
please reset the booktitle Matthew_racheal 20231218092329 24

Ava pov Working as a personal assistant to an egomaniac, self centered, jerk for 5 years isn't as easy as it seems it makes you look like his errand manger and not his assistant. I doubt the moron even knows my name. I'm like a shadow at his behind always cleaning up all sorts of mess....until I couldn't take it anymore so I quit and fucker act like he doesn't even care!!! Until one sweet sunny day he comes and proposes a sweet juicy deal And that got me thinking a sweet deal and an opportunity for my revenge ... hell yeah!

Matthew_racheal · Urbano
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4 Chs

Chapter one Ava's pov

Ava's pov

life of a personal assistant isn't always an easy job to come by, sure its pays well but sometimes you just wanna curl up inside a hold and just die.

you don't get to have free time to do whatever you want, you don't get to go out and meet friends,you don't even get to be in a relationship stupid right?

well, my name is Ava and I've been a personal assistant to mr Asher Blake for the past 5 years and not once has that selfish bastard called me by my name. it's like I'm invisible to him and I really hate it, but over the course of time it's kinda something I don't mind and seem to be less concerned about.

Right now it's 5:40 AM in the morning and I'm already at mr Asher Blake residence and as perks of being his P.A I know his security code so I just let myself in.

even though Asher Blake is a multimillionaire,

he really likes his privacy so he moved out from his father's mansion and bought a penthouse at the top of a hotel building and before you asked yes ,he comes from a line of billionaires, he's dad is freakishly rich.

placing his coffee down at the table ,I went to pick up his clothes from his walk in closet in his closet room because As his personal assistant, it's my duty to pick out his clothes and what not he would wear why? because it's personal and it's my job.

I pick a navy blue suit with matching pants and a Rolex watch and lay them out for him to see them and wear. it's already 6:00am which means Mr jerkface has woken up.

yeah that's what we're calling him, atleast I'm calling him jerkface.

so as usual I'm at his bottom of his stairs with a tray filled with his coffee and Advil, in record time he steps out only clothed in a towel wrapped around his waist.

if you were thinking that Asher Blake was a middle man with a pruding belly you thought wrong . Mr jerkface is a real definition of what you called a sexy god, his toned skin,his jet black hair that feels so silky and smooth that my hands are always aching to touch, his hard defined abs ,those muscles that always manages to flex in every way possible.

when I first started working as his assistant I literally drowled all over the floor and I still do but always in secret.

first rule in the personal assistant handbook: don't lust over your employer , that's bad business.

"good morning Mr Blake" I maintain my never failing smile as I greet him only to get groan as his response.

c'mon I mean a simple hello won't hurt and I mentally curse him for that as always when he ignores me it's like I little pain reliever when ever I'm ignored.

he took the pain reliever and coffee and went in to dress up while I went to clean his latest mess in the bedroom,and by mess I mean his one night stand currently sleeping naked on his king size bed.

straightening my pencil black skirt I sighed trying to boost the air of confidence in me, I lightly tapped her to wake her up.

I really hate this side of the job but it's personal so it's my job.

I took a deep breath and tapped her again and when she woke, I carefully explained to her that she's just a fling and nothing good was going to come out of this and she took it well without biting my head or even tearing my arm off like some of his other messes would have done.

After she left, I disposed the bedding because Asher Blake never used the same thing twice and that includes sleeping on a bed that he used for his sex escapades.

the last time I forgot to dispose them, I couldn't stop crying for a week.

I cringe in fear as the thoughts came back but I shaked it off and went down to find Mr jerkface crossed legged in the dining room eating breakfast while looking through his tablet,so I stood beside him till he was done like always.

second rule of the personal assistant handbook: never wear heels.

the first day I tried them on I had blisters for a week why?,

cause you must always be at his beck and call whenever he needs something and really dislikes waiting for someone or anything at all.

"what are my schedule for this morning?" he asks draining down the last bit of his coffee.

"you have a meeting with the board of directors today at 11:30 then a lunch meeting with your mother at 1, and all other appointments are suitated at 4." I answered.

third rule of the personal assistant handbook: always have your employer schedule memorized.

he nods in understanding as he stands up and faced me while I straighten up his tie which I do almost Everytime cause he really hates wearing a tie but has to because of work.

the weird thing in all of this is that I have a mighty huge crush on him. I mean I always get butterflies whenever I'm in close contact with him. and believe me have always tried getting him to notice me but over the past years it's just figured it's wrong cause guys like him never notices girls like me and what I'm dreaming will never happen.

so I keep my emotions in check, all bottled in the darkest part of my heart never to see broad daylight again.

fourth rule: never ever have a crush on your handsome as hell employer it will only be bad for your health.

I shake myself out of my thoughts as I took a step back. " all done sir". he touches it and nods in affirmation as he leaves with me following closely behind him.