
Algazuma the Cataclysma vs Sidruline the spiting witch

Boom! Boom! Boom!... Those were the sounds of the punches being thrown by Sidruline hitting Algazuma who was having a hard time blocking each and every one of them as he would be knocked back with each punch.

Boom! Boom! Boom!... those were the sounds of Algazuma throwing some punches back at Sidruline as he counter-attacked.

They had been at it for less than 30 seconds and the sand terrain had changed as lava was starting to flow in every direction painting the area red with the sand dunes being melted away.

The clothes together with the rest of the skin that Sidruline was wearing had burnt and melted off. The skin was replaced by that of her own which looked delicate and soft but as hard as steel. She too was wearing bandages underneath that seemed to have some quality in them as they were not in the slightest damaged by some of the lava that would spill onto her body after blocking punches from Algazuma's lava hand.

After that initial first exchange and with Sidruline wanting to take a look at the ever-so-changing environment around her that got hotter each second, they stopped.

"Old man, I thought you were only just a mage who uses spells to fight after that initial punch of yours. How are you able to keep up with me?"

She asked trying to get a feel of why the environment was changing so quickly.

"First of all, that outfit makes you look unappealing."

The old man said looking at her chest that was more than average size and together with her flat stomach being complimented by her hourglass figure, he could not help but scold her.

"Hahaha, look at this old fool trying to treat me like a child."

"And a child you are. You do not even see the horrible death that is coming your way for acting so recklessly for all this time. Why were you turning our townspeople into Initiates with no intention of passing your teachings to them?"

Algazuma asked as fumes came out of his nose and mouth after he finished asking, symbolizing how angry he was.

"Well, too bad you are not my type, otherwise I would tell you."

She said teasingly.

"Die then."

Algazuma said as he dashed in. Sidruline stood there and as soon as he come into range, she spat out what looked to be black seeds out of her mouth. The sound each seed made living her mouth was like that of an automatic rifle firing with a silencer muffling the sound it made. Algazuma was nimble for his age though as he managed to dodge each and every single one she fired at him.

He was moving all around the area as he tried to dodge them and the seeds fell all around them. In three seconds, black flowers resembling those which Sheyken had killed when he first woke up in Uros sprouted. They were not affected by the lava as the ones that landed in it had no problem sprouting. Their color was the same as the projectile that was in Alati's skull.

"Seeds of Verua, help your master's vessel."

She yelled out with as many as 50 of them starting to walk using their roots to assist her. Algazuma was not concerned one bit. The land continued to change with it getting hotter and hotter and him fuming from time to time.

Sidruline opened up her palms and just like Swelya, she started lunching projectiles at him. They were bigger than Swelya's with menacing smoke coming out of them. The flowers were doing the same thing, but only launching theirs slower. With more than 50 of them, Algazuma was finding it difficult to cope.

Sidruline stopped firing with both hands and on her left hand, the same black substance appeared still as big as a raindrop. She brought her hand to her mouth and spat on the substance.

"Child, seeing you looking like that and spitting, Exzola would have liked that nasty side of you."

Algazuma said as a wave of hot lava came crashing down on many of the flowers, taking almost half of them into the depths of where it was coming up from. Seeing this, Sidruline was not pleased. She threw the substance that had combined with her saliva at him ignoring his taunt. It was with so much speed that it almost hit him square on the face. When he was sure he had dodged it, he was surprised that Sidruline could detonate the substance anytime she wanted as it detonated right next to his face.

The explosion was like that of a grenade but instead of metal objects being spread around, it was the mixture of her saliva and the substance. He was surprised to see that it clanged to him, corroding his skin. When he tried to wipe it off his skin that had a little burn from it, it stuck on his lava hand.

"Awe, what a peculiar substance. It is powerful enough to even eat away my skin."

He said in approval.

Hearing and seeing what he said, Sidruline was ecstatic as her eyes shone with hope. She did not waste time as a volley of projectiles came at where Algazuma was standing. They had come from the left flowers as 5 of them that were near him came and wrapped their roots around him to prevent him from moving with some of their roots encoring him in place as they went deep into the sand and lava. He struggled as he tried to break free but they seemed to be elastic when he pulled and he quickly found out that force was not going to help him in this case.

Many of the projectiles hit their mark as Sidruline saw them stuck on most parts of Algazuma's body but the old man did not give her the pleasure of hearing him scream. In her hand was the mixture of her saliva and the substance that was as big as a tennis ball. She had been gathering it ever since the first one she threw and during the time when Algazuma was examining it.

She threw it at him and this time around the explosion was like that of 10 grenades exploding at the same time. Most of the mixture clang on him as he fell on the ground on both knees and faced down with his hands in the lava. She could hear his skin sizzling as the mixture corroded it away with the smoke produced from it mixing with that of the projectiles around his body.

Seeing this, Sidruline had an evil smile on her face. She quickly turned around and face the oasis. In her hand was one of the projectiles with black menacing smoke coming out, and the black substance coating it. She spat a large amount of saliva and a ball of the three substances as big as a football was formed.

'I do not know why the old man is not screaming his lungs out in pain right now, but this is my chance. I still can't get over having to use a sleeping curse instead of killing every single one of them.'

She thought as she looked at the ball mixture.

"Ho, ho, ho, ho....."

The laugh scared the heck out of her as she had goosebumps all over her body.

"I see, so, this is how powerful the new generation of witches are."

Algazuma said standing up like nothing just happened to him.

"What? why are you...."

Sidruline was shocked. She saw all the plants, including those who were banding him going up in flames as the heat from the magma intently increased. Sidruline was so freaked out as she saw him smiling like a demon that she threw the mixture at him in panic. It hit him on the chest and detonated. The blast was equal to a missile exploding.

Sidruline smiled at her working thinking that must have done some damage. Her smile turned to horror as she saw that not only had her attack not done any damage, but the mixture on him was being evaporated away by the heat his body was producing with the scar on his chest starting to glow red.

"You know, I had lowered my defensive shield earlier so to at least get a fight out of this."

He said as he took a step. The area around was now a volcanic one with little eruption happening all around them. Sidruline felt dizzy and almost fell on her knees but stopped herself.

"Awe, I see it has already started."

Sidruline looked at him in confusion.

"Witch, I see you do not know anything about volcanos. Well, let me just tell you that you will find one of the most toxic fumes in volcanic environments, and as you can see around you, you have been in one for some time. What do you think the fumes I have been breathing out where?"

Sidruline who was feeling dizzier and dizzier could not answer him as she grabbed her head.

"If you were a mage or experienced fighter, you would have fought in a way that did not let us fight in one place. I see you are only good at turning people into Initiates."

He said as he had almost reached where she was.

"I wanted to test how strong this new generation of witches is and I have to say, you are strong. If the fight continued with me fighting with my defensive shield down, you could have won. But, did you stop and ask yourself why I was fighting you in a physical battle when you are way stronger physically than me and with me not using any spells?"

He said now standing in front of her.

"Because I wanted to see how strong your little group is if there is one. I would put you at a level of third-tier, gas stage mage without you having transformed, and considering how physically powerful you are. You lot sure are strong. It's a pity. I really want to fight you when transformed. Maybe this would have been a little bit of a challenge."

"How are you this strong?"

Sidruline managed to ask as the dizziness forced her to kneel on the scorching hot ground.

"Strong? Witch, I haven't even cast one spell yet. This is why they call me the Cataclysma of Senjira. All this is, is just a product of me getting excited. Lava gathers around me naturally such that I have a spell constantly active so to keep it away. I just deactivated it during the start of our fight."

Sidruline did not know what to say. It was clear she stood no chance even if she transformed given how her curses worked and how strong she just realized her opponent was.

'Only a Blessing can allow him to do such a thing. The rumors do not even come close to doing his power justice. I hope none of my sisters are foolish enough to go to Senjira. The place is full of monsters.'

She thought as she cried with no tears showing as they instantly evaporated. This was because as cruel as she was, even she was afraid of death.

"Be happy in the last moments of your life. I find you deserving and shall make you experience one of my most disruptive spells. My only regret is that Seduralto taught me it with me taking 25 years to master it... and she calls me her uncle when I should be calling her my master."

Algazuma said with a sigh as he stepped aside and walked away from Sidruline who had given up all hope.

"Come forth, Gondora, Guardian of the abyss!"

He yelled out as he walked away with his lava hand held high as a sign of summoning. The ground erupted and split open as a giant as big and similar to Serth came out. The heat around the area intently skyrocketed and even reached the oasis.

"That idiot. He can't help himself to show off that spell any chance he gets."

Salina said as she kept guard on the parameter of the oasis while the ground vibrated and the heat reached her.

"That show off."

Seduralto said as she finally took her eyes off of the crazy horror scene Lariote had presented her.

"Your summoning is why cooler, right Serth."

Serth nodded vigorously.

Sidruline laughed at her foolishness as she looked up at the giant made of scorching hot lava and rock who was carrying a trident. Looking at her menacingly, it did not waste time as it skewered her with the trident. Each tines of the trident were so big that it only used one of the three to do so. Sidruline screamed as she was being cooked by it as it had gone through her stomach. It lifted her up as it turned to where it had come up from which was full of extremely hot lava.

It submerged her in it as she screamed. It then took her out again with her tough skin unfortunately making her melt away slowly as she experienced pain no one would wish on their enemy. When she was taken out the first time, her hair had burnt off making her bold while her skin had melted away in other places.

Algazuma, who had to stay at a given distance from Gondora so that the summoning cannot be undone was surprised to see her skin recovering slowly, but quickly understood why.

"Awe, I was wondering why you did not use your Sicapugi. It seems it was the bandages you were wearing around your body and they had the effect of automatically healing you. Did the Guild Master take the inspiration for Lariote's head bandages from you?"

Algazuma wondered.

"So unfortunate. As much as I hate you, your own Sicapugi will make your death even slower."

He said with a tone of ridicule.

Gondora put her back in the lava for an even longer time.


Seduralto said, not knowing whose witch's death was crueler. The one being eaten alive while laughing or the one being poached alive.