
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 83

Chenhui reached into his arms and took out something, and the yellow light on his chest was emitted by this thing!

"What is this?"

Xiaoguang looked at the mysterious box similar to the Rubik's Cube in Chenhui, and his eyes showed a thick doubt.

Chenhui didn't speak, just looked at the box quietly.

At the same time, the surrounding meteorites emitted a blue light, and then rushed into the sky, and the box in Chenhui's hand also slowly floated up at this time, absorbing the light of the meteorite, constantly dismantling in the air, and finally formed a key-like thing that fell into Chenhui's hands.

"This is … The key to the gun? "

Tatsuki suddenly remembered that in the anime, it was here that the Galaxy team would borrow the power of meteorites to unlock the box, and then wanted to take the meteorite, but was stopped by Ash and his group.

Unexpectedly, the "four eight zero" yin and yang mistake fell into his hands.

"Chenhui, what exactly is the key to the gun? Is it a key? "

Xiaoguang was full of deep questions about this strange thing, and only waited for Chenhui to answer for himself.

"This matter is a long story, I'll explain it to you when I have the opportunity!" Chenhui didn't want Xiaoguang to be involved, which was not good for her.


Xiaoguang nodded obediently.

She knew that Chenhui did not tell her that he had his own reasons, and did not continue to ask.

Chenhui received the key of the gun into the system and said to Xiaoguang: "Let's get out of here first!" "

The vision that had just happened must have attracted the attention of the others, and it was estimated that Miss Junsha and they would be coming soon, and if they saw it, it would definitely be a bunch of trouble.

Chenhui and Xiaoguang left the curtain park, and when they just entered the city, they saw Miss Junsha leading people to the direction of the curtain park.

"Chenhui, Xiaoguang, are you all right!"

When the two returned to the Pokémon Center, Kotoin was about to go out to look for them, and the vision just now also alarmed her.

"Of course we're okay!" Chenhui returned with a smile.

Since he didn't even plan to tell Xiaoguang, then there was no need to know about the piano sound.

"By the way, are you feeling better?" Xiaoguang tacitly helped Chenhui to cooperate.

"It's better."

Hearing Xiaoguang's inquiry, Qin Yin's expression suddenly became a little unnatural, and he lowered his head weakly.

"Okay, then you pay more attention to rest, and we will go back to sleep."

"Okay, Night."


The three returned to their respective rooms, and when Chenhui was about to sleep, he suddenly heard a dull voice: "Chenhui, just now when I was in the curtain park, I felt a powerful force in the meteorite. "

At the same time, the figure of Darkrai slowly emerged from the master, as if it were a projection.

"What power?"

Tatsuki does not think that meteorites and guns are ringing.

That power can be felt by everyone, and it is not worth Darkrai to show up specifically.

"I felt a powerful force in the meteorite, but it was not the power of the meteorite itself, but there was a powerful Pokémon contained in the meteorite!"


Hearing Darkrai's words, Chenhui subconsciously widened his eyes.

At that time, Chenhui was playing with Xiaoguang, and he didn't notice whether there were any Pokémon around, let alone use the power of waveguides to carefully probe.

But what will be the Pokémon in the meteorite?


Chenhui immediately gasped.

Because he suddenly thought of a powerful Pokémon.

That's Deochis!

Deochisis is a Pokémon born in the universe, extremely powerful, and once fought a big battle with the Rift Space. And it is said that it came to Earth through meteorites, and the specific number is unknown, but it is certainly not one.

And Deochsis possesses an incredible energy, he can change his form and adapt it to all situations. It is a very strong Pokémon.

Chenhui's heart suddenly came alive.

Daiochisis has the combat power of a divine beast, but it does not have any divine power, and if it is subdued, it will not have any impact on the world.

And there is also a Daktor known as the strongest hanger in this Lily of the Valley Conference, he has at least two divine beasts in his hands, and the remaining four have never been revealed, and it is likely that they are also divine beast-level Pokémon.

Isn't it a little shabby that he only has one Darkrai?

Just do it, Tatsuki immediately dressed, took his Pokémon, and returned to the curtain park...…..


In the dead of night, the curtain park was quite quiet, and Miss Junsha, who had just come here to investigate the situation, also returned to the city because she did not find anything abnormal.

At this time, Chenhui had already used the power of waveguides to check and detect whether there were Pokémon waveguides in these meteorites.

Soon, Chenhui felt a powerful waveguide in one of the meteorites.

"Darkrai, come out!"

Chenhui didn't dare to be rash, and if the Ten Thousand Generation Ochhisis came up and attacked, wouldn't he be cool?

It's better to let Darkrai come out to guard first, anyway, no one will notice in the dead of night.

Chenhui and Darkrai walked to the meteorite with a powerful waveguide, and before he could speak, a soft light appeared on the meteorite, and a Pokémon figure slowly appeared in the light.

It seems to be an alien-like appearance, an orange-red body, a crystal clear gemstone on the chest, and arms are crossed together like two wires, it is the ordinary form of Daiochisis!


Attribute: Superpower system

Characteristic: oppressive

Qualification: Gold

Level: Level 103

Skills: Bondage, Teleportation, Night Shadow, Spiritual Strengthening, Chase, Self-Regeneration, Spiritual Breakthrough, Destruction of Death Light, Mind Head Hammer, Essence 2.9 God Strong, Cosmic Power…

Seeing the information of Daiochisis, Chenhui immediately had a bottom in his heart.

It and Darkrai also belong to the ability range of second-level gods, and they are slightly lower than Darkrai in level, and the most critical point is that Darkrai is an evil attribute.

Daiochisis is a Pokémon of the superpower system, and the skills he masters are mostly superpowers, which is not obvious for the evil Darkrai.

Deochis, who appeared from the meteorite, was also looking at Chenhui and Darkrai, his eyes full of vigilance, and he could feel that the dark and hazy guy had a power comparable to itself.

Darkrai's sapphire-like eyes looked at Daiochisis with a fighting intent, if the eyes could directly clash, then it would definitely be sparks at this time!

A big war is about to begin! _