
Jesse’s fate

Having made my way back up to the center of the cave with all the surviving members of Team Rocket and the trailers. I passed the message to the pokemon to gather all of the equipment out of the trailers and to arrange it in an open area. I reached the area with the rocket members, they were tied up in vines. A few had vine style tunicates as they were missing parts of their limbs.

B-"Who is in charge here? I won't be asking twice so if anyone wants a chance at leaving alive I had better start getting answers." A lady with a responded quickly after that. RS-"I'm just a kidnapped scientist, don't kill me please." B-"Answer my questions then."

RS-"My name is Jesse and I was captured by Rocket a few months ago. They have been killing trainers and taking their surviving pokemon. They ship them off to another island every two weeks from the dock. They have sent most of the females off as well. The guy with purple hair over there is the one in charge. His name is James. He is the one who runs this base." B-"Why weren't you shipped off with the rest of them.?" Jesse-"I keep flirting with him so he keeps me around." She had blush over her face. I knew she was lying her ass off now. She was just trying to save her own life. If I didn't obsess over this game and know all the main characters, I would believe this lie. I looked at James and he was as white as a sheet of paper. He couldn't believe what Jesse was doing to him. It looked as if he was about to cry. B-"What do you say about this James? Is what she is saying true?" James-"Yes its true… we kidnapped her a while ago and she was always flirting with me." B-"If you tell me everything you know about Rockets plans and locations I might let you off. How about it?" James-"Are you serious? Will you let me go?" B-"You have my word."

At this point James started singing like a bird. Two of the other ladies here were kidnapped scientist along with who the rest of the rocket members where. I messaged Detective Weirdo and asked him for a list of missing female scientist. I might as well see if I can verify this information. After James finished singing, which took a while I separated all of them and started asking questions to see what was going on.

After a few hours I got a message back from Det. Weirdo with a list of all the missing scientist and trainers with photos. The information that James gave me was half way correct. The names of the missing scientist were correct but none of the photos matched up with the survivors. I guess I am going to have some fun.

I made my way back to the group of Rocket. I was only having one debate going on in my mind and that was what to do with Jesse. She was hot, I wasn't going to lie to myself and I honestly had a huge crush on her since the cartoon but knowing all the wicked crap team rocket has done, I was debating on what to do.

B-"Thank you everyone for being honest with me. But unfortunately, your stories don't add up with what I got back from the PRD. James, the scientist name you gave me are correct, but these ladies aren't them. I would guess the real people have been sent off to where ever. So, unless you want to tell me where I think I am done here." James had sweat running down his face. B-"Well I am a man of my words but you lied so better luck next life." I called Slimer over, B-"Cover him in poison. I want him to suffer." Slimer nodded and shot purple sludge all over James face and body. He started coughing right away. The other rocket members started to scream. James coughed for about a minute before he started coughing up blood. He couldn't do anything as he was tied up. B-"Anyone else have useful information for me? Like maybe where all of these people are shipped off too?" I looked at Jesse and she had tears running down her face. I knew they were best friends in the cartoon but not sure how far they were in this world. B-"Jesse, you seem to be upset that a guy that kidnapped you is dying. It doesn't seem right, does it? You weren't lying to me as well were you?" Jesse-"I'll tell you where they take everyone. Its an island that take about 4 hours to get to by boat. I'll tell you everything just don't kill him." B-"WHAT!!!! You lied to me too? Hahaha I already knew it. But fine I will let him live. Slimer clean him off." Slimer shot water over James cleaning the poison off. B-"How can I trust you? You have already lied to me once." I had a sudden thought.

B-"Storm go bring me a few of those collars." He ran off to grab some collars. After a few minutes he came back with a few collars in his mouth. I found one that looked like it still worked and walked over and put it on Jesse. She started shaking as if having a seizure. After a few minutes of her flopping around she finally stopped moving. James was unconscious already, he was breathing normal as now too. I didn't want to leave any lose ends, so I had the pokemon kill the other members of Team Rocket. If I had been smart, I wouldn't have used my space around them all but it's a lesson learned.

When Jesse woke up she had a dazed look in her eyes. B-"How do you feel?" Jesse-"I feel fine master" WTF is all I could think. B-"Jesse, what do those collars do again?" Jesse-"they break the willpower of the pokemon and make them submit to who ever puts the collars on." B-"Do they work on humans?" Jesse-"Yes master" B-"Can you explain?" Jesse-"Yes, they do the same thing to humans as they do the pokemon. They send charges into the spine that relay to the brain, basically rewriting parts of the brain that affect loyalty." B-"Are these affects permanent?" Jesse-"The stronger the person's willpower and pain tolerance the longer they have to wear it for a permanent effect." B-"Thank you, how about we test this out. First tell me has James ever done anything to the kidnapped people.?" Jesse-"Yes, he has raped both men and women. He is a horrible person." B-"Do you like him?" Jesse-"No" I was having a blast with this. It was like a Q & A with some of your favorite characters. B-"Why are you with him then." Jesse-"Team Rocket has my mother, they have her as well as many others on different islands hostage and force us to do their work or our family dies." B-"Have you don't anything horrible like james and if you did what?" Jesse-"I helped capture scientist and pokemon trainers that led to them being sent off or killed." B-"I see, why were you crying when james was being killed?" Jesse-"He knows what island my mother and sisters are on. I didn't want that knowledge lost." I thought of something. I pulled a pokepotion out of my bag and poured it in James mouth. I started to see color come back to his face and put a collar on him. He started twitching as well but only lasted a few seconds.

He opened his eyes a few minutes later. B-"James do you know where Jesse's mother is located at?" James-"No. I don't know." B-"Do you know where the other prisoners were taken." James-"yes, we have 3 islands that we send prisoners too." B-"Show me on a map." He pointed out the locations on the map I pulled up on my phone. I saved the location of those islands. B-"Why did you lie to Jesse about her family?" James-"I want to fuck her, and by holding that information over her head I was going to fuck her in a matter of time." Well after hearing that, I looked at Jesse and she had tears coming down her face. I asked as many questions as I could to get as much information from him as possible. I had Delia and Jasmine come out as well and ask questions. I was trying to get as much information as possible before sending it all to DET Weirdo. After we couldn't get anymore information out of him, I looked at Jesse. B-"I want you to kill him now but first let me take your collar off." I wasn't sure what the collars do to a person, but I wanted her to kill him with her full conscious. I pulled off his collar as well. B-"Do both of you remember everything we talked about?" Jesse-"yes" B-"well go ahead now and kill him."

She was untied and walked over to him and started choking him. She started crying while screaming at him. She was choking the shit out of him. His head was getting bashed into the ground while she had her hands around his neck. I wasn't sure if Jesse killed him by choking him or bashing his head in. Jesse stopped after a few minutes of screaming and slamming his head down. Now the question for me is what I do with her. I turned to Delia and Jasmine, B-"keep or kill?" They both shrugged their shoulders as they didn't care either way. Jesse was turning pale as she didn't know if she was going to live or not.

MFVO-Well mofo's I wasn't around to do my voice over the past few days as I was on a vacation. I'm back now. What should we do with Jesse? Keep ? Kill? We can't turn her over to the cops as she knows to much.

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