
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 84

Daiochisis slowly flew into the air, and it seemed that it had understood Chenhui's thoughts. At the same time, Darkrai and Chenhui, who was riding on the fast dragon, also came to the same height as Daiochisis.

"Darkrai, black hole!"

Now that you already know the strength of Daiochisis, there is no need to test each other, and it is a battle of real swords and guns.

Darkrai's hands were raised above his head, condensing a pitch-black ball and throwing it directly towards Theochisis, who immediately converted into speed mode and quickly avoided the black ball.

In the next second, Ochhisis transformed into attack mode, his body was wrapped in blue light, and he rushed directly towards Darkrai.

"What a fast conversion speed!"

Chenhui was taken aback as he watched Daiochisis quickly switch to attack mode.

"Darkrai, shadow doppelganger!"

With a swoosh, hundreds of Darkrai instantly appeared in the sky, densely covering the entire sky. 29

The power of Pokémon's skills is not inevitable, but determined by its own ability and control of skills, and the ability to create so many doppelgangers in an instant is enough to see the strength of Darkrai.

Theochis's Mind Hammer only broke through one of the phantoms, and did not hurt Reach Clei at all.

"Evil Fluctuations!"

Hundreds of Darkrai simultaneously launched black rings, extremely fast in Deochis, instantly exploded on Theochis's body, and the smoke completely enveloped it.

The smoke quickly cleared, and the appearance of Daiochisis had changed, no longer the previous attack mode, but a defense mode like a muscle man!

What a tough bone to chew!

Chenhui gritted his teeth secretly, the ability of Daiochisis to quickly convert is too difficult, so wouldn't every damage be minimized?

Be sure to trap it like a way!

Daiochisis took advantage of the moment when Chenhui was distracted and launched an attack, and his two arms stretched out abruptly like two tentacles, and grabbed towards Darkrai, but was easily avoided by Darkrai.

"Black hole!"

Darkrai casually threw out two black balls, and Daiochisis was also not to be outdone, his two eyes emitted red light, and two spiritual shocks instantly hit, blowing up the black hole in the air and raising a cloud of smoke.

"Darkrai, Shadowclaw!"

If a long-range attack doesn't work, then fight melee combat!

Darkrai suddenly turned into a shadow, rushed towards Deochis, the speed of activation was comparable to teleportation, directly came behind Deochis, and his arm instantly smashed.

This time, Daiochisis didn't have time to change form, so he could only resist this move of the Shadow Claw abruptly, and immediately fell towards the ground, smashing a big hole.

"Evil Fluctuations!"

The pitch-black ring roared with a strong wind, smashed on the back of Deochis, and an explosion occurred in an instant, directly doubling the large crater.

It should have worked!

Chenhui knew that Daiochisis was a crispy skin, and was about to throw the master ball when an orange-red figure rose up into the sky and directly crashed into Darkrai's body, flying it out.

Then the tentacles on Daiochisis crossed . A transparent ball was created between the hands, flashing with various colors, and then exploded instantly, and the furious energy rushed directly towards Rye!

This is the exclusive skill of Daiochisis!

Spirit Rush!

As soon as Darkrai stabilized his figure, the spiritual breakthrough exploded on its body, and even if the skills of the superpower system did not have obvious effects on it, the power of the fury still caused some damage.

Deochisis was unforgiving, and in a teleportation he came to Darkrai, his tentacles raised high and emitted a white light, using the splitting tile to attack.

"Darkrai, black hole!"

But Darkrai's speed was faster, and before the tentacles fell, the black hole had already condensed, and then hit the body of Daiochisis, and the black hole energy instantly wrapped it.

Deochisis felt his eyelids sink more and more, and fell into a coma.

"Darkrai, Evil Fluctuations!"

The evil fluctuation hit the sleeping Deochisis without suspense, quickly landed from the air, and smashed on the ground again, directly losing the ability to fight.

"Go, Masterball!"

Chenhui threw the master ball in his hand and accurately hit Daiochisis, and then Daiochisis was taken in by the master ball, without the slightest struggle, and successfully recovered!

Chenhui descended from the air on a fast dragon and picked up the master ball from the ground.

Finally there is a second divine beast!

Although Daiochisis's physical strength is not strong, it also depends on who to compare with, and compared with the strength of a second-level god like Darkrai, it is naturally insufficient, but it still has a great advantage in the face of lower-level Pokémon.

And Daiochisis also has a variety of different forms, and if it can be manipulated flexibly, it is also an extremely useful Pokémon.

Because the Pokémon carried by his body were full, Tatsuki locked up the master ball of Daiochisis first, took back Darkrai, and returned to the Pokémon Center to sleep.


After nine o'clock the next day, Chenhui woke up slowly, and Xiaoguang and Qin Yin had already risen.

"Chenhui, did you not sleep well yesterday? Why is it so late? Xiaoguang and Pogaman stopped training and looked at Tatsuki suspiciously along with Kotoin.

480 is often Chenhui gets up early, why did he suddenly get up today?

"It's fine." Chenhui smiled.

At this time, Xiaoguang also brought a dinner plate and handed it to Chenhui and said: "This is the breakfast left for you, hurry up and eat it!" "

"Thank you."

Chenhui slept yesterday, and now he is really a little hungry, and he is not polite with Xiaoguang, so he brought it over and ate it.

After breakfast, the three of them also packed their things and prepared to continue their trip.

"Chenhui, which hall are we going to next?" Xiaoguang checked the route with his watch, "It seems that the closest dojo to here is Shigen City." "

"No, let's go to God and Town!" Chenhui shook his head.

"God and town?"

Xiaoguang clicked on the information of God and Town and said, "It seems that there is no Pokémon Dojo here, right?" "

"Yes!" Chenhui nodded, and then continued, "But I'm not going to challenge the dojo, I'm going home. "

"Go home!!!

Xiaoguang and Qinyin were taken aback!

Chenhui is going home?

Could it be that he doesn't plan to continue traveling?


Chenhui immediately laughed when he saw the surprised expressions of the two women: "What do you think?" I'm just going home to do something, and I'm not going to give up on traveling. "_