
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 16

Even though Ash didn't understand that he was going to challenge in the back, he was still honestly waiting for Chenhui's match to end, and Xiaoguang and the others also sat with them to watch the match.

Xiaoguang sat on the chair and said excitedly: "I'm so excited, it's the first time I'm watching the Dojo Competition." "

"Xiaoguang, didn't you challenge the dojo competition?" Ash asked suspiciously.

"No, my goal is to coordinate the trainer." Xiaoguang shook his head.

The people watching the battle chatted hotly, and Kojiro, who was pretending to be a referee at this time, was also ready and said: "Let me talk about the rules of the dojo first, the dojo takes a 1v1 battle. "

"Challengers who win can get the dojo badge, and if the challenger fails, they can deposit Pokémon in the main dojo for special training."

"Are the parties ready?"

Kojiro looked at Musashi and Tatsuki, both of them nodded, Musashi's contestant was naturally a bad frog, and the Pokémon sent by Tatsuki was Larulas.

As soon as Larulas appeared, Ash looked very excited, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's Larulas!" A rare Pokémon! "

"Larulas is a Pokémon with superpowers, and it works well against bad frogs of the poison and fighting systems, and Chenhui has a set!" Xiao Gang also sighed.

Musashi, who was standing opposite Tatsuki, was also ecstatic when he saw Larulas, and already thought of the reward after offering Larulas to Sakaki.

"Bad frog, use a stinger."

"Larulas, Nian Li grabs the opponent."

Two voices sounded one after another, but before the bad frog rushed over, Laluras's mental power had already captured the opponent, and the bad frog with light blue spiritual power restriction had no way.

Pokémon with fighting attributes generally belong to the type with developed limbs, and there is no talent at all in terms of mental strength, not to mention the attributes of bad frogs and poisonous lines, so that bad frogs are controlled to death by Lalulask, and there is no way to take mental power.

"Bad frog, you cheer me on! Otherwise, I'll let you see how good I am! "

Musashi didn't expect that the bad frog who tried a hundred tricks would be restrained by such a little guy, and couldn't help but expose his nature, and began to scold.

"This trainer is really violent with his Pokémon!"

Ash couldn't help but complain after hearing this, but he still didn't recognize this person as Musashi, which really lived up to the name of Little Retarded.

"Larulas, full fire!"

With Chenhui's order, the bad frog felt as if it was a needle prick in his head, like a small boat in the sea that could capsize at any time.

"Well, it's now!"

At this time, Chenhui took out a baby ball from his waist and prepared to subdue the bad frog.

And at this time, Ash saw Chenhui's movements and suddenly shouted: "Chenhui, that bad frog is a Pokémon with a trainer, and it can't be subdued!" "

Chenhui didn't care about Ash's words, and the treasure ball in his hand turned into a parabola and landed on the bad frog's body, instantly taking the bad frog in.


Xiaoguang, Xiaozhi and the others immediately widened their eyes.

Could it be that Pokémon with trainers can also be subdued?

"Soul faint, dare to rob the old lady's Pokémon!"

"Foul, you fouled!"

"That's right, meow~"

The Rocket Team trio immediately shouted out in dissatisfaction, and the baby ball with the bad frog stopped shaking at this moment and was successfully subdued by Chenhui.

"Ahhh!! Damn, fix him for me, poison powder butterfly! "

"Fangs cage, you are on too!"

The angry Rocket team sent his own Pokémon, and Ash finally realized that something was wrong at this time, and subconsciously asked: "What the hell is going on?" "

Musashi: "I heard what the hell was going on. "

Kojiro: "I came at the speed of light." "

"Larulas, send them away!"

The lines that Team Rocket had not finished were immediately blocked in their throats, and the two pets could not break through Larulas' mental power at all, and immediately broke through the roof and turned into a meteor and disappeared into the sky.

"Ding! Host defeats Team Rocket and successfully checks in! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 Essence Cleansing Pills!! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the title: Undead Xiaoqiang (a period when Pokémon will be shameful and brave every time they lose their ability to fight, at which time the effect of training can be increased by 200%)"

Hearing the system's prompt tone, a surprised smile appeared on Chenhui's face.

I didn't expect to be able to get rewards for defeating these trios, which is really a bonus!

"Larulas, hard work on you."

Tatsuki picked up the bad frog's baby ball while encouraging Larulas.


With Larulas' sweet smile and cry, its body burst into a dazzling light, and its body grew larger little by little, evolving into Chillulian.

The evolution of Chillulian was expected by Chenhui.

When it just became a Chenhui Pokémon, it was already level ten, and after such a long period of training, it had also reached the evolution node of level twenty, and evolution was reasonable at this time.

Xiaoguang, Kotoin, Ash and others came over to congratulate after seeing the evolution of Larulas.