
please reset the booktitle Trey_Hartman 20231218092329 33

Trey_Hartman · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Examination day

Trey Wolf and Anthony wu get ready for the first Trial of the examination examiner lu Wong explains the first trial it's going to be physical straight each participant how to pick up a stone tiles which weighs 100

pounds and the minimum for passing the first trail is three stone Tiles Participate will be called in groups trey Wolf and Anthony wu we're both in group 7 It's been an hour group 7 is finally called Trey Wolf and Anthony wu go to the platform and begin their trial trey Wolf Lifts four stone tiles with ease and try's lift three more still not struggling he tries to lift two more he can't get one and Anthony wu Lifts six stone tiles and can't lift anymore so Trey wolf pass is the first trial let's 700 pounds strength and Anthony wu passes with 600 pounds of strength And with that the first trial is done with A hundred Being in each group and they're only being 500 lift examiner lu Wong Took all passing participants to the next trial platform Second trial is Combat experience each group participates will fight against A grade two Spirit beast In defeat it.