
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 7

The little flame monkey vented tears of grievance, but was finally moved by Chenhui's tenderness and decided to travel with them.

After dinner in the evening, Tatsuki was training his Pokémon, but Xiaoguang suddenly walked over, and he looked a little twisted.

"Chenhui, can you fight me? I would like to learn some experience of Pokémon battles. "

The corners of Chenhui's mouth rose after hearing this, remembering the foreign appearance that Xiaoguang wanted to subdue the curly ears on the way in the afternoon, but came out because of inexperience.

"Of course."

"Chenhui, you're so good."

Because Xiaoguang is still a rookie trainer, Chenhui did not send Lucario, but let Larulas appear.

It is at this level and plays against Bogaman just right.

Chenhui smiled and said: "Xiaoguang, you attack first, you have to come on." "

"Bogaman, use foam light."

Xiaoguang was also not polite, and looked imposing.

Bogaman was as confident as Xiaoguang, spitting out crystal clear foam from his pointed mouth.

"Larulas, teleport."

As soon as Chenhui's voice fell, Larulas had already disappeared into the eyes of Xiaoguang and Bogaman.

"Nian Li grabs the opponent."

Although it was only a friendly match, Chenhui did not release water, and a blue circle of light immediately appeared on Bogaman's body to firmly imprison it.


After all, Xiaoguang is still a beginner, and when he saw such a situation, he immediately panicked, and he couldn't think of fighting back.

"Xiaoguang, now is not the time to shout, fight back."

Hearing Chenhui's reminder, Xiaoguangfang woke up like a dream: "Bogaman used a peck after breaking free." "

Bogaman forcefully broke free from the restraints of his mind, and his pointed mouth glowed white, becoming even sharper, and stabbed towards Larulas.


Larulas repeats his old trick, and Bogamán's attack once again fails.


The figure of Larulas suddenly appeared in front of Pogaman and hypnotized it directly without giving Pogaman time to react.

"Okay, that's it for today."

Since it is a friendly match, Chenhui is not too formal, and the point can be reached.

"Thank you." Xiaoguang picked up the sleeping Bogaman up.

Although it was only two rounds, Xiaoguang also experienced a lot in these two rounds.

"You're welcome, there are still some things to pay attention to…"

Chenhui explained his experience to Xiaoguang in detail, and Xiaoguang also had a deeper understanding of Pokémon battles.


There was a sudden round of applause on the side, and the two looked to the side and saw a long-haired young man with a hat walking out.

Xiaoguang asked with a curious look: "Who are you?" Why is it here? "

"I'm really sorry to disturb everyone, it's rude!" The young man replied apologetically: "My name is Shang Zhi, but I just passed by and heard the conversation between the two, but I was deeply fascinated. "

Speaking of this, Shang Zhi looked at Chenhui, and then said: "This gentleman's experience has also benefited me a lot, and allow me to express my gratitude to you." "

"You're welcome!" Chenhui smiled faintly.

In fact, Chenhui had long known that there were people in the woods, but he didn't feel malice, so he didn't care, otherwise he would have been beaten down a long time ago.

After a simple exchange, the three also got to know each other to a certain extent.

"I really envy that you already have a goal, and I still hesitate in the Divine Mystery Alliance and the Gorgeous Competition." Shang Zhi showed a distressed expression.

Xiaoguang glanced at the shy bud next to Shang Zhi on the side, and said: "I think this is a shy bud is very beautiful, it should be better to participate in the gorgeous competition, right?" "

"I don't think these two competitions are good or bad, they have their own characteristics, it mainly depends on what you think."

Shang Zhi also nodded after listening to it.

"Why don't you fight against me and Xiaoguang once, find a feeling in the battle, and see if you like that kind of fight."

Tatsuki's proposal was unanimously approved by the two, and the first match was when Hikaru and Shangshi fought with the rules of the Gorgeous Tournament.

Although Bogaman had fought just now, he didn't suffer much damage, and it didn't get in the way of continuing to fight.

The Pokémon sent by Shang Zhi is the Shallow Bud, although the Shallow Bud has not yet evolved, but it is not something that Xiaoguang, a novice, can deal with, and he will soon lose.

"Xiaoguang, you performed very well, you have a strong learning ability, and you surpassed me as a master that day."

Seeing Xiaoguang's slightly decadent expression, Chenhui opened his mouth to encourage her.

Although he was still a little frustrated in his heart, Xiaoguang also felt Chenhui's kindness and showed her a beautiful smile.

"Mr. Shangzhi, do you need to take a break first?"

Bogaman had already fought a battle just now, and Chenhui didn't want to take advantage of him.

"Thanks, no thanks. I feel that the shy bud is in good shape. Shang Zhi politely refused.

"Then in that case," Chenhui took out a treasure ball from his waist and threw it out: "It's over to you, little flame monkey!" "