
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 105


Just when the black qi was about to hit Chenhui, the voice of the flame monkey came from his ears, and a red light flashed, and the flame monkey blocked in front of Chenhui.

The situation of the Flame Monkey at this time was a little different from usual.

The flames above his head wrapped his whole body, and the "yellow armor" at the joints emitted a soft golden light, which did not seem to have launched a fierce fire characteristic.

Instead, it's like when you were in Poplar Town, the state of a fast dragon?


The Flame Monkey used jet flames to block this black wind.

But the strength of this "Sherabi" is not the same as those miscellaneous fish just now, according to the hint of the red gold pupil, its level is 107, which is the same as the domain of the second-level god.

The jet flame was instantly annihilated by this darkness, and it continued to approach.

At this moment, Chenhui's heart suddenly felt a wave of anxiety, and the voice of the Flame Monkey directly entered his heart.

"Be sure to resist!"

"Can't let this guy hurt the owner!"

"I… I finally met such a good host! "

This is not the effect of the power of super-gram, the power of super-gram can only understand what the Pokémon thinks, but cannot hear its heart!


The flame monkey watched the darkness move over little by little, bursting out unprecedented energy, and the entire body was surrounded by golden light in an instant, and the flame power was even better than before, directly pushing back that darkness!

The second bond evolves!

At this time, the appearance of the flame monkey has changed somewhat, and the flame on the head has been divided into two sides, turning into two long feathers, revealing the white fluff on the head, and a golden object like the wrist appeared on the forehead, like a golden hoop.

Although the appearance has not changed much, it has indeed evolved into bonds!


After the evolved flame monkey's strength skyrocketed, a fire stick was condensed with flames in his hand, and he swung it towards the "Sherabi" floating in the air

The fire stick seemed to be like a fish in the hands of the flame monkey, sharp and tricky, and the "Sherabi" was hit one after another, and if it was not hit, the black qi shrouded in the "Sherabi" was one point less.

"Flame Monkey… So handsome! "

In his previous life, Chenhui liked the master brother very much, and now when he sees the shape of the flame monkey, he is even more like the master brother in Journey to the West, handsome and compelling!

After "Sherabi" was hit one after another, he was even more angry, and endless black qi emanated from his body, and he fell into endless darkness.

Even if this guy is not worthy of the name, even if the strength of the master brother has skyrocketed after the evolution of the bond, there is still a gap between them, and the flame monkey is immediately bounced off.


"Leave it to me!"

Darkrai agreed, came directly to the "rabbi", and shot a series of black rings with both hands, which kept exploding on the "snow rabbie".

From the experience just now, "Shera can't show her own strength, maybe there is still a gap between her and the Flame Monkey, but in the face of Darkrai, the peak of the second-level god, there is no way to fight back!"

Things gradually fell into Chenhui's grasp…

At this time, outside the ruins of Tianguan Mountain, Miss Junsha's expression was serious, and her subordinates were all around, firmly sealing off this area.

"Miss Junsha, don't you have any clues yet?"

Dr. Yamanashi was very anxious.

The disappearance of three students, including such a special existence as Chenhui, is not a consequence he can bear, and he puts all his hopes on Miss Junsha.

Miss Junsha shook her head: "Not yet, we really have too little information about the spirit world!" "

The spirit world is an unknown world, no one knows what the other end of the world is like, not even how to enter the spirit world, let alone enter to save people!

Dr. Yamanashi pleaded, "Please also ask Miss Junsha to do her best." "

"Don't worry about that." Miss Junsha agreed, and then turned her gaze to the steps and said, "You better think about how to calm that little girl's mood." "

Dr. Yamanashi also had a headache when he saw the little light surrounded by Ash and the others!

Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang, and Kao Ping are all here at this time, comforting Xiao Guang, who has a nervous breakdown.

Xiao Gang: "Xiaoguang, Chenhui will be fine if he is so powerful!" "

Ash: "That said, don't worry!" "

Kao Ping: "Xiaoguang, even if Chenhui is not there, I will protect you!" "

If Chenhui were here at this time, he would definitely beat Kao Ping Fat!


Dare to dig your own corner!

The three of them were about to break their tongues, but Xiaoguang still didn't have any reaction, just quietly hugging his legs, staring blankly at the cave where Chenhui disappeared.

At this time, a figure cut through the night sky, it was Pokékiss and Hirona on its back.

"What the hell is going on here!"

After Hirona landed, she ignored anyone, her eyes burning with anger, and she stared at Dr. Yamanashi deadly.

If the vision can kill, I believe that Dr. Yamanashi at this time has been cut by a thousand cuts by Hirona.

"That… That…"

Dr. Yamanashi's worst fears happened, stammering and not knowing what to say.


Shirona's eyes widened, and she was about to question Dr. Yamanashi when she suddenly felt like she was being held by someone.

Just as she was about to get angry, she saw Xiaoguang's pear blossom and rainy face.

Since Chenhui disappeared, Xiaoguang's heart has not been able to let go, he can't listen to anyone's words, and his heart is also panicked, without any backbone.

But when Shirona, Chenhui's sister, arrived, Xiaoguang seemed to have a reliance all of a sudden, and tears couldn't stop flowing.

"Sister Shirona, Chenhui…"

Xiaoguang choked up and couldn't say anything when he said this.

"Don't worry! Chenhui will definitely be fine! "

Hirona lovingly wiped the golden beans on Xiaoguang's face.

"You have to trust Chenhui, this time he can also save the day."

Hirona's words gave Xiaoguang a pool of confidence.

Xiaoguang's nerves that had been tight suddenly relaxed, and he felt a sense of exhaustion welling up in his heart, and Shirona quickly hugged Xiaoguang.

"You'd better pray that Chenhui is safe and sound, or you'll all wait for me!"

After Shirona left such a sentence, she took Xiaoguang to the side to rest.