
The interrogation of Lariote Zozan. Part 2. Falgurs memories

"So, that is how I came to meet your father. I have to say, I knew him for a little while but he seemed to be a wise and caring father. You might be stupid, but you take after him Falgur. I only wish I knew your mother too."

"Hey, hey, hey, who you calling stupid when I am even smarter than you."

"hahaha, says the person who can't even steal a kiss from Sali."

"Awe, I see. You want your one and only brother mauled to death with a frying pan."

"Hahahahaha, she sure is scary. I think no amount of magic would ever stop that woman if she comes after you."


Falgur laughed as he watched the stars in the sky. It had been a week since they had been in the Trial Forest and Sheyken had decided to do as Falgurs father had asked of him. To put his trust in his son. He had chosen that knight to tell him about himself, including his days on earth and the years until they met he had spent on Uros. He chose that day because he wanted to make sure no one was keeping an eye on them. This is why he had waited a week to tell him since he still did not know how people with cores and witches traveled in the forest.

"Man, that other world seemed so cool."

"I would say after spending time here that this world is cooler. I had thought that I would miss the technology of that world but I have never thought of it ever since I got here."

"Man, you lucky. Hahahahaha, so that is why you into older women."

Sheyken kept quiet.

"So did you have a girlfriend back then?"

He was asked a question Sheyken did not want to answer at any cost since he knew the mocking he would get afterward.

"So, after all of what I have told you, you only going to ask me about girls?"

He said, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Hahahaha, I see what you doing. Anyways, I think your father is cool and I wish he had got to meet me. Wait, since we are brothers, does that make him my father too?"

"Well, I guess so."

"That's cool, it means I have two fathers. I wonder what he thinks of me and of my father."

They both kept quiet for some seconds.

"Thank you for trusting me with that part of your life. I promise to never tell anyone."

"Falgur, you do not have to promise anything. I already know you won't. We are in this dark and unforgiven world together until we die now. We never have to speak about trusting each other ever again."

They both keep quiet again.

"You know, it is too much for me to take in, for now, so let's leave the part about earth out for now, but all of the individuals you have met so far, I think the most dangerous of all and at the same time that we can depend on is your girlfriend.

"Hey! how many times am I going to tell you she is not my girlfriend?"

Falgur let out a naughty laugh, knowing it would irritate Sheyken.

"Anyways, why do you say that."

"Well, your master sounds cool and Arlo... the Lich sound powerful but the most mysterious of all of them seems to be her."

After those words from Falgur, Sheyken went into thought.

"No man, all of them seem mysterious to me, especially Sanguis. His power just seems broken. What you described to me of what was happening to the two witches when you were transported outside is just too mind-blowing to even wrap my head around it."

"Hahahaha, that's my master. I can't wait to train under him."

Falgur said with a smile.

'This idiot, he doesn't even understand the hell he will go through.'

Sheyken thought as he stopped looking up to the stars and looked at Falgur who was smiling and ignorant like the child he was.

"Do you know your master's power?"

Sheyken thought for a while.

"No, I never got to see it, but for some reason, he turned into a handsome gentleman for a while before reverting back."

"Hahahaha, are you sure you were not falling in love with him? Maybe the reason you not getting any girls is because you swing that way. Be true to yourself man."

Sheyken was about to cut his third leg off for what he said.

"I like girls, man! Come on!"

"Hahahaha.... well, you do have a girlfriend so that's proof enough."

Sheyken was about to blow his lid off.

"Anyways we getting out of topic. Why do you say she is the most dangerous but the most we can depend on?"

"Well, I have a feeling that the others either fear her or respect her. She acts like a child but they let her do whatever she wants by how you described her to me and my master when he was talking to her, even though it was like he was talking to his colleague, his tone was respectful. I have a feeling there is more to her than meets the eye. Plus, she can manifest portals. Something the Kingdome have to build in order to do something similar."

"You are right."

"I also think, her wanting to marry you is a genuine thing."

Sheyken was surprisingly shocked by his statement.

"Why do you think? And you just a kid, how can you know if anyone wants to marry or not?"

"Think about it brother, why would someone so powerful be even interested in you. I think it is either that thing on your back or she might know something about you that the others do not know. Remember what Seduralto said about the Arbo-rubru and about demons? We can be sure that if not all of the five are demons then one of them is. My father once told me that my mother once said he should guard his soul if he came in contact with a demon in his life no matter how powerful it was, and never make a contract with one and just run away or kill himself."

Sheyken was listing carefully and was amazed Falgur was already being helpful regarding his situation.

"You, have a fragment of your father's soul in you, and he is a powerful person in the universe. You still have to explain what a universe is by the way.... but if she is a demon, then maybe she could feel or know something is different from yours. Maybe that is why she put that love curse on you."

Falgur sighed after saying that.

"And maybe that is why it was the kind that got stronger as I got stronger, and since it failed, she now wants to marry me. A marriage is a contract after all."

Sheyken's stomach turned when he said that.

"But, if we talking about souls, Cumfureres would be the main candidate, and all this marriage thing started out by her telling Tenebris that I like mature girls."

Sheyken said as he remembered the first time, he met her and how he felt when he saw her.

"Well, I'm just given you something to think about. I think out of all of them, the one you can be sure does not want any harm to come to you right now is her, and that is why she gave you that flower. I do not know about your love life though... but she might not be the jealous type. At the same time, she might just kill any girl you seem close to if in the end you do not take her proposal seriously."

Sheyken went quiet again.

"Hahahaha, man I feel for you. Salina looks hot though, but I bet that Tenebris would be a killer if she can turn into a human. Right now, as she is a black-type of mass or something, she looks stunning hot, you can have solace on that.... hahahaha... man, I wouldn't want to be in your situation."

Sheyken just dropped Falgur from the tree they were on top of using his telekinesis after he was laughing none stop.

'This idiot can only talk about girls after telling him such a story. He has a point though, and I was only so confident with my confrontation with Salduralto on the first day we met when she was testing us because I had that flower. What the hell is she?'

Sheyken thought as Falgur climb up.

In the guild, Falgur was remembering the conversation that they had that night while watching Sheyken interrogate Lariote. It had been two hours and he was still on it.

'Is this how people from the other world interrogate people? It takes time. Why not just torture him?'

He thought to himself after feeling his butt get sore from sitting. He then saw Sheyken standing up and then touching Lariote's face while looking at it closely. Lariote eyes looked bloodshot and his face had changed like he was about to go on a rampage.

"Damn it! where is Salduralto! She needs to get here fast!"

Falgur heard Sheyken scream out and at the same time the sand that was holding Salina in place fell off of her and she was free and still as angry with a face of a demon.