
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 103

"Huh? Where am I? "

Kaopin recovered quickly after the Dark Demon disappeared, looking around suspiciously.

The memory in his mind rolled little by little, and Kao Ping was immediately scared into a cold sweat, and he looked at the cliff below with a weak heart.

"It seems that there is really a mysterious power here, let's go back to Dr. Yamanashi first!"

If it was only Chenhui, he wouldn't be so careful. But now that there is a small light beside him, her safety Chenhui cannot but be taken to heart.


The three of them went down the mountain very openly, and on the way they also met many children who were frightened by the Dark Demon Man.

The group told Dr. Yamanashi about what they had encountered.

Dr. Yamanashi was suddenly taken aback and said loudly: "Not good! That little girl and the Dark Demon must have run out of the underworld! "

"480" turned out that when the ruins on the top of the mountain were being repaired a few days ago, the construction workers accidentally damaged the mountain, and a huge cave appeared, and no figure could be seen in the dark area inside.

According to legend, the construction personnel speculated that this cave may be the gate connecting the spirit world, and now it seems that this is likely to be true!

Dr. Yamanashi immediately set off with the people towards the ruins at the top of the mountain.

After all, it is a training camp organized by him, and if an accident occurs here, then the responsibility on him is too great!

"Let's go along and take a look!"

Ash and Gang glanced at each other and rushed up after Dr. Yamanashi.

"Yay! The sound of the piano has not come down from the mountain yet! "

Xiao Guang scanned the circle and found that the group of Qin Yin and Xiao Aoi had not yet come down from the mountain, and suddenly exclaimed.

"I'll go up and take a look too!"

Chenhui was already very interested in this underworld, and at this time, the sound of the piano did not come down, which made him feel relieved, and also ran towards the top of the mountain.

"Chenhui, wait for me!"


On the ruins of the top of the mountain at this time.

"Yay! We were the first to win the medal! "

Xiao Aoi walked into the ruins and saw fifteen medals neatly placed on the stone platform, and immediately jumped up excitedly.

"Chenhui, what's wrong with them?"

Qin Yin looked at these medals with a puzzled expression.

Chenhui set off in front of them, with her understanding of Chenhui, they should have already won the medal at this time, how could they be the first place?

"Hey, hey… Come here… Let's play together….."

At this time, an ethereal voice came, and Kotoyin and Xiao Aoi followed the sound and saw a little girl with short hair standing in front of a hole waving to them.

"Are you also a student in the training class?"

Aoi is different from other girls and is a tomboy.

At this time, seeing a little girl in such a wilderness did not feel afraid, and curiously took two steps forward, and the little cat monster at her feet also followed the owner.

"Aoi, wait a minute!"

Qin Yin was a little afraid in her heart, and stopped Xiao Aoi with a shout.

"Huh… Come on... Ahhh…"

The little girl's ethereal voice sounded again.


At this time, the Dark Demon suddenly appeared, glaring at the little girl with his one-eyed eyes.

"What are you going to do!"

Xiao Aoi also thought that the dark demon was going to be unfavorable to the little girl, and suddenly shouted, and the little cat monster moved faster and rushed out directly.

The Dark Demon glanced back at Aoi and the kitten, his eyes glowing with blue light, and used illusion to bind one person and one pet.

And at this moment, the situation changed abruptly!

"Come on… Come and play… It's fun here….."

The little girl suddenly opened her eyes!

Those eyes did not have eyeballs, but scarlet!


At the same time, a powerful suction force erupted from the mouth of the cave, emitting a colorful and enchanting light, and Xiao Aoi suddenly couldn't control her body and flew directly towards the mouth of the cave.


Kotoin was quick to see, grabbing Aoi's hand with one hand and the steps of the ruins with the other, resisting the powerful suction force emitted by the cave entrance.


The Dark Demon wanted to go to the rescue, but suddenly a scarlet orb appeared at the mouth of the cave, blocking his way!

At this time, Dr. Yamanashi and Tatsuki and others also rushed to the ruins and saw this scene!


Qin Yin was overjoyed to see Chenhui's arrival, and subconsciously relaxed, and the powerful suction force coming from the cave immediately pulled her and Xiao Aoi up and rolled them into the cave!

"Qin Yin!"

Chenhui suddenly shouted, and he was about to rush up...….

"Stop! No one is allowed to come close! "

However, Dr. Yamanashi suddenly opened his arms and blocked Tatsuki's way.

As the person in charge of this training camp, Dr. Yamanashi has already watched the two trainees have an accident, and he will not allow other students to have any more accidents!

Especially Chenhui, he knew Chenhui's identity.

If the heir of the Zixiao clan wants to have something happen under his nose, then this matter is troublesome!

"You get out of my way!"

Seeing that the enchanting light was getting weaker and weaker, and the entrance of the cave gradually turned into the appearance of a cave, Chenhui was suddenly furious, pushed Dr. Yamanashi away, rushed to the cave, and got into it.

"Chenhui !!!"

Xiaoguang also shouted and rushed towards the cave.

Dr. Yamanashi failed to stop Tatsuki just now, and this time he couldn't let Xiaoguang enter again, and immediately hugged Xiaoguang deadly.

"Let go of me!"

"I'm going to find Chenhui!"

"Hurry up and let go! The entrance to the cave is about to close! "

In Xiaoguang's cry, the light of the cave became weaker and weaker, and the mouth of the cave was completely closed, and only the dark rock wall inside could be seen, and Xiaoguang was suddenly stunned in place…

The eyes of Dr. Yamanashi's assistants suddenly appeared flustered.

"Immediately block this area 2.9, and at the same time hurry up to inform Miss Junsha!"

In the end, Dr. Yamanashi has a strong psychological quality and immediately made the most correct arrangement.

At the same time, I also prayed in my heart that Chenhui would be safe and sound!

Otherwise, once the Zixiao clan learned of this matter, the entire Shen'ao region would tremble!

Not to mention that Chenhui and Shirona have a good relationship!

He knew that although Shirona seemed harmless to humans and animals and was very easy to contact, once she became angry, no one could control it!

At this moment, the safety of Qin Yin and Xiao Aoi is not so important!

It can't be said that Dr. Yamanashi is selfish, this is a normal human reaction, when it comes to a bigger disaster, the previous things become no longer important…..