
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


Although Evelynn was against it, Evan did the procedure and officially got them adopted.

They were given a second name, that of course being Zyra, and was now his children.

"Jesus, if your mother saw you have children without getting married, im sure she would faint right now."

"Im not planning to get married anytime soon," Evan muttered, before saying.

He had two spare rooms he had them use, as he gathered both of them and went to the dining table.

"I want both of you to get stronger." Evan smiled, before saying to both of them. "that's why im not going to restrict you on your wishes."

"I want to go on a journey," Iran said, and Skye nodded.


They are too young for that.

He doesn't want them to charge recklessly to their death.

This isn't a world full of fun and adventure, and he had seen blood to back that up.

"Fine." Evan muttered." But you need to learn from me."

"For how long?" Iran muttered.

3 months." Evan said, with a tone that said it was final, "You will be given a pokemon, and I want you to bond, battle and learn how to take care of it."

"Yes." Skye said, "im not going to make the same mistake as my brother."

Evan didny pry, as he needed to build a relationship with them.

"If you don't want to go down the battle route, just let me know and I can hire you a teacher," Evan said. "do you have anything to sa-"

"I want to be a trianer!" Iran abruptly shouted as Evan sighed.

"Show me some respect and don't do that?" Evan said with a hint of boredness.


"What about you, Skye?"

"I want to be a coordinator, like my mother!" Skye said with passion "but I want to be strong so... uh..."

"you can do both." Evan thought, before looking at Iran.

"you should do something that you like as well, battling isn't the only thing in the world."

"No." Iran refused, as Evan sighed.

"Very well, but I expect good things from you," Evan said, before moving on to the next subject.

"What starter pokemon do you want?"

"I want a turtwig." Skye said as Evan felt his wallet drop out of his pocket.

Luckily, he was rich and he had promised this kid he would get what they wanted.

"I want a honedge."

His wallet dropped even further.

"V-very well.." Evan muttered as he let them roam around the house as he slowly taxi to an area.

He wasn't in no mood to bother Rey, so he quickly went to a familiar place in Jubilife city.

Showing the staff the V.I.P card, he was immediately greeted by a woman.

"Didn't expect to see you here." Alicia muttered, before shaking her head, "How long has it been?"

"Dont knows," Evan responded, before saying what he was here for. "I want a high-green Turtwig and a Honedge."

"I can do the Turtwig..." Alicia muttered, before shaking her head. "No can do on the Honedge, you would have to go to Kalos for that."


"Oh?" Alicia shook her head. "Haven't you heard about the new law?"


"They have banned most kalos pokemon getting exported out of the country in concerns about the war about the mega-crystal mine that several regions are fighting for, some families in Sinnoh are no problems."

"Isnt the land on sale?"

"No." Alicia swirled her tea in her cup. "It's owned by a failing noble family, who are getting pressured to sell the property, even though the owner is a dying old man, with his only descendant being a young girl as her parents died in an" accident " recently and older brother got killed when he was an infant."

Emphasis on accident.

"I see," Evan muttered, before waiting for two hours.

Finally, a Pokeball was displayed in his hands.

"There's your pokemon."

"The price?"


Evan paid for it, before storing away the Pokeball and saying goodbye.

Evan hummed, before hopping in the car and driving home.

While he driving home, the taxi driver suddenly took the wrong turn, as Evan's eyes diverted from the window to the front seat.

A ticking sound came under him, as his expression suddenly changed.

"Please...please...get out quickly." The taxi driver suddenly broke out crying as Evan rapidly brought out Abra and teleported away.

The action took under 5 seconds, and he couldn't bring the taxi driver with him.

Evan's face morphed as he watched the car that had taken him suddenly explode in an inferno of flames.

He watched as the man inside of the car's screams became quieter and quieter, as it finally became a silence.

The car...

blew up?

it was a bomb, somebody had set him up.

But he couldn't help but notice something strange.

the car angle, the way it flew in a vertical motion.

It was just like that day.

It was too close.

Somebody was taunting him.

Somebody was trying to remind him.

The bomb was perfectly placed, right under the bottom.

He knew.

That day was more than just an accident.