
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 4

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Chenhui connected the phone and saw that familiar face.

Xiaoguang came over as she did just now, and when she saw the other end of the phone, she was immediately stunned, the same as the reaction she had just seen Shirona.


The Four Heavenly Kings of the United Dynasty who were born in the Sinnoh region.

What kind of immortal teammate did he find!

At this moment, Xiaoguang was full of curiosity about Chenhui's experience.

Gadria smiled gently and said, "Brother Hui, long time no see." Did you miss me? "

The corner of Chenhui's mouth twitched, God has not been seen for a long time!

Could it be that last night was a ghost call?

"Don't you want me?" Gadria's little mouth immediately froze, "People miss you so much, how can you be like this!" "

Chenhui glanced at her speechlessly, even if you are a dramatist, you should be dedicated!

Dropping eye drops is also considered professionalism.

Seeing that Chenhui ignored herself, Gadria stopped her fake crying, and said with a small face: "Dog, you have changed!" When I was a child, you would coax me when I cried. "

"If I don't coax you, you will run away, and I won't coax you?"

Remembering what happened when he was a child, Chenhui still has palpitations, so for the sake of his own little life, he helped Gadria control the superpowers in her body after crossing over and solved her problem of running away.

Gadria also had a picture in her mind of running after Chenhui after running away, and the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned.

"Hey~ what are you thinking?"

Chenhui's body instinctively felt a chill in his back, and then remembered that he already had the power of waveguides, so he said playfully: "Now I'm not afraid of you!" "


Gadria ruffled her long hair and winked playfully.

But Chenhui just held his arm to look at her, and Gadria also felt bored, and said positively: "Okay, don't tease you!" Today is the day of your trip, I will give you a Pokémon as a gift, ready to receive it. "

The portable teleporter, which had not yet been recovered, came in handy again.

After a while, Chenhui had an extra baby ball in his hand, and then hung up the phone with Gadria.

"Chenhui, what is your relationship with Miss Gadria? She wouldn't be your girlfriend, would she? Xiao Guang immediately came over, and the flames of gossip flashed in his eyes.

"Of course not. She and I are just good friends, she, sister Nana and I have been playing together since childhood. Chenhui explained casually while packing his things.

"Oh, boring."

Xiaoguang didn't get the answer he wanted, and his face was a little disappointed.

Then he focused his attention on the gift that Chenhui had just received, and asked with a curious face: "Chenhui, do you know what kind of Pokémon they gave you?" "

"I really don't know. Take a look now. "

Chenhui was also a little curious about the gifts of the two women, so he directly threw the two Pokéball out, and as the white light flashed, the two Pokémon appeared in front of the two.

"These two are…"

Xiaoguang didn't know so much about Pokémon, and directly took out the Pokémon Pokédex to check their information.

"Ugly fish, fish Pokémon, will evolve into Menas…"

"Larulas, mood Pokémon, has the ability to sense human emotions…"

The ugly fish is a descendant of Hirona's Menas, while Larulas is a gift from Gadria.

"Ugly fish, Larulas, are such rare Pokémon!"

Xiaoguang's eyes were full of envy.

They are also rookie trainers, they only have one Bogaman themselves, and there are four Pokémon in this meeting, and they are all rare Pokémon.

People are more popular than people!


At this time, in the distant United People's Area, in the mobile luxury villa, Gadria was waving her small fist and said angrily: "This dead wood does not understand people's minds at all. "

As a superpower, Gadria has received countless strange eyes since she was a child, plus Xingen, who will run away when she is excited, and has no friends who are willing to play with her.

And the gentle Hirona and the beautiful Chenhui are her only two friends, and she also cherishes these two friends.

And this friendship underwent a qualitative change just two years ago.

With the help of Chenhui, Gadria successfully controlled the superpowers in her body and became a normal person, no one thought she was a monster anymore, but became the Four Heavenly Kings of the United and became a radiant star.

It was at this moment that Gadria secretly promised her childhood sweetheart.

Just when she was about to confess, she found that Chenhui had also changed.

It's not the original one, and it's not so coaxing himself….

In this way, Gadria did not dare to show her heart, if Chenhui did not have this idea at all, wouldn't he even be able to do it?

So it dragged on until now…