
Pokémon fuckery



"That should be the last one… you can pull it off now machop, make sure you wear your gloves when you grab the insolation, you know how much your hands itch when you grab the stuff without em"


Machop pulls off the last of the unfinished and unpainted walling from a reasonably still intact office space on the upper east end of the "abandoned zone" after I unscrewed the last screw holding it in place, placing the still good screw in a plastic box I have set aside for reusable screws and nails..

After we stacked….well machop stacked the last of the paneling to the side of the now bare office next to big burlap looking sacks full of insolation me and machop gathered up next to a very bored looking Slowpoke who floats about, he very slowly floats our way taking our gathering the last of the materials as the good to go sign which prompts him to teleport us to the 2nd floor of our home with all our "loot" in toe

"Alright, lemme measure up the last 2 sheets to cut before porting us up top to finish off the bathroom"

I pull out a tape measure and Stanley knife to cut up the recycled dry way while machop places the other stuff around in various semi empty rooms on the floor under our home we've taken to using as a place for storing materials and firewood…

I take a few measurements and make a few cuts before I bash off the excess dry wall before machop gathered back up for Slowpoke to teleport me, machop, the drywall, the burlap sacs and my tools which consist of a box of nails and screws a hammer and a drill..

With a brief humming the world shifts around us and we're in the "bathroom" which has now been walled in with roughly 80 square feet of open room covered in all sorts of different material and coloured walls looking to been thrown together by a very shitty tradesmen using bits and pieces from different buildings, which is exactly what it is.

In the corner of the "bathroom" is a mid sized cast iron wood heater with a fireproof glass front showing flames roaring on the inside trying and struggling to keep the room warm.

The last uncovered section of the room was the reason I had to run out to grab more wall, taking showers in blistering cold is unbearable so I decided to wall off the bathroom, which I knew wouldn't be enough so I ended up buying a wood heater to keep the place warm in between showers…which it would do much better at if not for the massive missive piece of wall missing..

Machop carries the dry wall over to the impromptu window only to gaze outside into the winter land hellscape that has become the daily norm these days.. but ignoring that I pat machop on the back as he angles the dry wall ready to be drilled into place as slowpoke levitates the second piece to the outside of the wall which I quickly drill into place….it's not perfectly flush but it does the job..

After the outside wall is up slowpoke shimmers pink again as the burlap sack full of building insolation and presses it against the wall for machop to place his price of wall over it for me to drill into place….

Again, it's not perfect but the difference is almost immediate as the howling winds stop tearing through the room and gives the wood heater in the corner a chance to do it's job properly…

I sigh before grabbing my tools and heading back down the now enclosed ugly bits and pieces hallway leading to the "living room" to find Becky wrapping what looked like fresh magikarp fillets in plastic and writing on them in black marker before stuffing them into a box freezer

I didn't say thing and just walked over to meowths bed/lounge which was getting a little small for him and just throw myself down and look up at the ceiling

The TV in the background is tuned into viridian channel 5 news with whoever the new anchor lady is, I forget her name

"We are now coming into the third month since the beginning of this countrywide snowstorm that has suddenly swept up kanto and the lower southern regions of johto, the storm has effectively crippled half of the countrys transportation hubs leaving food and daily supplies severely lacking in almost every city"

Yeah tell me something new….

"power in the cities of viridian, pewter and fuchsia have been hampered due to heavy snow and are showing signs of failing and repair crews are having difficulty getting to the damaged sections for repair, all 3 cities are running on back up power and league officials have declared a state of emergency"

Thank fuck for my generators….

"But out of all kanto cities, it seems the hardest hit was Cinnabar island due to being closer to the storms origins… supplies are almost impossible to bring into the island without the help of trainers pokemon with the power to teleport that sort of distance, it is stated that the league is calling in all trainers with teleport available to help in Kantos time of need"

Meh, nothing new there….

" league scientists have determined that cause of this freak weather phenomenon that has effectively ground most of kanto to a halt to be none other than the legendary Pokémon Articuno…the reasons why the legendary bird had caused such a catastrophe is currently still under investigation but is speculated to have had something upset it's nesting ground and these snow storms are a form of retaliation"

Reeeeaaalllly….they were only just figuring out it was articuno who caused this "winter is coming" bullshit? Everything in this world always comes down to legendary pokemon fuckery.

"Expert Meteorologists are predicting if conditions stay the same the storms over Kanto should let up in another 2-3 months, so folks make sure to dress warm and stock supplies well it seems we're not out of trouble just yet….this is channel 5 Viridian news's trisha takinawa signing out"

Man these last 3 months have been absolutely fucking miserable, Kanto got smashed with icy snowstorms which crippled the whole country and people being people jumped into immediate panic and bought out every store of food and supplies.

Supply lines are iced over and the league has called all trainers with Pokémon who can teleport more than a town away up to help getting supplies and aid where it's needed but from the looks of it, it's been pretty bad.

We were pretty lucky having resupplied not a few days before shit hit the fan, but even then i wasn't happy with with the amount we had even though we were stocked to capacity and ran into town and grabbed everything i could, which turned out to be a lot, we could ride most of this shit out at home in peace…I even grabbed way more toilet paper than I needed just as a subtle nod to home, even whispered in a few peoples ears about how reserves are almost out….which prompted a store wide panic which was kinda funny…but after basically dropping that grenade and bailing I returned home to ride it out in peace…

Or we could have if we didn't live in an abandoned concrete ice box, I spent the last month and a half ripping half of the abandoned zone apart in a frenzy to make up some cold blocking walls and today was the last of it that needing doing….it wasn't perfect mind you and it was architectural nightmare as well as being ugly as sin with all the bits and pieces thrown together but it kept heat in well enough..

This storm was so much worse than winter it wasn't even funny with the constant howling and biting winds and snowstorms that come out of nowhere with literal feet of snow being dropped in a matter of hours…

"Whewwwee, finally done!, that took forever! But I'm getting better at gutting fish now I suppose….hey Gideon how'd you go with the bathroom"




"….are you still mad?"


"Oh come on I told you that's all they had, the stores were sold out of anything smaller! And not mention you look adorable"

I uncomfortably shift my whole body to look Becky in the eye.

"…..fuck you becky"

I'm currently wearing a big puffy grey jacket with a furred hood, with a lot more children's thermo gear keeping me safe from the elements… the problem is…the jacket is waaaay to big, where the bottom of the jacket comes down to my knees and the bottom of the hood ends at my cheeks…

"I look like a fucking toddler playing in the snow…."

And I don't have much choice but to wear it being the subzero temperatures outside and the fact it's the only thing capable of keeping me warm….I still hate it though…

"We'll cheer up, you'll grow into it by next year….on a brighter note though, me and marill ended up catching HEAPS while fishing today. 7 magikarp, 5 goldeen and even 3 krabby, I've already processed em and put 'em in the freezers"

She mentions with a blinding smile….oh yeah, she picked up a marill about a month back on a fishing trip, she found him injured on the shore and nursed him back to health and bam…new Pokémon…after I gave her another pokeball though…

The girl lucked out too, I'm almost sure 100% certain the thing has huge power as an ability as I saw it lift meowths bed with one paw, that or Pokémon nonsense but I'm pretty confident it's huge power….it needed some more nursing after meowth saw it touching his bed though:..

Her butterfree doesn't do well in the cold so it stays home most of the time…I mean it CAN handle the cold but it prefers not to and Becky just lets it stay but whatever…

"…..where are my other mons?"

"Meowth took Ferroseed down to the first floor to clear out some of the rodents that took up residence last night during the snow storm and miltank and skiddo took the sled to do another timber run"

With the weather came another form of trouble in hobo pokemon looking for a place to ride out the cold, even with all the abandoned building around we still get a lot of mons trying to claim the first floor….most the rattata line with a fair few raticate mixed in..

And this isn't some sappy story where we all ride out the storm together and make it through the ordeal with friendship and kindness….no… it was very much survival of the fittest, the moment those rats saw me coming up the front steps they went straight for my throat….so every day or so we doing a patrol to keep the building "clear"

And we have been doing runs for wood every other day to make sure we have fuel to spare for our 4 wood heaters….yes 4….one in the lounge room, one in the bathroom, one in my room and one in Becky's….I have a split system aircon I shoddily installed but it just wasn't enough….so another trip to "trainers retreat" the store where guy works and 2 grand later I owned 4 wood heaters…..it was A LOT of fucking around to get the flu's of the heaters to the outside but it worked out fine with machops bullshit strength..

Just as I was about to ask Becky about her catches the door to the staircase opened and meowth strode in covered in blood looking rather chipper with what looked like a big brown ball of fur in his jaws and a spikey metal balloon attached to his tail with what looked like green rope..

Ferroseed has been playing around with her gravity, she found she couldn't just make shit heavier she could also make things lighter including herself and practiced to the point where she was beyond weightless and it's really helped her with her mobility if she had someone drag her around like a balloon….so she extends one of her spikes and wraps it around someone and satellites whoever is towing her around…

But what caught my eye is the big shaggy lump of brown and white fur meowth is dragging across the ground….

"Meowth? What's that?"

He plods over and drops it at my feet before standing between me and the lump…machop seemed to catch on to something and casually sets himself up behind the ball of fur…



A weak protest came out of the bundle as it rustled around before what looked like a gold watch fell out of its fur….
