
Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction Post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Chapter no.13 In the Cabin part 1

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Austin strolled leisurely alongside his bicycle, gripping the handlebars lightly. The wheels crunched over the forest floor littered with leaves and twigs. Beside him, Nobunaga consulted a large, well-worn map of Viridian Forest, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"So, you live in Viridian Forest."

Nobunaga nodded, his eyes not leaving the map.

"It's easier that way. I'm close to business, and I don't have to pay rent."

"I am curious, where did you get your Pinsir?"

"A gift from my Father. It's my starter."

Their conversation ended abruptly as they heard the buzzing and humming of countless wings—a sound like rapid, crackling static. As they turned, they saw a swarm of Beedrill flying aggressively towards them.

"Is your cabin close?" Austin asked quickly, swinging his leg over his bike, ready to move.


"Then hop on," Austin said, placing Vee into the bike's basket.

"Vee, use Helping Hand on Pikachu," Austin commanded. Vee's paw glowed warmly as it touched Pikachu, who seemed to pulse with increased power, its cheeks sparking energetically.

"Thundershock!" Austin yelled. Pikachu leapt from the basket, sending a massive surge of electricity into the swarm of Beedrills that were descending towards them. The effect was immediate: several Beedrills were knocked out, some fell to the ground paralyzed, while others twitched, trying to recover from the shock.

Austin pedaled hard, the muscles in his legs burning as he picked up speed with Nobunaga on the backseat leading them through a narrower path that snaked its way deeper into the forest.

The trees blurred past as Austin focused on the path ahead, his heart pounding.

Finally, Nobunaga pointed towards a structure partly hidden by the dense foliage. Austin followed his gaze to see a modest cabin built of rough logs, its small windows peeking out shyly between the trunks of towering trees.

A thin wisp of smoke drifted lazily from a stone chimney.

Inside Nobunaga's cabin, simplicity ruled. The furnishings were sparse—a few stools, a low table, and a rugged, handmade shelf.

One corner of the room was dedicated to tools for string crafting—spindles, shuttles, and fine hooks, all meticulously arranged on a homemade wooden rack that stood beside a sturdy workbench.

As the Beedrills' angry buzzing grew louder outside, Nobunaga acted swiftly as he hurried to a corner and grabbed what looked like a weed sprayer, but Austin recognized the distinct scent—it was a Pokémon repel. Nobunaga worked quickly, spraying around the entrance before dashing back inside as a louder buzzing heralded the arrival of a larger swarm of Beedrills.

"Is this normal?" Austin asked, eyeing the windows where the repel formed an invisible barrier against the agitated swarm.

"No, most Beedrills don't leave their territories unless provoked," Nobunaga explained, as Austin knew all too well the likely cause of this chaos — Team Rocket

"You want me to get you anything? Water, food?"

"Thanks, but I'm good. You guys need anything?" Austin responded, glancing at his Pokémon.

Pikachu and Vee shook their heads, their attention fixated on a silk string yarn ball lying near the corner of the room.

"Austin, can I tell you the truth?" Nobunaga suddenly said, looking down, his voice lowered.


"I don't exactly have your prize money." "Didn't you say that you kept all your money in your cabin? That's why we were coming here," Austin said, confusion evident in his tone.

It was not a large sum—merely 200 dollars at most.

"I know, I know," Nobunaga hurried to explain, "but originally I was going to have you stay in the cabin while I ran to Viridian City to get Gary to give me my reward for battling the Pallet Town trainers. I was going to give you your money from that."

"That's fine by me."

"But there is a problem," Nobunaga continued, his eyes downcast, a shadow of shame crossing his features. "Today was the deadline for the offer, and with the swarm outside, I don't think I can..."

"Don't worry, man, it's okay."

"No, it's not okay. You're the winner, and you deserve your reward," Nobunaga insisted, standing abruptly as a thought struck him. "Hey, would it be alright to substitute the money for something else?"


Nobunaga rushed to a shelf and grabbed a box, placing it on the table with a sense of purpose. He pulled out what appeared to be an old war map, marked extensively in red ink.

"Last year, I bought this treasure map from an antique store in Viridian," he explained, his eyes lighting up with excitement. It had taken him months, but he had managed to decipher the cryptic symbols and coordinates scrawled across the parchment.

"You really want to give me this after all your hard work?"

"The thing is, this place is a little deeper into the Beedrill territories of the Viridian Forest. Even if I wanted to, I'm not strong enough to go there," Nobunaga admitted, reluctantly handing over the map.

Just as Austin took the map, examining the intricate details, the unexpected sound of helicopters flying above startled them.

Austin peered anxiously through the window as the helicopter emblazoned with Team Rocket's menacing red 'R' approached.

His heart sank.

Out of the corner of his eye, Austin noticed Vee trembling, the small Pokémon's body shaking uncontrollably with fear.

"Hey, the rangers have come to rescue us."

Austin grabbed Nobunaga's shoulder, his grip tight.

"Nobunaga, do you want to live?"


"If you don't listen to me, you'll die," Austin said urgently, his voice low and serious.

"What are you talking about?!" Nobunaga exclaimed, his voice tinged with alarm.

At that moment, the door of the hovering helicopter swung open, and a Pokéball plummeted to the ground near the cabin. It snapped open upon impact, revealing a Starmie that floated in the air, held aloft by its psychic powers.

The swarm of Beedrills, already agitated, directed their fury towards the new threat. They dove at the Starmie in a frenzied attack, their stingers slashing through the air in multiple swift movements of Fury Cutter. Despite the onslaught, the Starmie maneuvered with ease, its star-shaped body spinning gracefully as it dodged each attack. The scene resembled a dance, the Starmie almost toying with the storm of angry Bug-types surrounding it.

A cold and emotionless command rang out: Star! Use Ice Beam!

In an instant, a chilling beam of white light shot from Starmie, striking the swarm of Beedrills.

The impact was horrific.

The bug types were instantly frozen mid-flight, their bodies becoming brittle ice sculptures.

As they hit the ground, the frozen Beedrills shattered with a sickening crunch, their blood splattering the ground in a gruesome display of red and ice.

Austin and everyone at the window recoiled in horror.