
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 77

It has been a while since Pokéby hatched, and it stands to reason that intimacy has long been enough, perhaps because it has never been fought, so it has not evolved until now.


Attributes: Leprechaun, Flight

Features: Heavenly grace

Hidden Feature: Super Lucky

Qualification: Orange

Level: Level 21

Skills: Call, Clap, Angel Kiss, Gift, Finger Swing, Leprechaun Wind, Coquetry, Primordial Power

This is the information after Pockby's evolution, but as a flying Pokémon, he has not yet learned the skills of the flying system, which is a bit unreasonable ~ exaggerated.

Tatsuki suddenly felt that he should strengthen his training for Pokékigou, and he couldn't let it continue like this.

But that's all for later.

Now that Pokékigou has just evolved, it has just mastered the ability to fly, and it is playing happily in the air.

After this episode, the four went to enjoy the warm hot spring again.

After resting at Tang Hong's house for the night, Chenhui and Tang Hong said goodbye and embarked on the road to the curtain city ahead.

On the way, they passed through towns and arrived at the city of curtain a week later.

Tatsuki decides to go to the Pokémon Center to adjust his Pokémon to their best condition before challenging the Curtain Dojo. Xiaoguang and Qinyin were ready to take a stroll, so the three met at the door of the curtain dojo.

As soon as he handed the Pokémon in his hand to Miss Joy, Chenhui's phone rang, it was Hirona.

After connecting, Chenhui said with a smile: "What's wrong, sister?" Do you miss your lovely little brother? "

"Hmph! I don't want you! Hirona wrinkled her little nose arrogantly.

"Eh…" Chenhui pretended to cover his chest like an arrow, and said with a desperate expression: "Sister, you really broke my heart so much!" "

"Okay, you are a dramatist brother don't act." Shirona directly debunked Chenhui's trick.

Chenhui didn't have the slightest embarrassment, just smiled, and then asked: "Then sister, what tasks do you have to assign to me this time?" Brother, I will definitely go to the soup and do everything I can. "

"Come on, I don't dare call you." Shirona pouted disdainfully, but the smile in the corner of her eyes was still clearly visible, and she seemed to be very satisfied with what Chenhui said.

"Okay, no more gossip. My main purpose this time is to present you with an award. "


"Yes, the last time you helped the alliance catch Zhenxing, this is a great achievement, so I want to give you an award."


Hearing Shirona's explanation, Chenhui was still interested.

The rewards of the alliance are nothing more than which kinds, Pokémon props, shells or Pokémon eggs, and finally give money directly, nothing new at all.

How can you lack these things in your own capacity?

It's useless at all!

Seeing Chenhui's expression, Shirona immediately said dissatisfied: What kind of expression is this? I wasted a lot of effort to help you find it! "

"It looks like a Pokémon, do you think if I really want a certain Pokémon, I won't find it?" Chenhui pouted disdainfully.

With the strength of the Zixiao clan, in addition to the divine beasts, there are really few other Pokémon that can't get it. It's just that Chenhui prefers to use his own strength to subdue Pokémon during travel, only in this way can he leave a period of good memories.

"yes? Then this is only by Kira, I will leave it myself! Anyway, brother, you don't want it. Hirona smiled playfully at the ball in her hand.

"What? By Kira? "

Chenhui was startled, and his face was almost pasted to the screen.

Although he can get the vast majority of Pokémon with his identity, even if it is a quasi-god like Fast Dragon and Violent Salamander, it is no problem, but the Bangira family is really not good.

The main thing is that the Bangira clan is completely in the hands of the Johto Alliance, and Silver Mountain is the largest habitat in Bangira.

As the only quasi-god of the rock system, the Johto Alliance treats it as a treasure, and does not allow other alliances to introduce and cultivate it at all.

"Yes, this time the Johto Alliance asked for us, so they agreed to our application for introduction, and I wasted a lot of effort to help you get a high-quality Yukira." Speaking of this, Hirona sighed, "It's a pity that you don't need it at all, then I'll leave it myself." "

"Yes! I'm going to! "

Chenhui no longer cares whether he will hit his face, anyway, why do he care about this in front of Shirona?

Hirona raised her head arrogantly, squinted her eyes and said, "But didn't you look down on this reward just now? "

········· Ask for flowers…

"How so? Am I such a person? "

"Maybe that's true."

"I didn't expect me to be such an image in your heart, blue skinny, shiitake mushrooms."

If Xiaoguang and Qin Yin saw Chenhui's appearance, they would definitely think that his personality had collapsed, no longer the calm, wise, and reliable Chenhui, but like a coquettish child.

In fact, Chenhui will only show this side in front of Shirona.

Because only she will make Chenhui completely relaxed.


"Pokékigou, don't cry! We are already a big child, after you go back, you have to train with the fossil pterosaur, and then we will challenge the lily of the valley conference together. "

...... 0

Chenhui gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, gently comforting Pokékigou, who was reluctant to leave.

Because he got Yukira from Shirona, Tatsuki's lineup had another Pokémon, and after thinking about it, Tatsuki decided to teleport Pokéki back to it, just in time to learn some flying skills with the fossil pterosaur.

But this little guy didn't want to leave Chenhui, holding Chenhui's arm and not letting go, making his heart sour, and suddenly had an old father's feeling.

After Chenhui's comfort and persuasion, Pokékigu finally agreed to leave to exercise his ability with the fossil pterosaur, and when the time came, he could help his beloved Chenhui's father.

After teleporting Pokékiku back, Tatsuki packed up his things and went to the Curtain Dojo.

Just on the way forward, Chenhui suddenly felt a gust of wind, subconsciously dodged back, and then heard a boom, and the wooden fence in front of him on the right was shattered by a wave of missiles.

"What's going on?"

Just as Chenhui was about to go over to see the situation, Xiaoguang and Qin Yin also heard the sound and ran over.

Chenhui shook his head, indicating that he didn't know very well.

The three of them could only be curious and came to the gap that was punched out to see what was happening inside.

I saw that a girl with short pink hair and a Lucario were engaged in a live-action fight, and the wave missile just now was the soil that Lucario hit. _