
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 40

"Come on, woodsturtle!"

Chenhui's first start is the forest turtle, so let the so-called grass experts have a good look at the vegetables.

"Wow, wooded turtle! I didn't expect Chenhui, you also have a forest turtle! "

The vegetable seed rushed over like a fanatical brain remnant fan, looking left and right at the forest turtle, and liked it very much.

She really loves grass Pokémon.

However, the forest turtle didn't seem to enjoy her enthusiasm, and cast a pleading gaze at Chenhui.

"That… Can you fight? "

"Okay, no problem! My first mover is it! "

The vegetable returned to normal and threw out a treasure ball, and out came a cherry-like Pokémon, Sakura Treasure.

"Wow! What a cute Pokémon, this is the cherry blossom treasure! "

Xiaoguang, a guy who has no immunity to cuteness, was immediately conquered by Sakura Bao.

"Forest turtle, use the flying leaf fast knife to let the vegetable species see our strength!"


The forest turtle shouted, and the leaves flew in the sky in an instant.

The speed and volume are very good.

"This forest turtle is very well bred." Nanazo praised Tatsuki, "Sakura treasure, block it with magic leaves." "

Although the magic leaf and the flying leaf fast knife are both leaf attacks, Sakura Bao can control the direction of the attack with a meager mental power, forming a green vortex, and immediately rolled the flying leaf fast knife into it.

"Sakura treasure, parasitic seed!"

"Forest turtle, seed machine gun down."

The seeds squeezed out of the leaves on the head were immediately shot down by the seed machine gun, that is, at this time, Sakura Bao had appeared in front of the forest turtle, and the small body burst out of power, directly knocking the forest turtle away.

"Sakura Blossom Treasure is fast!"

Xiaoguang didn't expect Sakura Blossom Treasure's speed to be so fast, and he opened his small mouth slightly.

"It's because of chlorophyll."

Qin Yin explained to her on the side.

Chlorophyll is a property that increases the speed of Pokémon when the sun is shining.

"Very agile, but this strength can't beat my forest turtle!" Chenhui was also slightly surprised by the speed of Sakura Bao, "Forest turtle, use growth." "

The forest turtle's body immediately flashed green light, increasing its attack power.

"Wood turtle, impact."

"Sakura Po, avoid it."

"Forest turtle, keep impinging."

"It's the same a few more times!"

Although the forest turtle rampage like a chariot, it has no effect at all at the agile speed of Sakura Po, but it exhausts itself enough.

The corners of Cai Seed's mouth curled up, and he said faintly: "If you can't hit, increasing your attack power won't have any effect!" "


Chenhui asked playfully.

Nanaso had a sense of foreboding in his heart, and immediately noticed the state of the cherry blossom treasure.

Sakura Blossom Treasure doesn't look unusual on the surface, but if you look closely, you can see that it shows a painful expression from time to time, which is… Poisoned?

But when was it poisoned?

Caibao was thinking about this problem, and accidentally saw a lilac mist emerging from the leaves on the back of the turtle in the woods, and immediately understood.

"Forest turtle, stop playing, give it the final blow! Flying Leaf Quick Knife! "

But it was too late for her to react, the flying leaves had already enveloped the cherry blossom treasure, the sharp blades hit its body, and it fainted immediately, which was not deep in physical strength.

"Come back, Sakura Po."

Nanagi put Sakura Bao's baby ball back on his waist, looked at Tatsuki and continued, "It's really a good tactic to use the impact to disturb my judgment while quietly using poison to attack." "

"Hehe, it's all the result of the hard work of the forest turtle!"

After praising the forest turtle, Chenhui also took it back into the treasure ball and let it rest first.

"Just now it was the Pokémon that you sent first, this time I will come first!" Nanagi took out a baby ball from his waist, "Come on, Roseredo." "

"Since it's Roseredor, it's up to you, Chillulian!"

Chenhui saw that the vegetable seed sent Roseleido, so he took out Chillulian to deal with it.

"Roseleido, use the big sunny day."


Roseredor answered, raised her arms to the sky, released her energy, and suddenly the sunlight in this area became dazzling.

"Phantom light."

The first hand of the vegetable seed did not attack, so Chenhui was no longer polite and took the lead in attacking.


Chillulian's eyes flashed with pink, and he rushed towards Roseleido wrapped in a colorful ring.

"Roseredor, Magic Leaf!"

Hearing the trainer's order, emerald green leaves swirled in the sky and rushed out.

The phantom light and the leaves collided together, and in an instant they exploded, blocking each other's vision.

"It's now, Sunshine Blaze."


In the state of a sunny day, the sun flame was directly emitted without preparation, and the yellow pillar of light directly pierced through the smoke and forced towards Chillulian.