
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 13

"Okay, let's leave."

Tatsuki looked at the Pokémon who had been defeated by Larulas and several of them, and after receiving their own treatment, he turned his head to look at the frightened deer on the side.

"Oh, no )"

After saying that, the frightened deer walked towards the deeper forest, and Tatsuki and his Pokémon followed behind it and walked inside.

After passing through this forest, Chenhui was led by the frightened deer to a cave.

This cave was not deep, only a dozen meters in length, but when Chenhui walked in, he was immediately stunned in place.

According to common sense, there is no sunlight in the cave, and some moss will grow when it dies, and vegetation will not grow at all. But the cave that Chenhui entered was unusual, and there was a large delicate flower growing in the depths of the cave.

The frightened deer walked up to the flowers, bit off one of them, and handed it to Chenhui.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the quest to find the Grosidian flower located in the Psychedelic Forest. "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the check-in, the reward will be distributed soon. "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 20 Essence Cleansing Pills! "

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the title Grass Spirit! (Grass skill power increased by 50%)"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host waveguide for its increased power, which can detect a range of 200 meters. "

When Chenhui took the flower from the mouth of the frightened deer, he remembered the system's prompt tone in his mind.

It turns out that these flowers are Grosidia flowers!

But why do frightened deer guard the Grosidian flower?

Chenhui then used the power of waveguide to communicate with the frightened deer.

It turns out that this place was not a forest a long time ago, but a barren land, and it was the arrival of Jiemi that brought this place to life and turned this place into a sea of flowers. Even if the sea of flowers withered but left the seeds of life, there would be such a lush forest for the Pokémon in the forest to live in today.

At the same time, they found that Jiemi seemed to like this flower very much, as long as there is this flower, Jiemi will come, decompose the toxins in the atmosphere, and bring more life here.

That's why the Pokémon in the forest guard the Glasidian flower.

Chenhui understood what happened, and did not expect that he had obtained the Grasidian flower with the help of the system.

This thing is an item that can transform the phantom beast Jiemi from its land form to its sky form, and although it is still like a chicken rib for Chenhui now, he still stays.

Who knows if he will meet Jemi in the future?

After putting the Glasidia flower in his backpack, Tatsuki left the cave and looked up, the moon should also be hanging above his head.

"It's time to go find Xiaoguang and them, I don't know how they are?"



"Chenhui, where are you?"


Xiaoguang and Qin Yin in the forest looked anxious, and kept shouting Chenhui's name in their mouths, looking towards the depths of the forest little by little, but instead of hearing any reply, they tired the two of them a lot.

Xiao Guang supported his knees and said breathlessly: "Is Chenhui confused by the frightened deer?" "

"Chenhui is so powerful, shouldn't it?"

Qin Yin himself said that he had no confidence, after all, Lucario, who could see through the illusion, was protecting himself.

"Luka, roadblock, roadblock (impossible!) It's absolutely no problem to have that guy on the owner! Lucario on the side was lucky and waveguide opened his mouth to deny.

"That guy?"

Xiaoguang and Qin Yin looked at each other and saw a thick confusion in each other's eyes.

Isn't Chenhui's strongest Pokémon Lucario?

How does it sound like that guy is stronger than Lucario?

Just as the two were about to ask questions, Lucario suddenly spoke: "Luca (they're back!) )"

As soon as the words fell, Xiaoguang and Qin Yin also heard a sound of crackling not far away, and soon Chenhui's figure appeared in front of them.

"Chenhui, are you all right?" Xiaoguang and the two immediately ran over to inquire, and the worry in their eyes was overflowing.

Chenhui smiled slightly: "Of course I'm fine, did you find Mary Lu?" "

"Found it." The piano raised his baby ball.

At this time, Xiaoguang noticed the ice-blue figure beside Chenhui, and asked in surprise: "Chenhui, this is Hakron?" Why haven't you seen it before? "

Qin Yin followed Xiaoguang's line of sight, and exclaimed at the same time: "Ah~ It's really Hakron!" "

"Actually, Hakron is my real first Pokémon." Chenhui touched Hakron's head, "Come, Hakron and say hello to everyone." "


Hakron said hello to the two women, and the two women quickly responded with a smile.

After responding, Qin Yin asked with a strange face: "Chenhui, who are you?" How can there be a quasi-god like Hakron? "

The number of quasi-gods is very rare, and most of them are in the hands of major families, and few people can encounter them in the wild, which is very clear.

Now that Chenhui has a quasi-god like Hakron, could it be that he is also from a big family?

"It's not early, it's still some distance from the Pokémon Center, let's set up the camp first, I'll tell you later."