
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 53

"This person is so arrogant that he didn't expect that even Miss Hirona's younger brother couldn't catch a move, and he still wanted to challenge Miss Hirona?"

"I guess I want to be in the limelight! As a result, the limelight did not come out, but it was a shame! "

"Miss Shirona's brother is so handsome, his strength is so strong, I don't know if he has a girlfriend! I recommend a pillow seat! "


The onlookers didn't think it was too big to see the excitement, and they sneered at Shinji, and some people took a fancy to Chenhui, it's really big in the forest, there are all kinds of birds!

Shinji, who was the center of the topic, was cloudy at this time, unable to believe that he would have such a fiasco.

Maybe I really sat in the well and watched the sky!

Shinji smiled self-deprecatingly, but still politely leaned over to Hirona and said, "It seems that I am too arrogant, and I will challenge you when I become stronger." "

After speaking, Shinji didn't look at Tatsuki and turned to leave here.

"Why is this man like this? No manners! "

Xiaoguang is very dissatisfied with Shinji's attitude!

"Okay, don't worry about him." Chenhui rubbed Xiaoguang's head, "It's not worth it to be bad with his popularity!" "

"Oh, I said I wasn't going to get my hair!"

Xiaoguang shouted out in dissatisfaction.

"Sorry, I forgot!"

After Chenhui finished speaking, he subconsciously rubbed Xiaoguang's head, making Xiaoguang have a black line.

After Shinji's incident, Tatsuki's group also left the park, after all, no one wants to be watched like a monkey.

"Sister, how long can you stay on this vacation?"

Chenhui seemed unintentional, but he was actually extremely nervous in his heart.

If Hirona takes a longer vacation, you can invite her to travel with her to enhance your relationship by the way.

Don't look at Chenhui's idea of Xiaoguang and Gadria both adhering to the natural thing, but for Shirona, the beautiful royal sister, he is imperative.

It's a pity that Shirona really seems to just regard Chenhui as a younger brother, and has no other thoughts at all.

"Unfortunately, I came here just passing through and will leave soon." Hirona smiled apologetically.


And at this moment, the Pokémon egg obtained by Chenhui in the Pokémon Playing Conference emitted a flash of light, which is the rhythm to hatch.

So the four immediately went to the Pokémon Center, ready to wait for the birth of this little life here.

Half an hour later, with a click, the pink eggshell cracked, and a little pink guy emerged from it, a good luck egg.

Sure enough, it's good luck.

Chenhui was for this when he first accepted the bad frog, and when the good luck egg evolved into an auspicious egg, he directly served as the nanny in the team, which would be very perfect!

I just don't know what about ability?

Good luck egg:

Attribute: General department

Features: Heavenly grace

Qualification: Red

Level: Level 8

Skills: Clap, coquette, healing ringtone, finger wave.

Although the skill is a little less, it was not originally allowed to fight, so Chenhui is still very satisfied.

"It's so cute~ I didn't expect that a good luck egg could hatch in this egg."

Qin Yin opened her arms and wanted to hug the Good Luck Egg, but who knew that the Good Luck Egg didn't give her this face at all, and suddenly jumped into Chenhui's arms.

"Brother, it seems that this child is particularly sticky to you~" Shirona smiled gently, took out a cobblestone from her arms and put it in the belly pocket of the good luck egg, "This is a meeting gift for this child." "

Good Luck Egg loves this rough stone very much, and his two little hands keep stroking it, as if it were his own baby.

"Good luck egg, I want to say thank you~" Chenhui gently poked the good luck egg's cheek.


The sweet smile of the good luck egg simply transformed Chenhui's girlish heart, and the three girls couldn't put it down, and they all wanted to come over and play with the good luck egg.

Shirona suddenly asked, "Brother, your lineup should be full now, right?" Are you going to teleport that Pokémon back? "

In fact, Chenhui has been thinking about this since the good luck egg hatched, and now he has made a decision.

"I decided to let the bad frog go back to rest." ""

The bad frogs are a bit redundant in the lineup, on the fighting Lucario, the fierce fire monkey can fight, and the attributes of the poison system are not much restrained in other aspects.

Shirona urged: "Then you quickly teleport back, I haven't seen Grandma Akina for a long time?" "

"That… That…" Chenhui suddenly swallowed, "Grandma is also quite busy, let's not disturb her." "

"Hahaha~ brother, don't you! I'm afraid grandma is afraid of being like this! "

Hirona seemed to have thought of something, and immediately burst out laughing.

Xiaoguang immediately asked, "Sister Shirona, why is Chenhui so afraid of his grandmother?" "

In fact, not only Xiaoguang is curious, but the piano sound is even more itchy, eager to know the reason.

"Well…" the corners of Shirona's mouth curled into a beautiful curve: "You'll know later!" But you can't show your face, or Grandma Akina won't show her true side."

So Chenhui dialed the home phone under the sanction of Hirona…