
Please, Stay With Me

Alyssa Frank and her loving boyfriend, Josh Bernes, are a very happy couple. The future looks bright for both of them until a terrible accident occurs. Things get twisted and they grow apart. Will their love survive?

dannyis_nerdy · Adolescente
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1 Chs

Chapter 1- Lovey Dovey

"Gosh, Josh, you're such a dork!" Alyssa Frank teases her boyfriend, Josh Bernes.

Josh sticks his tongue back in his mouth and smiles, his green eyes glittering with happiness.

"I want to marry you, Alyssa. Not now... but soon," He says, staring down at his boots.

Alyssa stops laughing and stares at Josh, her normally cheery face blank. She furrows her brow and purses her lips. Josh waits for an answer. Alyssa licks her lips and raises her eyes to look at him.

"I agree, Josh. But, not until we graduate!" Josh scoops her up into his arms, squishing her. "Gosh! You are so lovey-dovey!"

"Well... I love you!" Josh sets Alyssa back down and smiles. But, Alyssa's smile is ten times bigger, sweeter, and all-around more perfect. Josh's heart melts. "Please, stay with me forever..."

Alyssa nods. "Of course! I mean, who else will make me pancakes for breakfast every morning and make sure my bed is made for me at night?" She laughs, her belly jiggling and her freckled cheeks turning red. Josh laughs, too, before picking her up into a bridal carry. He walks out of the living room and into their bedroom. Alyssa laughs harder and Josh shuts the door.