
Being a Vigilante & First time using Bloodlust



"!" shouting


*3 yrs. later*

(Shin POV)

For the past few years I have been training my quirk and I found I can manipulate shockwaves I haven't master it yet but i'm close. I have been planning to become a vigilante so I can have experience fighting villains. I just need a mask so I can hide my identity. Also, I have a katana now I got it when saving an old man from thugs. I didn't accept it at first but he is really persistent that I take it as a thank you. The katana is fucking long its around 120 cm I am currently at the mall searching for a mask that peaks my interest.

Then I found a mask that I was looking for a white mask with a smiling red lip and a tear in the right eye color red.(A/N: I'm bad at describing things it's Licht's mask when he goes serious.) Now everything is ready tomorrow i'll make my debut as a vigilante.

*Next Day*

New's Reporter: There are currently 12 robbers robbing the bank and the heroes could do nothing because the robbers have hostages inside. They said if a hero comes near the bank they won't hesitate to shoot one of the hostages.

Shin: "It's time"

I was in my vigilante suit with my mask and I brought the katana because why not. I am currently flying through the bank. Yes I am flying through the air by my shockwaves I finally mastered it now. I am currently going through the bank at mach 10 and I am here less than 10 seconds. Shin got inside the bank without no one noticing. One he got inside he saw the hostages and robbers.

Shin:*inhale* *exhale* 'It's showtime'

In a blink of an eye he was in front of a robber who was currently taking care of the hostages.

Shin: "Hello Robbers"

Robber #1:"Who the fuck are you how did you get here"

Shin: "I am here to make a deal here is the deal. The easy way you surrender now and none of you will get harmed or attack me. Or the hard way you will get a few cuts and broken bones then go to jail."

Robber #3: "Hahaha! your funny kid how about you go back to your mom before we shoot your brains out"

Shin: "I'm giving you a second chance will you surrender or not"

Robber #4: "HAhaha! Suck my dick kid"

*Bang* *Ting*

Shin easily deflects the bullet with ease.

Shin: "Looks like the hard way it is" *sigh*

In a blink of an eye Shin was nowhere in his spot and taken down 3 robbers.

Shin: "3 down 9 to go"

Robber #1: "What the hell are you idiots doing shoot him!"

*Bang * *Bang* *Bang* *Brrrrrt* *Brrrrt* *Ting* *Ting* *Ting* *Ting* Ting* *Ting* *Ting*

The robbers are panicking and shooting their bullets at Shin and Shin is just standing there deflecting all their bullets. Then the robbers finally run out of ammunition.

Shin: "You done yet"

Robber #4: "Take this you fucker aaahhhh!"

Robber #4 is charging at him with a knife. When is finally near him he mysteriously passed out. All of the robbers there just stood in fear while looking at his mask.

Shin: "4 down 8 to go"

(Outside of the bank POV)

*Bang * *Bang* *Bang* *Brrrrrt* *Brrrrt* *Bang * *Bang* *Bang* *Brrrrrt* *Brrrrt*

Hero #1: "What the hell is happening in there."

Hero#2: "I don't know let's just hope the hostages are safe."

(Shin POV)

Shin has taken down all of the robbers except for one who is holding hostage of a little girl.

Shin: "Let go of the little girl"

Robber #9: "No! If I let go if this girl your gonna knock me out and send me to jail! I don't wanna go to jail!"

Shin: "Let go of he-"

Robber #9:" Stop don't come closer or I will shoot her head off"

Shin: "Shoot her i'll fucking kill you"

Little girl:"*sob* Please save *sob* me"

Something snap inside of shin when he saw that little girl helpless

Shin: " leT go oF thAt GiRl AssHoLe."

Robber #9 stood there in fear he's frozen unable to do anything . Like the predator stalking it's prey. He's the prey and Shin's the predator. In a blink of an eye Robber #9 screamed in pain when his body was full of cuts. Now Shin's job is done after he handled the bank situation he immediately went back home. When he got back home he wondered what happened to him when he suddenly snapped. He became faster, much more aware of his surroundings but he was not in control he was like a mindless beast. He hoped he left a good impression as a vigilante not just a menace. There is always one thing that is on his mind.

Shin: 'Muscular i'm coming for you'

Was this story good, bad, or meh. Does it felt rushed please leave a review so I can know what my mistakes are. 

Da_cAt_is_HiGhcreators' thoughts