

"Ah your awake". "Huh who hell are you? Are you god? Is this heaven?". " Impotent child I am the archangel Gabriel, hmph God is too busy to see to such matters themself, be grateful that it is I who was tasked of imparting Gods will unto thee".

"Uh.. ok, I mean I'm not ungrateful, but like isn't that your job? Also, I just died what could you possibly want from me?" "You dare talk back to me! hmph whatever, *I suppose your task is punishment enough*". "Wait what did you say? Also you haven't told me what God wants from me yet".

"Then listen and listen well! for God has chosen you for the holy task of spreading love and understanding to a cruel world!" "Love and understanding? Cruel world? This sounds like a hassle, can't I just go to heaven instead? I've always wanted to meet people like Tupac and George Washington"

"Tsk you! You would dare defy the will of God?! Do you even realize how rare it is for a human to be instilled with purpose by the creator?! "To hell with purpose! I was living a perfectly good life until I was crushed by a fucking refrigerator! Either send me to heaven or send me back!"

"How dare! You remark profanity! , Make light of Gods will! , And make demands of me! I was going to make your journey a smooth one, but I suppose a miscreant like you would like it rough, have a great time! I think you'll find your new life truly suited to you *giggle*"

"Wait no! Please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Go easy on me! Don't…