
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 66

Early the next morning, after visiting Pogaman at the Pokémon Center, Tatsuki and Hikaru went to the battlefield in the center of the city for their final match.

"Xiaoguang, you don't need to be nervous, just relax. Today's victory must be ours. "

Xiaoguang was very nervous because Pogaman couldn't play and dragged Chenhui back, so Chenhui came over to persuade him at the first time.

"Well, Pogaman also hopes that I can win."

Xiaoguang nodded, and the two then came to the opposite battlefield, while Ash and Shinji had long been waiting for Tatsuki on the opposite side.

"The battle for the title of this doubles tournament is between Tatsuki, Komitsu and Ash, Shinji, who will win this tournament?"

The guest host's chief is doing his best to mobilize the atmosphere of the audience.

The four came to their respective positions and sent their own Pokémon, Chenhui naturally sent the Flame Monkey, and Xiaoguang sent the shield armored dragon because Pogaman could not play.

On the opponent's side, Ash sent Muktori out to fight, while Shinji sent an electric shock beast.

"That flame monkey…"

Shinji recognized Tatsuki's Flame Monkey at a glance as the one he had thrown up, and a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Unexpectedly, that guy actually picked up the little flame monkey!

What a bargain!

Tatsuki's last evaluation because of Hakron's promotion in Shinji's heart fell again.

"It's good, both sides sent their respective Pokémon, then… Now the game begins! "

Yan Da announced the start of the game.

The Flame Monkey's gaze immediately locked on the body of the electric shock beast, when he was still next to Shinji, this guy always looked down on himself, and from time to time he would bully himself.

Now the opportunity for revenge has finally come!

"Mukbird, flash of light!"

But the troublemaker still appeared.

With Ash's order, the Muk Bird immediately rushed towards the Flame Monkey, knowing that it had an advantage in attributes.

"Shield armored dragon, use the iron wall to block it!"

The shield armored dragon's body flashed with gray-white light in front of the flame monkey, and at the same time Chenhui heard the voice of a small light:

"Chenhui, Muk Bird will be handed over to me to block, this time I will defend it!"

Xiaoguang has really grown a lot!

Chenhui would not disappoint Xiaoguang's wishes, and immediately launched an attack: "Flame Monkey, let Shinji see your strength, Flame Wheel!" "


The flame monkey rushed out with a shout, and the roaring fire wrapped his body, like an arrow off the string, the speed was unprecedented, and he came to the electric shock beast in the blink of an eye.

All the audience felt a flash of red light!


The electric shock beast flew out like a kite with a broken line, and there was no resistance at all!

"How is it possible! He actually controlled that power. "

Shinji was completely shocked!!!

Shinji was clear about the potential of the Flame Monkey, but he didn't think that the little Flame Monkey that he couldn't even tweak could be reborn in the hands of Tatsuki.

The most important point is that the strength displayed by the Flame Monkey at this time is countless times stronger than when he first saw the Little Flame Monkey!!!

Didn't you send him so much?

"The strength of the Flame Monkey is stronger than yesterday!"

The piano who was watching the battle in the stands also keenly noticed that the nearby flame monkey was more powerful than yesterday.

In fact, last night, Chenhui gave the hundred Essence Cleansing Pills to the Flame Monkey, and after upgrading to the golden qualification, the Flame Monkey's understanding ability improved by leaps and bounds, and he had a deeper understanding of various skills and mastered it more skilled.

"Flame Monkey, chase after the victory! Flash Charge! "

Images of memories flashed through the Flame Monkey's mind.

Every time Shinji trains himself, the electric shock beast always plays the role of a thug, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth is like saying again: You are a waste!

Thinking of this, the flame monkey's gaze became even more frenzied, and the flame wrapped around his body became hotter and hotter, and he could feel a wave of heat coming from far away.

"Mukbird, flash of light!"

Ash immediately came to support Shinji, and although the little light shield armored dragon tried to entangle the Muk bird, the speed of the Muk bird was too fast, and the primordial power had no effect at all.


Another loud bang came!

This time, it flew out upside down into a muk bird, and it was directly embedded in the walls around the battlefield.


Ash tried to use the Soul War Roar, but unfortunately it did not succeed, and Muk Bird's head was tilted and he lost his ability to fight!

The power of one blow is terrifying!

The referee was also taken aback, and after a pause, he stammered: "Muke Bird has lost the ability to fight!" "

As the referee announced, Ash regretfully withdrew from the match.

"So strong!!!"

Ash was shocked, and then said with some surprise: "Where did Chenhui meet such a good flame monkey!" "

Ash's words invisibly stabbed Shinji's heart…

Shinji didn't expect the Flame Monkey to exert such a powerful power in Tatsuki's hands.