
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 80

"Come back, Muk Eagle."

After Lei Si took back Muke Ying, he walked in front of Chenhui and said helplessly: "I didn't expect that I still failed, you are really a very powerful trainer." "

"You've passed the prize." Chenhui humbled for a moment, "If you send the main team to fight an all-hands battle, I'm afraid I will lose miserably." "

This point Chenhui is still very self-aware.

After all, Lei Si has traveled so many areas, as long as he does not travel to one place like a small retard and throw a bunch of Pokémon, then his main lineup should be above level 60, and he is a quasi-king level trainer.

And Chenhui currently has only one fast dragon that has reached level 6, reaching level 63.

The two of Lucario and the fossil pterosaur should be around level 50, and the earth turtle, flame monkey, Menas, and Shanaido are all around level 40.

Don't talk about the rest, most of them are around the twenty or thirty levels, and there is still a long way to go.

"Don't say that, I'm a lot older than you, I can't be eating dry food all these years." Lei Si also smiled and touched the back of his head.

"Well, you are all very good, only I still have a long way to go!" Qin Yin interrupted the kind words between the two, and there was some frustration in the back.

Why are they all rookie trainers, and they are so far different from Chenhui?

"There is still a long way to go, and you will definitely be able to become a good Pokémon trainer." Chenhui patted Qinyin's shoulder and encouraged.

"Of course!"

Lei Si saw that the two encouraged each other, and suddenly regretted why he didn't find a few beautiful companions when he traveled?

Traveling with your brother?

Brains kicked by donkeys?

At this time, Chenhui also remembered his other companion, turned his head to look into the distance and said, "I don't know what happened to Xiaoguang's side." "

Lei Si suggested, "Let's go back and take a look!" "

Tatsuki and Kotoin nodded at the same time, and after taking back Yukira, the two returned to the place where they had separated from Xiaoguang just now with Lei Si.

They just arrived here, just in time to see Xiaoguang holding Pogaman and Ah Li you talking and laughing back, the relationship between the two is simply growing by leaps and bounds.

After Ah Li saw Chenhui, he said with a smile: "Chenhui, the Taoist Tournament is scheduled for tomorrow!" "

"Tomorrow? All right. "

Chenhui didn't expect that Xiaoguang really restored Ah Li's fighting spirit, it seems that this little girl has also grown a lot!

"See you tomorrow then!"

After that, Ah Li left and prepared to return to the Taoist Hall for training.

Seeing Ah Li disappear from sight, Chenhui touched Xiaoguang's head and said: "Xiaoguang, you are very powerful, you really convinced Ah Li." "

"That is! I said long ago that no problem! "

Xiaoguang raised his little head arrogantly, and Bogaman on the side made the same action.

The three of Chenhui were immediately amused by the tacit understanding of Xiaoguang and Bogamand.

These two are really a perfect match!


Early the next morning, Chenhui and the three came to the Curtain Dojo Hall to challenge Ah Li, and Lei Si also came to watch the battle early in the morning.

"Get on! Haoli! "

"The Vanguard is you, Shock Beast!"

As the referee finished saying the rules of the game, both sides sent their respective Pokémon, but Tatsuki's electric shock beast appeared, which immediately surprised Xiaoguang.

She was originally because Chenhui would send Shanaiduo with more suitable attributes to fight, but she didn't expect it to be an electric shock beast?

"Don't rely on attributes to fight? Very tough attitude! "

Ah Li looked like he was fighting spirited, not at all as frustrated as yesterday, and shouted with full momentum: "Haoli, split tiles!" "

Raising his right fist that emitted white light, Haoli quickly rushed towards the electric shock beast.

"Shock beast, lightning fist!"

The two fists intersect and are evenly matched.

"Haoli, cross split!"

"One hundred thousand volts!"

As soon as Haoli's cross split formed a hand style, a strong electric light flashed on the electric shock beast, instantly enveloping Haoli.

"This is the same defensive counterattack tactic as yesterday!"

Lei Si could see at a glance that the tactics used by Chenhui were exactly the same as those used by Kuailong when he duel with himself yesterday.

They all close the distance between them and their opponents through melee combat, and then use powerful skills to deal damage while their opponents are still unresponsive.

It's simple, but it's very practical.

"If that's the case, then use bodybuilding!"

Ah Li intends to increase his attack power and gain the advantage in the attack without giving Chenhui the opportunity to defend and counterattack. As a layer of white light flashed on Haoli's body, Haoli's attack power increased.

"Haoli, split the tiles again!"

"Shock beast, high-speed star!"

This time, Chenhui did not plan to hard connect, and the strength strengthened by bodybuilding was really not necessarily something that the electric shock beast could carry.

"Haoli, rush straight over!"

Haoli rushed into the pentagram without hesitation, and the high-speed stars kept exploding on Haoli's body, but it never stopped it.

When Haoli rushed out of the high-speed star, he saw that the electric shock beast had come to his face, and he was taken aback.

"How is it possible!"

Ah Li did not expect that the electric shock beast would appear in this position, and immediately shouted out in a lost voice.

"It's now, kick down!"

The electric shock beast smiled evilly, put his hands on Haoli's shoulders, and his right foot was gently stirring, and Haoli immediately fell on his back to the ground. The electric shock beast added another thunder and lightning fist, which completely made Haoli lose the ability to fight.

"That tacit understanding has appeared again!"

Lei Si has been paying attention to the movements between Chenhui and the electric shock beast.

Just now, it was clear that Chenhui did not give any instructions or give any hints, but the electric shock beast could understand Chenhui's intention to rush forward.

This is really terrible!

The referee on the side said: "Haoli lost the ability to fight, and the electric shock beast won!" "

"You've worked hard, come back and rest!"

Ah Li's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to send out the second Pokémon: "Come on, Marthana!" "

Martha is a Pokémon with fighting and superpower attributes, and the disadvantage in attributes is very small, but there is really a Pokémon in Chenhui's hand that restrains it in attributes.

"Electric shock beast, come back and rest!" Chenhui withdrew the electric shock beast and took out another treasure ball: "Come on, Shanaiduo!" "

Shanado is a superpower and goblin attribute that perfectly restrains Masana.

"Shanado, the magic shines!"


Shanado's body was surrounded by rainbow-colored light, and then instantly unfolded, turning into a wall of light and approaching Marthana.

"Massana, decide!"

Martha's eyes glowed with blue light, protecting herself in a bright light, avoiding Shanado's attack pool this time.

When the light dissipated, Ah Li was about to fight back, but found that Shanaiduo's figure had disappeared..._