
Poison Master: The Estranged Heiress

Trapped within the damaged walls of her mansion located in Yuchang City, Princess Cheng found herself confined alongside her grandmother, a fallen figure within the royal circle. The elder royal was placed under house arrest, accused of involvement in promoting illicit markets and fostering corruption within the realm. Xuan Cheng, residing in poverty alongside her grandmother and two aged attendants, was compelled to mature prematurely due to these circumstances. Motivated by a fierce will to escape poverty and make sure that no one could mistreat her, Xuan Cheng committed herself to learning a variety of trades and skills in order to support herself. Xuan Cheng was gifted with the ability to heal herself in addition to her grandfather's Seven Cultivation and grandmother's Jade Eyes. She immerses herself in her grandfather's collection of books and risks everything to cultivate fearlessly on her own. At night, she would go out and battle evil cultivators who would frequently obstruct her travel plans. She founded "Duyi Pharmacy" in order to aid the underprivileged and give back to the Almighty in the form of charitable donations. Xuan Cheng is a lone cultivator of Qi who exceeded the Tian Limit. In a world where the Evil Lord had eradicated factions and groups of cultivators, Xuan Cheng encountered someone akin to her: Prince Zhao Ming, the sole individual wielding demonic Qi across the entire Diqiu realm. They both had weaknesses that affected each other, but their unspoken love made them each other's pillars of strength. Betrayal by people they trusted brought them closer, forcing them to rely on each other even more. However, fate kept testing them with many challenges and trials.

PEARL_WANG · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
173 Chs

The aura of stars

"Eunuch Jiu, inform the servants that I will address them shortly," Princess Xuan Cheng acknowledged with a nod as Eunuch Jiu entered her inner chamber. Meanwhile, Huan carefully adorned her with exquisite ornaments, each piece enhancing her regal beauty.

Princess Xuan Cheng was draped in a resplendent crimson gown, an embodiment of both her authority and her purity. The rich hue of the dress symbolized her unwavering determination, while the delicate shades of pink woven into the fabric hinted at her innocence and sensitivity.

The gown, fashioned from the finest silk, cascaded in elegant layers that flattered her figure, transforming her into a vision of majestic allure. Its wide sleeves billowed like clouds tinged with crimson, adorned with meticulously embroidered white cherry blossoms. These delicate petals served as a representation of her purity and the fleeting nature of life, a poignant reminder of her grandmother's passing and the fragility of her newfound purpose.

Three cross collars adorned the back of her neck, intricately embellished with threads of gold and silver, portraying auspicious symbols of prosperity and good luck. These symbols paid homage to her royal lineage, alluding to the strength she inherited from her ancestry.

A dainty pink ribbon graced her slender waist, imparting an air of compassion and gentleness to the ensemble. The belt, adorned with tiny silver pearls resembling teardrops, held dual meanings – the grief she bore for her departed grandmother and the determination that fuelled her quest for retribution.

Her outer robe was a harmonious fusion of red and pink tones, cascading like a river of sunset hues. It bore intricate phoenix motifs, embodying her resilience to rise from the ashes of sorrow and regain her power.

Seated before her vanity, Princess Xuan Cheng allowed her maid, Huan, to approach with grace, the garment held reverently in her hands. "This attire, Your Highness, reflects your regal demeaner and your pure heart. May it mirror your strength and unwavering pursuit of justice," Huan spoke with reverence in her voice.

A soft smile curved on the princess's lips as she regarded her maid. She yielded to the careful draping of the gown, the silken fabric caressing her skin like a comforting embrace. As the clothing enveloped her, a sense of tranquillity and determination settled within her, akin to her grandmother's guiding presence enfolding her in protective warmth.

Once dressed, Princess Xuan Cheng stood tall, an embodiment of grace and determination. Her eyes, pools of benevolence, radiated the childlike innocence that resided within her, a beacon of light amid the shadows.

With a knowing sense of her own power, Princess Xuan Cheng understood that she could evoke both fear and trust among the maids and slaves who had journeyed with her to the Capital City. As she prepared to meet them, she wore an expression that perfectly balanced conviction and compassion, embodying the regal aura and innocent demeanour she had cultivated.

Her footsteps resonated with purpose as she walked onward, leaving behind a trail of elegance woven in red and pink hues. Her determination to forge a new destiny, not just for herself but also for those who believed in her cause, was palpable. Guided by the memory of her grandmother, she was driven by the pursuit of justice.

The vast open hall that connected the grand mansion's inner and outer courtyards served as the backdrop for this significant gathering. Seventy attendants, maids, and eunuchs knelt in unison, their voices merging into a single greeting for Princess Cheng – a chorus of blessing for her future.

This hall, far grander than the one in Yuchang City, allowed for a more dispersed arrangement of those gathered. With finely crafted pillars and lofty vaulted ceilings, it exuded an air of majesty that complemented the solemnity of the occasion.

Dressed in their distinct uniforms, the servants formed varied rows and distances, creating a breathtaking scene that emphasized the grandeur of the location and the gravity of the moment. Some knelt closer to the expansive entrance, offering an unobstructed view of Princess Cheng, her regal robes casting a striking silhouette.

Further back, heads were bowed in reverence, the collective presence resembling an ocean of loyal subjects spanning the chamber's expanse. Positioned along the hall's walls, attendants lined an aisle leading to a small elevated platform upon which Princess Cheng stood.

This elevated platform ensured that everyone could see and hear her as she addressed them, her commanding presence reaching every corner of the room. Her gratitude for their commitment and dedication resonated through her words.

The hall's width, combined with the dispersed placement of the attendees, accentuated the gravity of the moment. It showcased not only Princess Cheng's influence but also the multitude of devoted followers who had chosen to accompany her from Yuchang City to the Capital City.

In the midst of the room's anticipation, Princess Cheng's admiration for her loyal entourage swelled. Each individual represented a chapter in her grandmother's legacy, and this display of loyalty renewed her determination to reclaim her rightful place and seek justice.

Standing tall, she held court in the expansive hall, surrounded by those who believed in her cause. With gratitude and unwavering resolve, she acknowledged the depth of their commitment, understanding that with their support, she would navigate the treacherous path ahead and achieve her quest for vengeance.

"Your loyalty is the true treasure I have, your betrayal, a wound I cannot salve." Xuan Cheng spoke as her soft voice sent chills to their bones, they feared her, however, they respect was more than the fear creating the foundation of everlasting trust.

"I must remind you that this the Capital City, the home of the dragon, tigers and wolves. It is the nightmare of all weaklings.

Your destiny is tied with mine. If I prosper, you shall prosper and if I stumble, you shall share the fall.

I must warn you, if any of you get implicated with any trouble outside and offend anyone in this City even if it's a mouse, I will not protect you.

However, if you are not with a fault, I will protect each one of you with all my might," She narrowed her eyes and spoke.

"Hail Your Highness!!!!!" they chanted her address with teary eyes.

After a while, she slowly raised her hand to signal everyone to stop kneeling. "Take care of this home of mine," she said with authority, "because many important guests will soon come, and I won't be able to avoid them like I used to."

She looked at the group of people with seriousness. "My dear ones, be on your best behavior. Be even more polite than before when you talk, and if you don't need to talk, it's better to stay quiet. In this big city, saying the wrong thing can be very dangerous, even life-threatening."

She emphasized that their new surroundings were different from their old home. "This place isn't like our old house. You can't run around freely like before. The rules here are very strict."

She looked at each person, making sure they understood. "Normally, no one should enter this house without telling us first, except if someone is sick or hurt, human or animal. Others should be directed to a place called Duyi's branch in the city."

She took a deep breath, her eyes focused. "You can go now."

When she saw Eunuch Jiu, who seemed worried, she extended her hand for help and got up from her seat. With Huan's help on one side and Eunuch Jiu on the other, she walked towards the outdoor area.

Princess Xuan Cheng glanced at Jiu and said,"Let's go see how Li Quan is doing."


In the chamber adorned with intricate tapestries and dimly lit lanterns, Xuan Cheng took a seat beside the bed where Li Quan lay motionless. She delicately pressed her fingers against his wrist, seeking any signs of life. Her gaze then shifted to his closed eyes, a glimmer of hope in her own.

"He seems to be improving," she murmured softly, her eyes flickering towards Jiu who stood nearby, anxiety etched on his face.

With a determined expression, she lifted two fingers, a subtle azure light emanating from her touch. The energy coalesced, forming an ethereal thread that extended from her fingertips and gently entered Li Quan's forehead.

Time seemed to stretch as the bluish energy cascaded through him, spreading slowly like tendrils of mist. Gradually, a translucent veil formed over his skin, its presence both mysterious and soothing.

A frail, wheezy voice broke the silence, drawing their attention to the figure next to Xuan Cheng. Three pairs of eyes turned toward the source – Li Quan was stirring.

"You've awakened!" Li Jiu's voice brimmed with joy as he bounced on his feet, unable to contain his excitement.

"At long last," Xuan Cheng sighed in relief, her tense shoulders relaxing.

A mixture of emotions danced in Huan's eyes as he wiped away a tear, his lips curving into a teary smile. "Your Highness, I'm overjoyed that Li Quan has regained consciousness."

Li Quan's gaze shifted, his eyes fluttering open. Amidst the haze of waking up, he caught sight of those who had been anxiously waiting. The corners of his lips twitched, attempting a faint smile.

"Li Quan, how do you fare now?" Xuan Cheng inquired gently, a small, genuine smile gracing her features.

"Your Highness, I have confronted death itself and now its hold over me is diminished. But in the hierarchy of fears, the Almighty still reigns supreme, and beneath Him, it is your authority that commands my reverence. I owe you an eternal debt of gratitude," he replied, his voice a raspy whisper punctuated by laboured breaths.

Li Jiu's brows furrowed with concern as he asked, "Why did your path lead you to the Capital City? We were anxious for your safety."

"I was ensnared," Li Quan explained, his gaze distant as he recounted his ordeal. "A nobleman of unknown affiliation captured me. For days, I endured relentless interrogation, unable to find my way back."

Huan's eyes flashed with indignation. "Who would dare lay hands on the pillar of Duyi?"

"I don't possess their name, but they demanded a signal encoded in their secret cipher, indicating my completion of a task," Li Quan replied, his brows knitting together as he struggled to recollect the events preceding his captivity.

"What signal? What task were you forced to undertake?" Li Jiu inquired with a mix of curiosity and impatience, his determination to seek justice for his brother-in-law evident in his tone.

"No, Your Highness, the nobleman isn't malevolent. He himself is a victim of the evil cultivators, much like myself. I fear he might be tormented by anxiety, thinking that I have fled and betrayed him," Li Quan's voice trembled with earnestness, a genuine plea in his eyes. "He meant no harm, Your Highness, I assure you."

He implored, desperation ringing in his words, "I beseech you, please accompany me to the capital city. He is in dire need of assistance."

Li Jiu's anxiety boiled over, his concern for Li Quan intertwining with his incredulity. "Li Quan, you're astute and more experienced than even Mama Li, but have you lost your senses? Are you not well?"

Xuan Cheng's voice interjected, a reprimanding tone in her words as she commanded, "Huan, show respect."

Turning her attention back to Li Quan, she questioned him further, her voice a blend of caution and curiosity, "What sort of assistance does this nobleman require?"

"Your Highness, his mother has been afflicted by the Ocean Fire Poison from the Evil Lord's palace. She's on the brink of death, and you are his last hope," Li Quan pleaded, his own recent ordeal propelling him to advocate with a renewed fervour. "I understand the perils of dealings with such dark forces, but I implore you, the situation is dire."

Li Jiu couldn't suppress his worry, chastising Li Quan with a mixture of concern and a protective instinct. "But anything connected to that place bears malevolence, whether it be a curse or poison. Must you gamble with feigned promises?" He glanced briefly at Princess Cheng, seeking her reaction.