
What is a girl like her doing with a billionaire like him?!

Madelyn's Pov

I turned around. There he was Leonardo busy admiring me in my new look. "You look so beautiful," he repeated. "Wow thanks Mr. Billionaire didn't know I would look good in it either," I said. "Abosolutely fantastic! Let me guess you really love this one?" asked Leo. "I seriously do Mr Billionaire! I do," I sighed. "But how much is it Leonardo? Must be so expensive," I was now curious. The design, patterns, colour was incredible and the gold looked like pure gold. But you never know how designers use coated gold sometimes...to make it seem like real gold.

"Its definitely expensive!" exclaimed Leonardo, "Its real gold so definitely!" he added. "Wait what? Like...for real?" I doubted that. "Trust me. Don't worry you not the first one to doubt that. Many people do. Even I did the first time at Regina's store. But until I actually found out." He could be probably right. It didn't look coated at all. That realistic. It could most probably be true besides Regina's work has always been unique. That's why her outfits are always expensive.

We finally went to pay. I couldn't let Leonardo pay alone. It made me feel guilty. He's the one who invited me was the excuse he used against me but I still had to pay something.

Leonardo's Pov

I was going through social media the next morning. When suddenly I found already drama created by Mia! Obviously as an Allison fan girl she had to make sure she gets Allison's attention.

Hatred comments were flooding on social media about Madelyn and how she is trying to steal me away from Allison. "A girl like her low life most probably she thinks she can compete with Allison? Come on help me guys is this serious? He can rebuke Allison but he goes out shopping with Madelyn?!!" A bunch of people agreed with her and some few disputed that. "If he wants to be with Madelyn then let him be. Why won't you guys leave the poor girl alone?" asked one guy.

The media started attacking him! Poor guy was only trying to help but was attacked by Allison and her fans! Makes you think how Allison is now famous. It was like she's on top now. I remember the time when no one knew her. She used to hide behind my shadow till I put her to the light. My love my everything. I said to her, "don't fear." Whatever was mine was hers. Including the fame repetition I had.

But neither did I realise, she only desired for the money and fame. Those are two things she can never give back. Whether together or broken up she's now a celebrity and she's a celeb because of me not her own efforts.

I finally started intervening in the drama. I couldn't let them back bite Madelyn like that. One thing about being famous is that people don't know how to leave your business alone. No matter how private the matter is. It will soon be out in the public.

Seems Madelyn had read the comments too and realised this for she came out. "Allison is at it again?" She asked. "No Mia started it then Allison now again," I told her. She looked pissed more than ever like she wanted to punch something! "They just can't leave me alone!!!" She was sounding very frustrated. "But dont worry I intervened. So they can shut up now!" I showed her the phone.

"Aww thanks Mr Billionaire but please allow me to fight me on my own."

Madelyn's Pov

I walked into the mall. All eyes were on me. What was going on? Whispers…"Look at her," said one guy. "Yes wonder what she was doing with Leonardo that day." I don't like taking nonsense so of course I approached them.

Today they will see me. "Hey whatsupp?" I gave them a surprise! They jumped in shock! "Hi," said the girl trying to act natural, "may we help you?" She asked casually. "Yes can you please do me a big favour?" The girl rolled her eyes. Her friend, boyfriend, brother whatever he was responded. "What is the favour?" "I'm glad you asked. Mind to stop gossiping? Especially in this public place where I can literally hear you." My voice dropped to a whisper.

"Oh," the girl burst out laughing. "You sound pathetic Madelyn! You even come demand us to silence ourselves this is my mouth I will speak! Up supposed to be cautious about yourself look at you! Tryna make yourself as if you on top!" She mocked me. "Its good to have high self esteem but you must know where you belong," the guy commented.

Just before I could speak Allison entered the right time I should say! She pushed through. No respect! Didn't even greet her precious fans that were fighting for her all this time. "Now isn't that funny Mady? That's what they call you?" She burst out laughing. Damn! How I wish she could hear herself! She sounded like a monkey. Pretty but no manners at all.

"So look around? Who's on your side? Nobody likes you even though Leo approves of you. And when your fans hate you it sucks!" She gritted her teeth. Sarcastic! Because I didn't have any fans!!! "And so whats your deal Allison? I'm not after fame like you," this striked! I could see the shocked expression on her face! "I'm just a girl he invited as his date nothing more. I'm not trying to get to him. He doesn't want to go with Eleanor that's why!!!"

"What...a maid???!" Everyone looked at us because the queen of attention had spoken! Cameras out! Journalists were surrounding us but we dared not to speak! I had a plan though. Yes, to save both of us otherwise the internet would be flooding with unnecessary gossip and made up stories. I couldn't let my father see this.

In the bathroom…

"Oh God…" "Shh," I silenced her. "They could be still out there." She obeyed like an obedient child. As if nothing happened between us as if we had reconciled and nothing happened. Coward! That's what I call it! Wasn't she the girl who just exposed me out there? Wasn't she the one complaining that I stole her man? And now look...who needs my help? In the presence of journalists she suddenly loses her ego.

After all that drama I went home hoping that the journalists had zero news about that. But to my surprise...even the little information they heard they could make a big story out of it. Leonardo was watching the news that even when I greeted him his eyes couldn't get off the t.v. "Hey I'm greeting you!" I was now frustrated. "You got into a fight again with Allison?" Oh wow is that all he could say? I know he was right but really…? "Hey I greeted you. Is this how you respond?" I asked him.

"Madelyn we in deep soup now! I need you to stop fighting with Allison you exposing yourself even more. Rather try to avoid her," he said. " I understand but...I can't let them talk to me like that I-"

Ring ring* before I could finish my phone started ringing. Now which idiot will be calling me now in the middle of an important conversation?! When I answered…

"Oh, hey Dad!"