
please reset the booktitle Fulmineboltex 20231218092329 72

Ready to swallow the light? In September 2019, the world was thrown into chaos as a monster invasion began to overthrow everything we know – morals, politics, science and society. In the midst of this upheaval, a young man named Deimos finds himself at the center of it all. Despite his cynical nature, he must navigate this new reality and figure out how to adjust to this new environment. Disclamer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Fulmineboltex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

20 - Weapon Training

Once again an awkward silence descended on the room. Kohaku spoke first, "Since everything is settled, I have a request. I want to challenge Samuel to a spar, with awakened abilities allowed."

Albert quickly interjected, "And why should he accept? Not only that seems incredibly dangerous, but I also fail to see what either side would gain from this."

Kohaku remained resolute, "There's something I need to verify. On paper, I'm considered the strongest awakened in Italy, but I want to know if that's true. Samuel isn't registered, so he may even have a higher mana density than me. Besides, numbers only tell part of the story. Through my MMA experience, I know that only a fight can truly determine who is stronger." Kohaku's eyes flickered with excitement as she spoke.

"So you are like a little kid that just wants to find out her limits."

"What did you just call me?" Her forehead vein almost popping in anger.

Lele stepped forward "I think this might be a good idea, I'm not a competitive nutball like you, but I would like to know what my limits are as well."

"Then it's settled!"

"Settled my ass." Albert spoke. "Since you are a celebrity and all, I'm sure you have something to offer in exchange."

'This guy is unbelievable. First, he feigns that he doesn't know who I am, but as soon as my fame can be useful, he uses it against me.' She thought, feeling annoyed. Then she asked, "How much do you want?"

"Actually, I'm not looking for money."

"Then what?"

"I would like to utilize your connections. As you mentioned, you used to practice MMA, and I was hoping you might know someone who could teach us how to use archaic weapons. It goes without saying that we need to keep this a secret."

Kohaku's expression turned smug. "I do. Not only are we related, so I can vouch for his discretion, but he's also the one who taught me how to dual wield my daggers. However..." Her face turned serious. "I don't have the best relationship with him, and his methods are brutal. I wouldn't recommend it."

Albert inquired, "How much of an expert is he?"

Kohaku pondered for a moment before responding, "It's hard to say for sure, but if I had to guess, I'd say he's at least in the top 5 in the world."

Albert scratched his chin, pondering over the situation. 'If this teacher is as good as she claims, it could be a tremendous opportunity for us. But given her expression earlier, there must be some serious bad blood between them.'

He turned to the group and spoke up, "This decision is too important for me to make alone. What do you all think?"

After a bit of thinking, Mase suggested, "Why don't we delay our final decision? Once Kohaku introduces us to him, we can determine if we want him to be our teacher or not."

"That seems reasonable." Finn added.

They all nodded in agreement and Albert relayed their decision to Kohaku.

"Can we spar now?" Kohaku's battle enthusiasm returned, but Albert remained skeptical.

"Slow down, I still don't trust you. How do I know you'll keep your word? Take us to your teacher first."

Kohaku challenged, "Why wouldn't the same apply to you guys?"

Exasperated, Albert gestured to Lele behind him. "Do you really think he's capable of lying or breaking a promise?"

Kohaku studied Lele's friendly face and relented, "I guess you're right."


On a road in the middle of the Alps, a limousine was transporting 6 people.

Mase couldn't help but marvel at the luxury of the limousine's interior. He sank into the plush leather seats, feeling the smooth surface against his skin. The carpet under his feet was so soft it felt like walking on clouds. The ambient lighting was warm and inviting, casting a soft glow on everything in the car. The tinted windows provided complete privacy, shielding them from the outside world.

But what really caught Mase's attention was the sheer amount of space available. Despite the six people already seated inside, iit felt that not even half of the space was occupied. 'Just how loaded is she?'

Meanwhile Lele and Finn were doing their best to restrain themself from running around inside the vehicle.

Albert grew suspicious after three hours of driving and commented, "The location seems rather strange, and we've been in this vehicle for quite some time. Are you sure you aren't planning to get rid of us?"

Kohaku replied with a dull tone, "Trust me on this one. I wouldn't want to go there either."

Finally, after driving through the middle of nowhere, a small lodge came into view. "We have arrived." Jennifer stated. As the car's engine was turned off and it came to a stop, Lele and Finn eagerly rushed out. "Ah, finally some fresh air!" Lele exclaimed. "I thought I was going to die if I had to stay in that car for one more second." Finn added.

A man in his seventies was waiting near the wooden door. He stood tall and straight, with broad shoulders and a lean frame that spoke of years of dedicated physical fitness. His sharp, chiseled features were set in a stern expression, as if he was always ready to take charge and command respect. Deep wrinkles etched his face, tracing the lines of a life well-lived, and his hair was a shock of silver-white that was perfectly groomed. Despite his age, his eyes shone with an intense energy and his movements were quick and purposeful, revealing a vitality that belied his years.

"So," he growled in a low tone, "the rebel has finally returned to her nest?"

"In your dreams, you old fart." Kohaku's hostile tone left no doubt about her feelings towards the person in front of her.

"You're as disrespectful as ever. The only reason that could bring you here is to ask for something, am I right?" The man inquired.

"Correct, but could we talk inside?"

The lodge was a rustic wooden cabin, nestled in the midst of towering pines. Its roof, adorned with slate tiles, added a touch of elegance to the otherwise simple structure. Upon entering the main room, the guests were greeted with a spartan interior, furnished only with a rough-hewn table carved from a massive tree trunk and a few chairs. The scent of freshly cut wood mingled with the warmth emanating from the fireplace, casting a cozy ambiance throughout the space.

The old man served some warm tea and said "I'm sorry if my hospitality is poor, but I'm not exactly used to have visitors."

"You know I wondered if you… you know" Kohaku was interrupted

"Get to the point, leave that fussy speech to politicians."

"These four want to train on specific weapons.They are awakened and they want to keep it a secret."

"Why should I train four strangers and keep it a secret?" The tension in the air rose.

"Because you are my grandfather, and as your only granddaughter, I am asking for a favor." Kohaku said. She resented the man, but she also knew him very well and understood that he always prioritized blood and family above everything else.

"Even if I were to accept, do you think they can handle my training methods?" He replied.

Kohaku deliberated for a few moments before delivering her verdict. "That's not up to me. I made a deal with them: once you agree to train them, my part of the bargain is fulfilled. Whether or not they can handle it is up to them."

"Very well, then let's start right away. You seem to be the most promising. What's your name, kid?" He asked, looking directly at Lele.

Lele awkwardly responded, "My name is Lele, but Kohaku is wrong. Only my three friends are here to train. Actually, I need to return to Turin as soon as possible because I already have a teacher."

"What? Why don't you want to learn under my wing? I'm sure Kohaku has told you how qualified I am."

"That's because he isn't going to learn how to fight with a weapon for now." Albert chipped in.

"That's it? It's true that I am more of a weapon expert, but my martial art knowledge is nothing to scoff at."

"Can you be a better coach than Luca Dellucci? And besides, isn't it considered rude to ask someone's name before introducing yourself first?" Albert asked.

The man was taken aback. He was used to being treated with great respect, but this young man was openly criticizing him. As a result, both of them felt a mutual dislike towards each other.

"Yes, that was rude. My name is Osvaldo Venturi, and my family has been producing weapon masters for generations. I haven't heard the surname Dellucci in quite a while. He's notoriously known for being ill-tempered, but if the lad is interested in boxing, he's a better teacher than me."

After the conversation, Kohaku, Jennifer, and Lele returned to the car. As they were leaving, Kohaku leaned in and whispered to Albert, "Good luck, you'll need it." Although not said maliciously, Albert couldn't help but feel reminded of his inferior combat skills compared to the others.

After they disappeared from sight, a nearly sadistic expression crossed Osvaldo's face. "Now, let's get started."

Longest chapter yet.

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