible.

In fact, Xiaoguang has been in this state since yesterday when he heard at Chenhui's home that Mikkoli, the champion and top coordination master of the Fangyuan region, was coming to the Sinnoh region to hold the gorgeous competition of the Mikkoli Cup.

However, because the registration deadline for the Mikkoli Cup was approaching, they did not rush, but used the power of Pokémon to go to the place where the Mikkoli Cup was held, Zhizhi Lake.

After another hour of flight, the three finally arrived near Lizhi~ Lake.

"Wow, this is Lake Lizhi – ah! It's so beautiful! "

Qin Yin saw the lake in front of him with a faint mist, and was immediately attracted by the beautiful scenery.

"Lake Asashi is a very famous spot in the Sinnoh region, and legend says that it is inhabited by Akrom, who represents the will, and everyone who sees it will be able to get good luck." Chenhui withdrew the fast dragon and the fossil pterosaur and came to Qin Yin and said.

"yes? Then I must look for it! "

Qin Yin immediately became interested, and probed his little head to look for it.

"Hey, shouldn't you come with me to sign up for the Mikkoli Cup first?" Xiaoguang shouted dissatisfied.

"It's okay ~ it's not a while." Qin Yin smiled and waved her hand.

At this moment, a breeze suddenly blew on the surface of the lake, the mist was blown away, and a small shadow appeared in the middle of the lake.

"What is it?"


Chenhui couldn't help but exclaim, he didn't expect that he might see Acrom just after saying it, it appeared here, could it be that his mouth had opened?

However, Acrom's shadow only appeared for about a second and disappeared, making Xiaoguang and Qin Yin call it a pity.

"Nasty, I said I wanted to take a picture!"

"I also want to take a group photo!"

Looking at the annoyed two, Chenhui patted Xiaoguang's shoulder and said: "Don't be a pity, anyway, we have already seen it, which shows that good things will happen in your next match in the Michelle Cup~"

"Yes! I haven't signed up yet! "

Xiaoguang suddenly remembered this matter, and did not think about Yakrom's affairs anymore, so he ran directly to the registration place of the conference.

Seeing Xiaoguang Feng running away, Chenyin smiled at each other and chased after him, and before leaving, Chenhui also seemed to glance at the surface of Lizhi Lake with deep meaning.

"Oh, I'm so hungry!"

After Xiaoguang registered the Mikkoli cup, his stomach grumbled with hunger.

Qin Yin also raised his hand on the side and said. "

"Then let's go to the Seven Star Hotel and eat something."

Chenhui remembered that there was no Pokémon Center nearby, but there was a seven-star seven-star restaurant, and the food was still very good, so he decided to come here for a big meal.


Xiaoguang and Qinyin saw that Chenhui's home was so luxurious, and they didn't have any psychological burden on the matter of slaughtering big households!

"Welcome to our store, the rules of this store should be clear to everyone, right? Only after defeating the owner of this hotel, Young Master Chiaki, and the doubles battle with the young master's fiancée, Miss Qianxia, can you go inside and enjoy the food, otherwise you can only go home. "

As soon as the three of Chenhui entered the door, they saw an uncle walk out, who should be the lobby manager of this hotel.

"How about each one?"

This is the first time that Kotoin has heard of such a rule.

"Hmm." The uncle nodded.

"Oh… But there are three of us, which is not enough for doubles battles! Xiaoguang pointed to the three.


The uncle also felt a little embarrassed, because the rules here had long been established, so most of the guests who came to dine were even, and there had never been such a situation.

"In that case, do you want us to team up together!"

At this time, there was also a sound outside the gate, and everyone turned to look, only to see Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang and a girl with a green headscarf walking in.

········· Ask for flowers…

"Chenhui, Xiaoguang, piano sound, long time no see."


Ash and Chenhui greeted each other warmly.

Chenhui also responded with a smile: "Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, it's really been a long time, are you guys here to eat?" "

"Yes, it just so happens that Xiao Yao is going to participate in the Mikkoli Cup, so we came here to meet, by the way, this is Xiao Yao, our companion who traveled before." Xiao Gang introduced Xiao Yao, and then looked at Xiao Yao and said: "These three are Chenhui, Xiaoguang and Qinyin. "

Ash then added, "Tatsuki is a very powerful trainer, and Xiaoguang, like you, is also aiming to challenge the gorgeous tournament of the Sinnoh region with the goal of a top coordination trainer. "

... 0


"Hello Haruka!"

"Nice to meet you!"


Several people got to know each other, and they were all the same age, and they quickly became familiar.

But without saying a word, the stomachs of the six people grumbled…

"Chenhui, or let's have a doubles battle together!"

Ash's proposal was exactly in line with Chenhui's idea, it happened that Ash and they were also three people, and if they were with Chenhui, they were exactly divided into three groups.

After making such a happy decision, Ash and Xiao Gang very consciously formed a team.

Xiaoguang originally wanted to form a team with Chenhui, but Qinyin suddenly spoke: "Xiaoguang, let's form a team for the two of us." "

They are all companions who travel together, Xiaoguang is naturally not good to refuse, and forms a team with Qinyin.

So the abandoned Chenhui formed a team with Xiao Yao, who met for the first time.

The first battle is between Ash and Gang, Pikachu and Nonsense, and the opponent sends an evolutionary combination of Kabi Beast and Little Kabi Beast.

Everyone thought it would be a fierce battle, who knew that the opponent turned out to be a pair of stubborn bronzes, who were directly knocked out by one move.

Xiaoguang and Qinyin also sent Curly Ear and Qilin Qi, easily defeating their opponents.

The last match is the battle between Tatsuki and Haruka….. Earth._