
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 73

"Eevee, use the High Speed Star!"

Just near the random town, Xiaoguang is conducting assault training against Ibrahimovic to strive for good results in the next random conference.

Eevee spun quickly with his back against the ground, and his big furry tail flicked out many stars.

"It seems that Guangguang has understood what you told her about east ~ west."

Qin Yin saw that the high-speed star used by Eevee this time was not overwhelmed, and knew that the lesson of the last failure had been understood.

Chenhui said with a smile: "Yes, Xiaoguang is already very smart!" "

Hearing this, Qin Yin immediately said dissatisfied: "Hey, hey, can you not always spread dog food in front of me!" "

"Then wouldn't it be nice for you to find a boyfriend too?"

"You said light, how can it be so easy!"

"Who said that, there is a nice person next to you."

Hearing this, Qin Yin's pretty face immediately turned red.

She understood the meaning of Chenhui's words, so she was really moved at this moment.

Chenhui is gentle and considerate, her strength is superb, and she is handsome, in line with all the ideas of Prince Charming in her heart, but it is a pity that people have long been famous and have masters, and there is more than one, is it possible that she wants to be a junior?

No, absolutely impossible!

The piano tone neutralizes a flag in the heart!

Qin Yin glanced at Chenhui with disdain: "I'm not interested in you, but if you say this in front of the light, aren't you afraid that I will tell her?" "

Chenhui just smiled and did not speak.

Since there has been a substantial breakthrough in the relationship between him and Xiaoguang in Poplar Town, he seems to have opened the attributes of the scumbag with that kiss. Originally, he liked to make things happen, but now he likes to take the initiative.

"Xiaoguang, almost! Come and take a break! "


Hikaru and Ibrahimovic stopped training and came back to rest.

Chenhui gently wiped the sweat from Xiaoguang's forehead and said: "Xiaoguang, you can't work too hard, you must know how to combine work and rest." "

"Well, I see." Xiaoguang showed a sweet smile.

"You guys are training here now! I'll take a look at the random ruins not far away! "

Qinyin doesn't want to eat dog food here, so it's good to visit the ruins nearby.

Chenhui and Xiaoguang felt that the random ruins were not far away, and Qinyin was not a child, and a person could take care of himself, so he did not follow.

The random ruins are a huge stone palace that is as intricate as a labyrinth, so few people enter it.

The entrance of the palace is also carved with statues of Diya Luca and Palucci, which makes Qin Yin involuntarily think of the thrilling battle in Poplar Town a few days ago, and Chenhui's sudden movement…

At this time, not far behind Qin Yin, several people in white uniforms were lurking.

"Lord Zhenxing! A little girl appeared at the door of the ruins! It doesn't look like someone from the alliance, it looks like a trainer passing by. "

A member of the Galaxy team came to Zhenxing respectfully

Zhenxing, one of the cadres of the Galaxy team, is broken, and his strength is not bad.

This time, the Galaxy team only sent Zhenxing and two ordinary team members, just because they didn't want to expose their whereabouts with great fanfare, but the sudden appearance of the piano sound disrupted their rows.

"Look a little longer, and if the person is still open in five minutes, take a catch!"

Zhenxing is afraid of the night and dreams, anyway, he is an ordinary trainer, and he can't turn over any waves!


The two ordinary team members continued to observe the sound of the piano.

At this time, Qin Yin did not know that danger was approaching her, but sat on the steps of the random ruins, worried about Chenhui's words just now.

Qin Yin is very yearning for love, and there is also some romanticism, but he does not have a crush, so he will gossip about other people's feelings to relieve the desire in his heart.

As the relationship between Chenhui and Xiaoguang became closer and closer, she longed for her own love even more, and found someone as good as Chenhui as her boyfriend.

But where is it easy to find Chenhui like this?

To be honest, she was really moved the moment when Chenhui joked just now.

But the friendship with Xiaoguang, she doesn't want to spoil …

So it got into a tangle.

"Copper mirror monster, hypnosis!"

Just when the piano sound fell into endless entanglement, a cold voice came, and the piano sound immediately felt that his eyelids were heavy, and the hand that had just held the baby ball was loosened in his mind.

"Hurry up and get in, quick victory!"

········· Ask for flowers…

Zhenxing walked out of the woods, took back the copper mirror monster, and walked into the random ruins with two of his men.


"Why hasn't the piano come back yet?"

Chenhui looked suspiciously in the direction of the random ruins.

It's been half an hour since Qin Yin left, and it's almost time to come back.

After all, the random ruins are similar to the ruins in Taji Town before, and they won't look at it for so long.

"Let's take a look!"


The two packed up their things and ran in the direction of the random ruins.

"Qin Yin!"

When they arrived at the random ruins, they saw the piano sound fall to the ground and immediately ran over. Chenhui ran closer, picked up Qinyin's head and put it on his lap, checking her condition.

... 0

"How's the sound going?" Xiaoguang also looked anxious.

Chenhui did not answer immediately, and after thoroughly examining the piano sound, he said: "There is no problem, but I fell asleep after being hypnotized." "

"Whew~" Xiaoguang suddenly took a breath, "What the hell is going on?" "

Chenhui also wanted to know, so he opened his waveguide power to see if there were any human waveguides nearby, and soon found the waveguides of the members of the galaxy team inside the random ruins.

"Xiaoguang, you take care of Qinyin here, I'll go and catch the murderer!"

"Good! Be safe yourself! "

Chenhui gently held Qin Yin's head and put it in Xiaoguang's arms, and turned around and entered the random ruins.

Although there was a huge maze inside the random ruins, it was not worth mentioning in the face of Chenhui's waveguide power, and he quickly chased after the three suspicious waveguides.

"It's someone from Team Galaxy!"

Chenhui only remembered the plot now.

It seems that in order to obtain the power of Diya Luca and Palucci, the Galaxy team must find a key key in the random ruins.

Since you guys strike first, then don't blame me for being ruthless!

Chenhui had no intention of clashing head-on with the Galaxy Team, this was a matter for the Divine Mystery Alliance, and it was none of his own business at all.

But since they made a move on the piano sound, it was unbearable, even if the piano sound was not harmed.

Just robbed your things and arrested your cadres here!

Let you know the end of offending me!