
Pokémon Get Stronger When You Sign In

Chen Hui brought the system to the Pokémon world, became Chenhui, and also became a Pokémon trainer, traveling with companions, fighting with Pokémon, writing wonderful stories, facing various masters, Chenhui said: You are all scum! Yulongdu: “How could my fast dragon lose to Chenhui’s fast dragon!!! ” Mikkoli: “The fire Pokémon actually suppressed me!!! Why is his Flame Monkey still evolving!!! ” Shirona: “Brother, you have to let some sister!” ” Dr. Ohki: “Tatsuki, how can your Pokémon have so many bonds to evolve?” Tell me quickly! ” Chenhui: “Shh~ It’s a secret!” ” (There is a system, there is a level, the god is started, and the original bond evolves!) ) Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pokémon: Sign in to become stronger”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
158 Chs

Chapter 101

On the way to Shenhe Town, Chenhui released a level 39 electric shock beast and asked, "Electric shock beast, are you ready?" "

"Hey, roar!"

The electric shock beast nodded, it couldn't wait to gain more power.

So Chenhui put the power amplifier purchased yesterday on the ground, and the electric shock beast emitted a dazzling light just after touching it, and began to evolve.

The body of the electric shock beast became larger and larger, the angular head also became oval, and two long tails grew behind it, evolving into the electric shock beast.

"Hey, roar!"

After evolving into an electric shock beast, it felt that its body was full of power, and electricity rushed into the sky.

"The electric shock beast looks very energetic!"

Qin Yin is a little envious in her heart, most of her Pokémon have not evolved yet…..

"That's, this kid is full of energy!"

Chen Hui touched the round head of the electric shock monster, and he was very satisfied in his heart.

Halfway through the trip, Chenhui is very satisfied with the structure of his lineup.

Fast Dragon, Lucario, Tutai Turtle, Shanadot, Flame Monkey, Menas, Shock Warcraft, Fossil Pterodactyl, Dream Demon have almost all 480 sexes, and can be applied to Pokémon with different attributes of opponents.

Eevee, Scarlet Deer, Bad Frog, Good Luck Egg, and Pokékigou, who can switch between fairy elves and sun elves, can also be sadistic dishes in the first few rounds of the Lily of the Valley convention.

The only fly in the ointment is that Tatsuki has not found a suitable evil Pokémon so far.

However, Chenhui is not in a hurry now, he has two choices.

The first is to make Eevee's last form into a moon elf, which is an evil Pokémon.

The second is to hurry up and cultivate Yukira, when it evolves into the final form of Bangira, it has the attribute of the evil line, and as a quasi-god in the Johto area, it will obviously have a better performance.

Chenhui himself is more inclined to the second option.

After recovering the electric shock beast, the three of them rested for a while and continued to set off.


Chenhui and his party finally arrived at their destination, the branch of the Yamanashi Research Institute in Tianguan Mountain.

"Chenhui, Xiaoguang, long time no see!" Dr. Yamanashi greeted the two, then looked at Kotoin and asked, "This is?" "

Xiaoguang introduced: "Oh, this is Qinyin, our traveling partner. "

Kotoin hurriedly stepped forward and said hello: "Hello Dr. Yamanashi, I'm Kotoin." "


Dr. Yamanashi nodded and continued, "The training camp will not start until tomorrow, so you will live here first today." "


The three of them went to the dormitory of the school under the leadership of Dr. Yamanashi, and Xiaoguang said excitedly: "I don't know what interesting activities will be tomorrow, I can't wait!" "

Qin Yin laughed on the side: "I am also very looking forward to it." "

When Tatsuki received Dr. Yamanashi at that time, he was not much interested in this training camp, but when he saw Xiaoguang's expectant look, he agreed.

There are already many trainers who have arrived in advance in the school, and Chenguang can't do something shameless…

Early the next morning, Dr. Yamanashi gathered all the arriving trainers and gave a brief opening speech.

Tatsuki saw several familiar figures in the crowd listening to the class, Ash Xiaogang, Kaopei, who had a relationship with each other, and Musashi of Team Rocket all joined this training camp.

Then Tatsuki, Kotoin, and Komitsu were all assigned to the red group, Ash, Koto, and Kaopei were added to the blue group, and Musashi was divided into the green group.

"Today is the first day of your meeting, please introduce yourself, but…" The assistant who was talking glanced at Dr. Yamanashi and continued, "The best introduction, of course, is Pokémon Battle!" "

"But a reminder, the Pokémon you use this time are all provided by the Institute, and please come and collect (CJJ) your own Pokémon."

The three of them stepped forward and each chose a treasure ball, and Tatsuki was an Absolu, which was the Pokémon he liked very much.

The Pokémon that Xiaoguang got was a hunting phoenix butterfly, and she was immediately happy, and she saw Xiao Yao's hunting phoenix butterfly when she was in the Mikkoli cup before, but her eyes were hungry for a long time.

And Qin Yin got a swamp jumping fish, which seems to have a very gentle personality.

The battle of Pokémon is on the second day, and today's task is to have a good relationship with the Pokémon you draw and cultivate a tacit understanding.

Xiao Hikaru and Qin Yin both brought their respective Pokémon to the side to cultivate their feelings, Xiao Hikaru made Bogaman their favorite little cake for the hunting phoenix butterfly, and Kotoin wiped the body of the swamp leaping fish to keep it clean.

Chenhui saw that both of them were so energetic, and he was ready to act.

"Absolu, this is the taste you like, hurry up and eat it!"

Chenhui brought the food bowl and wanted to have a good relationship with Absolu.

Absolu directly pushed the food basin to the side with his head, staring at the blue crocodile on the side, his eyes burning with the flames of battle, and the blue crocodile on the side suddenly shrunk his neck and hid behind the owner he had just met.

"It seems that this kid has a very strong desire to fight."

After watching the situation here, Qin Yin on the side said with a smile.

"Yes! It looks like I can only take it for strength training. Chenhui smiled helplessly, and then pretended to take out the Pokémon Guide, which was actually used to check its information with red gold pupils.


Attribute: Evil

Characteristic: oppressive

Qualification: Red

Level: Level 37

Skills: Song of Perdition, Grab, Glaring, Flash of Light, Chase, Provocation, Biting, Shadow Doppelganger, Splitting, Sword Dance, Street Knife Trial.

"Not bad strength!"

Chenhui thought in his heart, and then took Absolu aside for battle training, so that Absolu finally raised his interest.

At the same time, Tatsuki did not relax his requirements, and the two little guys, Kira and Ibrahimovic, were also training on the side.

"Eevee, you have to concentrate your strength on your mouth and control the strength."

"Yukira, the movement is too large, it will consume excess physical strength! Absolu, too, you have an attack amplitude that will give your opponent time to dodge! "


Tatsuki is helping Ibrahimovic master the shadow ball that is not yet proficient, while also supervising the offensive and defensive training between Absolu and Yukira, and is busy and happy.

When the other trainers saw that Chenhui was so combative, they also cheered up and took care of their newly met partner.

The afternoon passed quickly, the three Pokémon had made great progress, and the relationship between Absolu and Tatsui was getting better and better, and the cooperation was getting more and more tacit. _