
Pleasure God's Opus

*Spawns into existence with an overpowered past* Walks in an elegant and dignified gait, takes a seat on a chair as if he was a sovereign and gazes down at you. "Hello, ladies~" I spoke in an enchanting yet overbearing tone, gazing at the ladies, who were dazed gazing up at me in a near-revering state. "And to you guys too" I mumbled in annoyance as my eyes landed on men. "Hey, can't you just remove men, except for me, from my world?" I asked _Eshwar_. (*_Eshwar_ choks on the drink he was drinking and glances away*) "Tsk, useless!" I cursed at him and glanced away, ignoring his menacing glare, that spoke volumes on his urge to erase me out of existence. "Him and I have spoken and we have come to an agreement on him telling you guys my opus, and heh, I will, of course, be the main focus, so ladies~~ You'll be seeing me soon~" I spoke to the ladies gazing up at me, while I continued to ignore the men in the crowd. Glancing to the side, my eyes fell on the men, who flinched at the ominous foreboding feeling that abruptly chruned their stomach, "You better keep your ladies safe...... since they'll be mine soon~~" I said with a smile that made men shudder while charming the women at the same time. My gaze swept over the crowd beneath, "Since the world I am to transmigrate into is overwhelmingly futuristic, there are many things to adventure about, so we have decided on, not dwelling too much on politics and other shit, but instead focus only on women and me~" I stated with an enchanting grin. *In a distinct chatter* "Oi, tell them the truth!!" _Eshwar_'s voice yelled at, from a distance..... "No wait, isn't he right? But a bit of politics should be good....." _Eshqar_'s mumbled whispers trickled my sensitive ears, but I didn't like the words that left his mouth. "Oi, we discussed not to include politics and shit like tha-" But it was already too late..... _Eshwar_'s pen wielding hand flitted across the plot filled sheets, as a subtle exclamation escaped his mouth, and at that, I could instantly tell that he was up to no good! "Oi-" "With a bit of politics!" He yelled from a distance, as a ghastly silence descended upon me and the crowd gazing up at me, while the men grinned mockingly and women tilted their heads to the side in such cuteness that I almost forgot the plight at hand. Afterall, when I narrated my opus, I stated repeatedly that I don't like politics! "You added politics?" I asked with a forced smile. "Mhm" _Eshwar_ nodded his head innocently. ".....politics?" "Yeah" "Ohyoumotherfu-" *with the distinct sounds of crashes, both of them fled from the scene* -- [AN's Promise] "Well, let's experience as many beautiful love stories as possible~" [A lovely bundle of fluffy love stories] -- AN: I don’t know who the artist of the cover is, but if you want me to remove it.... you can ask me to do so (T-T). Credits to the artist. (Honest thoughts: Goddamn the art is goooood!! of course, I have edited it to link my novel to it, but DAYAM!!)

_Eshwar_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

[Household: Crimson Cross]

Raven's questions on how, what, when, and why were answered by Lynn's memoir, as such, he had lucked out on having to attend the academy to fill the gaps within his knowledge about [Ivleunnil] before he started anything.....

Even if he had attended the academy, he would have most likely relied on women to gain knowledge and pursue women with deeper knowledge, ultimately meeting someone like Lynn, a Goddess with the knowledge of the sinned worlds and even the Ring, and thanks to a silly bet between friends, the opportunity had came knocking on his door.


By Iria's memoir, he learned about many characters and various kinds of behaviour of the sinners on that star, and among them was Scarlet Sunniva, the female lead's.

She was a beautiful woman, Raven would pursue rather than not....

And according to the novel, the foundation of the Scarlet's feelings were her pride which made her stuck up onto something to never let go, and to become that something,

Raven had to make her remember him as someone who hurt her pride, hence

Even though, he had basically won,

He forfeit his match.

Of course, tens, if not hundreds, of assumptions could be drawn out, but for someone innately stuck up about themselves, his actions could only be taken in two ways.

Either fear or arrogance.

With how he played her by her nose, he obviously didn't fear who she was nor what household she came from, hence it could only be arrogance.

The kind that wounded hers.

And thus setting the foundation for his pursuit for her.


From Lynn's experience,

Not once did [Ivleunnil]'s history actually helped her with anything, hence he wasn't necessarily inclined on remembering what was already itched onto his consciousness....


Either way,

Most of the questions he had were answered by her experiences and memories, as such he was aware that the sinners within [Ipardmerth] were free to roam around whenever, since only teaching them of everything they should know was [Ipardmerth]'s responsibility, not whether they learnt anything or not.

To put his plan into motion, first, he needed,


Which was classified in credits, as every transaction took place digitally.

Currently, he had a few thousand credits, which was enough to last a commoner for a few years, since approximately 1000 credits would be spent by a commoner family of three to make an adequate living.

Upon calculating, an hundred thousand credits would be enough for his plans to set motion.

And currently he had two ways he could gain that money.

Either by hunting, or by a loan.

Considering his skills, hunting would be the most efficient way since it would feel like he roamed the world, a bit.

And at the topic of hunting,

He was reminded of the recently gained titles.

[Devil Of Kindness] and [Sinless Devil God], both of which itched a word onto his consciousness, 'Desire', upon fulfilling which, he gained Aps..... most probably.

But, if he were to set forth in that path,

Gradually, he would become the strongest.

Hence, as a test,

"Lynn, what do you wish for in your life?" He questioned, and


[Authority exercised...]

"You" When she answered as such, he felt as her desire was being noted down on something within his consciousness.

[[Devil God's Contract] has been invoked]

[[Devil God's Household] has been recorded]

[[Ivleunnil] has acknowledged the creation of a new [Household]]

[Please name your [Household]]

Reading these notifications, an uncanny crimson glint flashed over those ardent pink irises of his.

'Crimson Moon…. For the unholy? Blood...Cruor. Moon....Luna, Cruor Luna?….no, Blood Moon sounds far better, but Crimson Cross sounds even better and it matches my name, Crimson Cross for the fallen.....' Muttered Raven amidst his laughter that embarrassed Lynn.

[[Household: Crimson Cross] has been recorded]

[[Title: Head of the Crimson Cross] created and acquired]

[[System: [Crimson Cross](Sandbox mode)] has been linked to Master's System]




[Synchronisation: 15%]

[• Name your Household (complete)]

[• Ascend the Throne (incomplete)] [+30% sync]

[• Design a Tattoo (incomplete)] [+25% sync]

[• Create Household skills (incomplete)] [+25% sync]

[• List [Rules] (incomplete)] [+5% sync]

Under those notifications, Raven continued to converse with Lynn, mostly ignoring them since not all his focus lingered on them.

After a few minutes of conversing with Lynn, Raven teleported out of there after exchanging contact, and as soon as he stepped foot outside the academy, his uniform dulled to turn grey as he had refused to join [Ipardmerth].

And thanks to Lynn, whom he had notified of his decision to not join, who instead notified the 'friend' that sat on the chair of [Ipardmerth]'s chairwoman, he left the premises with a grey uniform instead.

And soon, while walking down the street and under that azure canopy over his head, he altered his uniform to resemble grey formals that he was comfortable in.

Walking towards the nearby tree, he leaned against it and began to read the notifications he had merely glanced over previously.

Seconds passed, while he was left alone with his thoughts.


'?' With his brows raised, Raven turned to face behind him from where that annoyingly sneaky sound sounded.

'Cicadas exist here too?' Wondered Raven as he peered at the dark, in search of that bug at the ground as he focused deeply on that annoying sound.

'Here?' He wondered as his eyes focused on a subtly glowing bug that sat over an azure leaf, much to Raven's childlike wonderment.

Stepping forward into the woods whenever a violent gust blew past him, while he focused on not making too much as he kept an eye on the glowing cicada.


Unbeknownst to him, while he stepped into that unruly terrain of the azures that reached his elbows, branches of that woolly azures stretched to trap him within.

Hands like thin stems and branches stretched and creeped behind him, while his curiosity led him into what seemed to be a trap instead.

Fingers tall azure leaves soon rustled to sharpen the now dilated fangs, and


Twisting inward, the encircling encroachment expanded, ensnaring him within its grasp like the petals of a lotus bud unfurling. With each coil, it seemed to churn and digest whatever it had consumed.


With a strange sound, blood oozed out of the gaps.....


[Power Stones: 5/50] [+1 Chapter]

[Golden Tickets: 0/10] [+1 Chapter]

[Magic Castle: 0/1] [+1 Chapter]