
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 45

"The vegetable is not in the dojo?"

After a two-day journey, Chenhui and his party finally arrived in Momoyo City and came to the Momoyo Dojo to challenge.

But when they arrived, they found that the Momoyo Dojo was closed….

"No way, since Miss Cai Zhong is not in the Taoist Hall, let's go to the EMI Museum to take a look!" I heard that emery is being exhibited there. Xiaoguang checked the information on the watch.

"Check-in location: EMI Museum!"

Since the system had released tasks, Chenhui naturally had no reason to refuse, not to mention that he was also very interested in the Vajra Jade Soul.

This is an artifact that can summon Diya Luca!

The EMI Museum is not far from the Momoyo Dokan.

More than ten minutes later, the three of them had already entered the museum, and went straight to the pavilion of the King Kong Jade Soul at Xiaoguang's suggestion, and as soon as they entered it, they heard the alarm bells in the pavilion.

"It's not good, the Vajra Jade Soul has been stolen!"

"Block all entrances immediately, no one is allowed to enter or exit!"

"Start your search now!"


I have to say that the protective measures of this museum are still very in place!

At least strong in terms of mending the dead!

At the same time, the system also released the task at this time:

"Detected host arrival at EMI Museum, release check-in task."

"Check-in mission: Find the three members of Team Rocket who stole the Vajra Jade Soul in half an hour!"

Hearing the system's prompt tone, Chenhui's heart was extremely happy.

It's a free giveaway!

This time the check-in task is much simpler than the last one, and under the power of the waveguide, Team Rocket can't escape the palm of his hand.

Chenhui walked directly to Miss Junsha of EMI City, and in the doubtful eyes of Xiaoguang and Qinyin, he spoke: "Miss Junsha, I think I can help you." "


Miss Junsha frowned.

What is this kid making trouble?

Feeling Miss Junsha's doubt, Chenhui raised his right hand with a slight smile, and a wave of missiles condensed in his palm.

"Is that all right?"

Miss Junsha, who recognized the wave missile, was stunned and asked suspiciously: "Are you the waveguide messenger?" "

Chenhui nodded.

"Thank you so much!"

As a world-class top family, Junsha's group knows a lot about the waveguide messengers, knowing that they have extremely magical abilities, and if Chenhui helps, the thief must have nowhere to escape.

Chenhui closed his eyes and used the power of waveguides to explore the environment of the entire museum.

The area of this exhibition hall is not large, with Chenhui as the center, the scene with a radius of five hundred meters suddenly fell into the eyes.

After only three seconds, Chenhui suddenly opened his eyes, pointed to the corridor on the right-hand side and said, "The Vajra Jade Soul is over there, the fifth room on the left-hand side!" "

After speaking, Chenhui ran over first, followed by Miss Junsha, Xiaoguang, Qinyin and the others.

"Don't move, you're already surrounded!"

"Just grab it obediently!"

"Hand over the Vajra Jade Soul!"

The police officers broke through the door of the room, and the trio of Team Rocket, who had just finished dressing, was suddenly stunned….

"How did you get found so quickly?"

"A lot of people, what should I do now?"

"It's the little ghost head and little girl I met last time~"

Facing the shocked Rocket Team, Miss Junsha immediately sternly reprimanded: "Hurry up and hand over the King Kong Jade Soul!" "

"Vajra Jade Soul?"

Miss Junsha's words reminded Team Rocket, and Musashi raised the Vajra Jade Soul above his head and smiled darkly: "Hurry up and dodge us, otherwise I will smash this Vajra Jade Soul." "


The significance of the Vajra Jade Soul was very important, and Miss Junsha and her subordinates immediately threw themselves into the rat.

"Hahaha~ It's good to know that you are afraid!"

"Hurry up and hand over your Pokémon or smash it!"

"And prepare enough food for us!"

"Hahaha~ What a great feeling!"

When the rocket team saw this situation, they immediately became rampant, and the body of the angry Miss Junsha trembled.

"Shanado, Nian Li!"

As soon as the words fell, the laughter of the Rocket Team trio stopped abruptly, and the Rocket Team trio, who was wrapped in Nian Li, could not move at all.

Miss Junsha immediately rushed up to arrest the three, and the Vajra Jade Soul was also safe and sound.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and capturing Team Rocket's trio. "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the check-in, the reward will be issued soon! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Vajra Jade Soul! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the gravity controller! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the Bell of Comfort! "

Vajra Jade Soul!

I'll go!

This time Chenhui was really shocked, this is really a top-level item, something more precious than the master ball!

Even if a Pokémon of Diya Luca's level could not be subdued, Chenhui didn't mind at all.

Why take it!

Make a good relationship with it, tear the space directly when needed, and don't occupy the position of the Poké Ball, isn't it fragrant?

"Chenhui? So it's you! "

At this time, a voice came, and the three looked in the direction where the voice came from, it turned out to be a vegetable seed.