
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 46

"Miss Nana, why are you here? We just went to Momoyo Dokan to find you. "

Xiaoguang had some small emotions in his heart since he heard in the Momoyo Forest that the vegetable seeds were going to increase the difficulty of the Dojo Challenge for Tatsuki.

"Hehe~ I'm sorry!"

The vegetable is slightly embarrassed, after all, running out to play during working hours, this seems to be impossible to say.

"As compensation, then I will be your tour guide today! There are many legends from the Sinnoh region in this museum? "

This proposal was approved by Xiaoguang and Qinyin, and Chenhui followed Dayu and visited the museum together.

The vegetables know a lot about the legends of the Sinnoh region, and they also talk about the sound and color.

However, Chenhui was a little interested.

The legends of the Sinnoh region are nothing more than the stories of Arceus, Diya Luca, Palucci, and Latina, which were not only known in previous lives, but also recorded in the family after crossing over.

However, the outside world has always been rumored that the Zixiao family has a relationship with Arceus, but Chenhui asked Akinai countless times, and did not know the details of the facts, just a sentence of "you will know by then" was dismissed.

Xiaoguang and Qinyin listened with relish.

Soon, night fell, and after the three of them also agreed with Nanazo to challenge tomorrow, they returned to the Pokémon Center.

"Chenhui, long time no see!"

As soon as the three entered the Pokémon Center, a girl with long flowing hair greeted them.

"Miss Gadria!"

Xiao Guang and Qin Yin suddenly shouted out in surprise.

That's right!

This girl is Gadria who has just returned from the United States area.

Gadria looked at Xiaoguang and Qinyin and smiled: "Hello, you are Chenhui's companions, right?" "

It's about the same as on TV!

Two little girls!

Where the hell can't I compare to them?

It was when Gadria saw Chenhui and Qinyin fighting in doubles on TV that she suddenly called Chenhui and decided to come back to check the post.

"Why did you rush back all of a sudden? Is it okay with things over there? Chenhui asked suspiciously.

"Oops~ I haven't seen each other for a long time, why do you want to talk about these unhappy things!" Here, give you a hug! "

Gadria put her arms around Chenhui and gave him a warm hug

Chenhui didn't expect Gadria to smell the faint aroma coming from the tip of her nose, a little confused.

How could Gadria, who is shy and shy, be so bold today?

In fact, Chenhui did not see that two red clouds had climbed on Gadria's face, and his heart was shy.


The fragrance on Chenhui's body smells so good!

The two did not hug for too long, Gadria was from the Sinnoh region, and she was also very famous here, and if she continued, it was estimated that there would be gossip about her tomorrow.

"Let's go, I've already booked a seat, I'll invite you to dinner!" Gadria took Chenhui's hand and was about to leave the Pokémon Center.

"Wait! I'll open a room first and put things in! "

"No need, I'll book you a hotel!"


The group was led by Gadria to the most exclusive hotel in EMI City.

"Xiaoguang, Qinyin, thank you for taking care of Chenhui, I respect you for this cup." When the dishes were served, and after the waiter left, Gadria immediately stood up with a glass of juice.

Although they are already adults in this world, because there are more girls, they do not drink.


"It's all Chenhui taking care of us!"

Xiaoguang and Qinyin both stood up and replied politely.

"You're welcome, sit down!"

After drinking it, Gadria beckoned the two to sit, and her hand was very naturally placed on Chenhui's hand, and Xiaoguang's pupils were instantly dilated.

There is a story between these two!

Xiaoguang quickly sensed Gadria's purpose.

"It should be me who thanks Chenhui, he taught us a lot along the way."

Xiaoguang is such a crisp and neat character, and immediately launched a counterattack.

Do you have the ability to travel with Chenhui?

That's my biggest strength!

Gadria was also not annoyed, and said with a slight smile: "Yes, Chenhui has known how to take care of people since he was a child, and he is very considerate!" "

If Xiaoguang is a sharp knife, then Gadria is a soft sword, soft with rigidity.

Directly named himself and Chenhui's childhood sweetheart, and also reflected his generous temperament.

Xiaoguang is really tender!

The piano on the side was extremely excited to see such a big melon, that is, there was a bucket of popcorn missing next to him, otherwise it would be a top match.

At this time, Chenhui is simply one head and two big!

He's not a fool.

He also understood what the two women were thinking about him.

But I didn't expect that Gadria would suddenly kill, and also appear in this Asura field situation…

What now?

Online and more!

It's urgent!