
please reset the booktitle Johnie_Lattea_1424 20231218092329 7

Johnie_Lattea_1424 · Livros e literatura
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I have what?

It was like any other day…. Johnie goes too work at Chang gas station.. he works day by day hoping to save enough Money to move out of his small apartment.

Emily said "hey Johnie what are you doing after work" Johnie thought for a few minutes then answered "nothing much just gonna go home and relax.. what about you?"

Emily thought for a minute then said "nothing much just gonna relax… just like you"

As Emily and Johnie part ways Johnie walks across the road while doing so a car was speeding by. And Emily yells "Johnie watch out!!"

By the time Johnie heard Emily.. it was already too late.. the car that was speeding by hit Johnie and then it drove off.

Emily said " No Johnie…. Someone call an ambulance"

Johnie's Manager Lisa Seen the whole thing.. and So Lisa called an ambulance and not shortly after the ambulance came and took him too the hospital.

Lisa said too everyone "does anyone know if Johnie has any family or anyone too contact?"

Emily spoke up and said " No Johnie is the Last of his Family"

Lisa said "oh that is very sad too hear"

While Johnie was in the Hospital he heard a voice in His head (Host Detected…. Binding..25%….50%….80%….100%…)

Johnie(Hello ?)

(G.O.A.S.- Hello Host I am the God Of All Systems…. I have chosen you too be my Master… and there is No restrictions at all Host.)

Johnie( Really can you Heal all of my injuries and give me super strength and make me immortal… and Give me A bank Card With Infinite Money?)

G.O.A.S. ( of course Host…Ding….all injuries have been Healed…. Undergoing changes Now…25%…50%…75%….100%…. Changes Complete)

Johnie( oh the bank card is in my Hand.. Ok… Hey system give Emily a Infinite Money System without restrictions and make her Immortal as well)

G.O.A.S. ( of course Host)

Emily(Ding…Infinite Money system is binding too Host…25%….55%…..75%….90%…..100%…binding is Complete… Now undergoing changes…25%…50%….80%…..100%…..changes complete)

Emily(huh am I tired or hallucinating or something?)

Emily( I.M.S.- Host isn't tired or anything.. I am real.. check your right pocket for a black bank card with your name on it)

Emily reached in her pocket and pulls out the black bank card with her name on it.

Emily(so I really am Rich Now?)

Emily(I.M.S.- host is beyond Rich… and your immortal as well)

Emily(well I can believe it… I better go and check on Johnie Now.)

Emily- huh? Your up and awake and already dressed?

Doctor- he some how managed too fully heal he already signed the release forms.. and sir the total is $789,000.00 Are you paying with cash or card?

Johnie- I'll use my card..

Doctor- very well sir enter your card here

Johnie- ok… (Ding…. Your Payment was Successful)

Doctor- thank you sir.. if you get hurt or anything again… please feel free too come again..

Johnie- nah I'm gonna do my best too stay out of the Hospital.

Johnie and Emily makes it too the lobby.

Lisa- Hey Johnie.. how you feeling?

Johnie- good…. What are you doing here?

Lisa- just checking up on you too make sure your ok.. are you sure your ok..

Johnie- yes I'm Positive

Johnie-is that all Lisa?

Lisa- did your bill get settled ?

Johnie-yes I paid it

Lisa- you paid a few hundred thousand just like that?

Johnie- yea… what about it?

Lisa-nothing just asking(he can't be rich can he?)

Johnie- Emily did you drive here? Since I don't have a vehicle yet.

Emily- you have your license don't you?

Johnie-yes I do..

Emily- my car is a 2023 Dodge Charger that just come out. I still owe a bunch on it though lol.

Johnie- Right…. Well we'll see you later Lisa.

Johnie-Hey Emily Mind Taking me Shang Lo International dealership?

Emily- sure Johnie… but an't that a super car dealership?

Johnie-it sure is. I'm gonna buy a 2023 Pagani Zonda

Emily Drives Johnie too Shang Lo International Dealership…

Emily and Johnie arrives at Shang Lo … they park and walk into the dealership…