
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 102

Early the next morning, Chenhui and the others all got into a good relationship with their Pokémon.

Absolu likes to fight very much, and he happens to have the same smell as Chenhui, and yesterday's training doubled the tacit understanding between the two.

Today's competition is divided into two stages, and in the morning it was a tug-of-war, and Tatsuki's red group defeated Ash's blue group, but lost to Musashi's green group.

The main thing is that the Pokémon in their team are too in line with this activity, and the monster power, rumbling rock, and blue crocodile are all gods with both strength and tonnage ~ baby.

And Chenhui's group, whether it is Absolu, swamp leaping fish or hunting phoenix butterflies, is not suitable for tug-of-war, and the weight of more than six hundred pounds in Guanglongyan is enough for them to drink pots.

In the morning tug-of-war, the red team lost slightly, but the singles battle in the afternoon became the best play of the red group, not only Chenhui and Absolu cooperated tacitly, but Xiaoguang and Qinyin also learned a lot next to Chenhui, and easily defeated their opponents.

In the next few days, Tatsuki and the others went through Dr. Yamanashi's course, and Xiaoguang and Kotoin listened with relish, but Tatsuki was a little groggy and found a feeling of going to school in a past life.

I already know this knowledge!

But there's another interesting thing going on these days.

That is, the last time he fought with the piano in doubles, Kao Ping was always approaching the piano tone intentionally or unintentionally, the elusive figure, the eerie tone, always made the piano tone shudder, but helpless.

The lesson taught today is how to properly subdue a Ghost Pokémon.

Because ghost Pokémon always appear at night, and they are all very naughty and like to play ghosts to trick trainers, Dr. Yamanashi and others organized a trial meeting.

"Each class is divided into two groups to get the medals in the ruins on the top of the mountain, and then come back to campus, and we will mark you according to the length of time."

"The departure time is seven o'clock in the evening, please find your companions before you leave."

Dr. Yamanashi's assistant said as he pulled out a medal.

"It's like a trial meeting! It's so interesting! Xiaoguang was very excited.

"It's okay!"

Chenhui was not interested in the trial meeting, but he was very interested in Kaoping encountering the ghost, and he didn't know if there really was a spirit world in this world.

The group was grouped in a free atmosphere, Tatsuki and Xiaoguang were naturally a group, and Kotoin formed a pair with a classmate named Xiaokui in the same team.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the trial meeting started on time, and each group departed five minutes apart. Tatsuki and Komitsu were in the third group, while Kotoin and Aoi were behind them.

"Chenhui, I don't know what kind of ghost-type Pokémon I will encounter, I'm looking forward to it!"

Xiaoguang had already encountered ghost-type Pokémon in the wild several times before, plus there was Chenhui by his side who didn't feel afraid at all, but was faintly excited.

"Oh~ there are three over there!"

After Chenhui left, he turned on the wave to find Kaoping and the ghost, but he accidentally found the Geng family on the side.

"It's Geng Ghost, Ghost Stone and Geng Ghost!" Xiaoguang ran in front of the three and looked at them curiously, "This is the first time I've seen it." "

When the Geng family saw someone coming, they immediately made a scary expression, but how to say it?

It's boring…

The main thing is that the expressions of the three of them are not terrifying at all.

Chenhui and Xiaoguang smiled and walked past the three of them, and the Geng family suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

"Huh, haha… Come on, come on… Come on….. Let's play….."

Chenhui and Xiaoguang were moving forward when they suddenly heard this voice, Xiaoguang was suddenly frightened into a cleverness, the whole person hung on Chenhui's body, and said in horror: "Chenhui, is this also a ghost-type Pokémon?" "

"It should be, let's go and see!"

Chenhui knew that he had encountered the ghost, but he did not tell Xiaoguang the truth, and Wan repeatedly frightened her, so he pressed on the body of the ghost-type Pokémon.

"Okay, let's take a look!"

Xiaoguang had a blind confidence in Chenhui, and when he heard him say that it was a ghost-type Pokémon, he was no longer afraid, but ignited his interest.

The two ran in the direction of the voice, and saw Kao Ping of the blue group, walking forward in a daze.

········· Ask for flowers…

And in front of Kaoping there is a little girl with short hair and a face that is horribly pale.

She wore slippers, her hair was short, but she covered her eyes, and her voice sounded very oozing.

Kaupin followed the little girl step by step.

And in front of them is a cliff!

"Come here… Let's play! "

The little girl's body floated in the air, turned to Kaopin and smiled, a little gloomy.

"Kauping, stop! That's a cliff! "

When Xiao Guang saw this scene, he immediately shouted, but Kaoping seemed to have not heard it, and one foot had already stepped out.

...... 0

The two were suddenly shocked, but it was too late to stop it.


At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out behind Kao Ping and pulled him back!

It's a dark man.

Kaoping was dragged by the dark devil, and he woke up at this moment, looking at the Wanzhang cliff below and breaking out in a cold sweat, and his eyes rolled and he fainted.


The Night Dark Man threw Kaopin to the ground and roared at the little girl floating in the air!

When the little girl saw the appearance of the night black devil, her body trembled, and then her body slowly turned transparent and disappeared into the darkness…

"This is … What's going on? "

Now even if Xiaoguang is dull, he knows that the "little girl" wants Kao Ping's life, and the night black demon man saved Kao Ping, but why did that "little girl" hurt Kao Ping?

Xiaoguang's little brain melon couldn't figure it out at all.

"I don't know, let's go see the situation of Kaoping first!"


At this time, the night black demon saw Chenhui and Xiaoguang, and his body disappeared into the air with a shake…

Soon, the group on the mountain was seduced by the "little girl", but always survived because of the appearance of the Dark Demon Man.

The frightened children thought that the Dark Demon was making trouble, and they ran down the mountain to find Dr. Yamanashi to ask about the Dark Demon soil. _